Barony of Southron Gaard
Council Minutes: Mar 99

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March 1999

Barony of Southron Gaard
March Council Minutes
2 March 1999

Present: Bns Eleonora, Bn Sigurd, Ms Cristia, THL Tycho, THL Ethelind, THL
Lughaid, L Iulianna, S Sebastian, L Ceina, L Richard, THL Vitale, L Heloise, L
Apologies: THL Therese, Ms Madelein
Previous Minutes: 2 Feb 1999
Business arising: Iulianna to obtain quotes for signage.

Officers Reports
Baron and Baroness: Possibility an An Tiran and some Lochacians might be
moving to Dunedin, and someone from Caid may be coming to Christchurch.  Leif
has started a household somewhere to the North.  Received a thank you letter
from the Nelson Medieval Guild for CF and have replied.  Waterproofed most of
the Baronial Pavilion.  Will be holding court at CF.  Investigated cost of business
cards: print your self $32.61 +GST and $40 cartridge for 100.  Found quotes for
pre printed cards: 250 (Allprint) $67+GST one colour - $205+GST for three
colour.  Looking for quotes for full colour cards.  Discussed baronial awards
with Herald.  Newcomers and visitors tokens to be provided by chatelaines
Seneschal: (Cristia)  new regnum (including changes) to CP and FTT, updated
CINCH database.  Lots of discussion with event stewards this month.  Working
on stewards info pack - produced event proposal form, site report form, etc. 
Will be available soon.  Worked on a new updated Welcome to the SCA for
here.  Have several bids for events this year.  Working on new Eric with
Baroness this month.  Lord Simon would like to be in charge of the boffer
equipment, this was OKed by  council.
Exchequer: (Richard)  Tax assessment in - nothing to pay, but nothing yet in
writing confirming our tax status.  Domesday still not in yet, have contacted Caid
exchequer and seneschal, will contact Society exchequer if nothing happens. 
Balances: General $2786.31  FTT$435.22, $65 coh.  Started event tracking
database today.
Constable: (Vitale) Copy of Gaius' Domesday report in.  Spent $19.90 on
rubbish bins, $9.90 on buckets, to be reimbursed.  No major issues at CF, only 2
tents needed flagging.  Firebuckets turned up at CF.  Sigurd purchased a  bigger
extinguisher at a reduced price.  Looking for fire blanket and aerosol extinguisher
for kitchen kit., Sigurd to price.
Marshal: (Tycho) One major armour failure at CF, no other problems.  Heavy.
Light and mixed authorizations - good to see metal weapons people putting effort
into learning rules, very commendable.  CF went well, but we could do with
more non-fighting marshals, and more fighters taking turns at marshaling. 
Working on first quarterly report.  Light armour supplied for marshals suggested,
but too expensive for too little return.
Arts and Sciences: (Iulianna)  Sent introduction letter to Kingdom.  Baronial
Championship advertisement in FTT.  Arts classes and LPG at CF.  Pentathlon
stuff not yet arrived from Kingdom.
Herald: (Lughaid)  Court at CF, Cristia and Edward to cover rest of time when
unable to be there.  One AoA presented.  Rev John Bluck sent letter Oking our
use of the Canterbury Cross.  Heralding at RF's First Feast.  Discussed baronial
awards with B&B.  These are in process, except "long distance" award for
which we have no name or device design yet.  Discussion ensued, bridge was
favoured option.
Chirugeon: (Ethelind)  CF went well, only one written up incident - watch your
goblets for wasps!
Quartermaster: (Ethelind)  Still awaiting stuff form CF.  Washcloths have not
been returned yet.  Plastic buckets appeared out of nowhere, possible from the
Bruce's?   Stated a record book to track everything.  Officers please give the
quartermaster a list of the things you hold as part of your office.
Chronicler: (Ulf?) No bills in from printers yet.  Subs in this month $105 + $15,
some haven't renewed.  Newsletter swap with St. Florians.  Domesday report to
be done.
Reannag Fhara: (Richard) Clubs day has been changed to 10/11/12 March.

Having trouble with the room bookings at varsity.  First meeting is Thursday 11
March 7.30pm LCR.  Discussion ensued on arrangements for fighters practice
and A&S.  Did demo for TVNZ.  Thuens to be marshal.  First Feast moved to 17
April due to site double booking.
Captain of Archers: (Jarnulfr) membership being sent off asap.  Looking for
archery practice site alternative as the uni wants to charge for Homestead green
$240 a year.

Event Reports
Canterbury Faire: (Bastian, et al)  Cash on hand to bank, and receipts to go to
Richard.  $5691.50 in, $313 from Fighter Auction Tourney.  All expenses under
budget except bus on which we lost $40, only 8/10 people used the bus. 
Hirequip honoured our tent booking after the last company went bust.  Out $3800,
with surplus of $1865.27.  T-shirts were sold for less, as they cost less to print. 
Will debrief at next council meeting, and decide what to do with the FA tourney
money as well.  Suggest that the library could do with some good costuming
Anniversary: (Ayeshah)  Homestead Green for the tourney and archery at no
charge.    Arranging marshals and Lists (Tycho and Vitale) and picking up gear
from Ethelind's.  Menu confirmed but no budget presented - Ayeshah and Richard
to go over this in next day or two.  Some concern over large discount for
newcomers, but this is for their first event only, and cheap recruiting.  Letter of
Intent for tourney and archery due by Wednesday, A&S documentation for
Sunday before.
Ball: (Ethelind) going well.  Looking for practice site the night before - varsity,
St Mikes?  Heloise to check on uni.  Cost is $10 for both evenings and supper. 
Masks are encouraged, theme is love!
Bids: to come - Collegium (Eleonora and Sigurd), Beltaine (Chretienne), Middle
Eastern event ? (Adele).

General Business
Newsletter Exchanges: chronicler checking to see if newsletter exchanges still

Cash Box: Richard to check if old cash box still available for events.  Security is
an issue, please use box at events.
Library: Iulianna could take the library, and willing to catalogue.  We could rent
all of the garage and there would be room for the library.  Suggestions new
costuming books needed.  Library task-force formed to initially go through
library, toss out out-of-date or useless materials, and suggest purchases for the
library, and catalogue it.  Then a decision will be made on where it will go. 
Task-force - Eleonora, Cristia, Lughaid, Adele, Iulianna, Amie / Bastian. 
Meeting to be set by Cristia.
Quotes: if you are seeking quotes for expenditure, please get three quotes so we
aren't getting ripped off by big business!
Meeting closed at 9.55 pm


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Last updated: 1 August 1999. Copyright © 1997-98. Permission granted to reprint in non-commercial publications. Please contact me in other cases.

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