Barony of Southron Gaard
Council Minutes: Apr 99

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April 1999

Barony of Southron Gaard
April Council Minutes
6 April 1999

Present: Bns Eleonora, Bn Sigurd, Ms Cristia, THL Tycho, THL Ethelind, THL
Lughaid, L Iulianna, L Richard, THL Vitale, L Edward, L Jarnulfr, L Ayeshah, L
Apologies: none

Previous Minutes: 2 March 1999
Business arising: Signage quotes: A frame with white board is $70.  We have a
lot of signs that are not being used (putting the small neon signs in the feast box
might promote use of these).  We could probably make a plywood sigh cheaper. 
Will reconsider when current signs start getting used.  Business cards:  Adele is
to bring a suggested design to the next meeting - should include SCA, web
address, P.O. Box, and a descriptive line, and include a medieval graphic.

Officers Reports
Baron and Baroness: Discussed the TV1 and TV3 requests for news items on us.

TV1 (Holmes Show) will be at First Feast.  Asked to hold court in Wellington,
following this up with caution, looking at precedent.  Any recommendations or
comments re court please give these directly to the B&B.  Finished first part of
the eric, looking at making the tabards now.  Held three courts at Anniversary
and gave out the last of the AoA's.  Investing the A&S Champion at First Feast.
Seneschal: (Cristia) Lots of correspondence with stewards this month, watch for
events coming up. Talking with B&B and stewards and organising the TV1 demo
at First Feast.  Received quarterly reports from the Marshal and A&S.  Awaiting
RF seneschal's report before sending quarterly report to Kingdom.  Almost
completed the stewards pack.  Busy with stewards, events, and newcomers
activities.  Please note, we had a problem at Anniversary where the steward
made arrangements that were countermanded by someone else, and this resulted
in 10 people losing their tickets for the feast.  Please do not contradict the
arrangements that a steward has made - if you have any questions about them,
contact the steward your self for clarification.
Marshal: (Tycho) Quarterly report out to Kingdom.  Sorting out loaner armour
for new fighters.  Gave a job description to Theuns.  Triple elimination tourney
in the heat is too much!  Need a new lists officer, esp one who is not fighting. 
Fighters practices going well, lots of keen new fighters.  Richard is to follow up
on getting ballroom for fighters practice in the holidays - maybe a good will gift
for the security guard.
Exchequer: (Richard) Out $1637.65, In $339.38.  Balances: General a/c
$1192.28 FTT $580.98 COH $167.  Canterbury Faire money not yet in, to be
followed up immediately.  Also, all stewards to ensure they get ticket money, esp
cheques to the exchequer for banking as soon as possible - don't wait til after the
event! Society exchequer says we are not included in the US tax report. 
Quarterly report done. 

Herald: (Lughaid) Article for FTT, COH mins in - order name and badge
(general) for the Barony accepted.  Did court at Anniversary, Fleur de Gallant
and AoA awarded, and Champions invested.
Arts and Sciences: (Iulianna) Kingdom A&S officer replied to introductory
letter.  Pentathlon stuff received, working on entries.  Final A&S Championship
round, new champion, Sinech to be invested at First Feast.
Constable: (Vitale) Quotes for small CO2 extinguisher 1kg, $62.75 +GST -
discount.  Sigurd to purchase.  Fire blanket expensive $52 and may not be
reusable so won't bother (use a pot lid!).  Training courses are a no-go.
Chronicler: (Edward?) FTT is at the printers, late cos of Easter, will be out
Captain of Archers: (Jarnulfr) We have a free practice ground at Kirkwood
Intermediate (we will do them a demo later).   Have made targets.  Working on
an authorised archers list. Valerian has donated a rattan tripod.
Chirugeon: (Ethelind) No problems at Anniversary, awaiting the return of ice
from Sigurd!  Receiving good feedback from fighters at practice.
Quartermaster: (Ethelind)  Waiting for Anniversary stuff to be returned.  Not all
banners returned yet.  Bruce brothers have the crenellated red hangings.  Officers
please get a list to the quartermaster of the items in your possession e.g. eric.
Reannag Fhara: (Richard) A&S meetings going well, lots of newcomers, very
interested.  Thanks to Sigurd, Tycho and Jarnufr for organising meetings and
practices or newcomers.  Update on A&S classes, officers (new ones invested at
First Feast), and events.

Event Reports
Anniversary: (Ayeshah) Congratulations to the stewards on a good event,
everything went well. $765 in $59 out $175 surplus.  Small amount of lost and
found.  Serving the left overs next day worked well.  Off-board went ok, but was
a bit confusing.  Recommendations for stewards pack made (and in hand).
Ball: (Ethelind) Event proposal in.  Friday night is at the UCSA ballroom.

Requires a $20 cheque (to get from Richard) for cheap chicken that's on special
this week.  A number of visitors from Wellington expected, they will do a demo.

Collegium: (Eleonora and Sigurd) WEA booked.  Proposal put forward and
accepted.  See Sigurd's apple fritters!  Much discussion and ideas for classes. 
Maybe on-line registration forms.
ME mid-winter: (Adele) Looking at first week In July.  Will have proposal at
next meeting
Other:  Easter weekend 2000 suggested by Cristia as ideal for an event (April
21-24).  First Feast will move to May in 2000 to better fit with Anniversary and
new University term.

General Business
Tent waterproofing: Need another lot of waterproofer, $17 approved.
Travel Fund: Was agreed to, amount discussed. Agreed on US$100
(approximately NZ$200).  Will reassess amount in future reigns.  To go the
incoming K&Q, gifts to the outgoing K&Q.

Meeting closed at 9.52 pm


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