Barony of Southron Gaard

In addition to the Regnum, or list of officers, this page also contains a list of non-officer contacts so I can centralise all the addresses on the site.

Baron and Baroness
The ceremonial heads of Southron Gaard

Their Excellencies Callum McLeod and Chretienne de Haverington (Bob and Rachel Bain)



Seneschal - Herald - Marshal - Arts & Sciences - Chronicler - Chatelaine - Constable - Exchequer - Lists - Chirurgeon - Quartermaster - Captain of Archers - Master of Revels

In charge of general day-to-day administration and paperwork

Sir Vitale Giustiniani (Peter Grooby)

Tour d'Or Herald
In charge of official heraldry and ceremonies

Lord Duncan Kerr (Robert Garnett)

In charge of heavy fighting, particularly safety aspects

Lord Michael vomme Harze (Theuns Verwoerd)

Arts and Sciences
Encourages the creative and research aspects of the group


Produces the newsletter

Baroness Sinech ingen Conchobair ui Briuin (Lila Richards)

Welcomes and assists newcomers

Lady Arabella Griswald the Grey (Betty Murie)

Looks after lost property, amongst other duties

In charge of money

Mistress Madelein Cereis de Toulouse (Ros Calvert)

Administers the list of authorised fighters

Lord Geoffrey FitzWilliam (Andrew Murie)

First aid person

Lady Rosanella Soranzo (Jenny Ravenscroft)

Quartermaster and garb hire
Manages group property

Lord Angus de Sommerville (Alan "Spud" Welch)
(after midday);

Captain of Archers
Encourages archery; responsible for range safety

Lord Alexander von Thurn (Simeon Lodge)


Non-Officer Contacts

Lord Edward Long-hair (Phil Anderson), aka Edward the Discalceate or Edward No-shoes
Dance group, these pages

Her Ladyship Beatrice Caterina Fontanella (Amie LaRouche)

Baroness Eleonora van den Bogaerde (Simone Hindin)


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Site created and maintained by , known to some as Edward Long-hair or Edward No-shoes.
Last updated: 7 May 2004. Copyright © 1. Permission granted to reprint in non-commercial publications provided credit is given. Please contact me in other cases.

Thanks to SPIS Ltd for hosting this page.