Barony of Southron Gaard
Council Minutes: Feb 99

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February 1999

Barony of Southron Gaard
Minutes of the February 2 1999 Council Meeting

Meeting began at 7.30 pm.

Present: Bns Eleonora, Bn Sigurd, Ms Cristia, THL Tycho, S Sebastian, L Richard, L Iulianna,
THL Vitale, THL Ethelind, THL Lughaid.

Apologies: Ms Madelein, L Etienne.

Previous minutes: 5 January 1999 circulated.

Business arising: as it comes up.

The meeting began with the CF report as the steward had to leave early.

Canterbury Faire: (Bastian) 85 pre-registrations and also 9 children.  Full fire ban, but we may
use kerosene and candle lanterns and gas BBQs.  Constable to purchase 10 plastic buckets
(@$1 ea) for spare fire buckets and rubbish bins in the bathrooms and 2 (small, say around
$10) flip top lid rubbish bins for ladies bathroom areas.  Court will be 11 am Saturday
morning.  No need to buy duct tape, plenty offered if a bit is needed.  Site opens dawnish on
Thursday morning.

Officers reports.

Baron and Baroness: received four domesday reports, mostly SG ones that are outstanding.

TVNZ contacted them re us wandering around in garb 25-27 Feb, but have yet to hear back. 
Hamilton after fighters handbook -  Heinrick should have one there, Tycho to follow up.  The
Baronial Pavilion has been repaired and waterproofed - receipt to exchequer.  Bns is still
working on the photo album, please provide pics!  Volunteers sought for baronial sewing.
Seneschal: (Cristia) lots of correspondence, mostly to do with Canterbury Faire  (including
Wetafx wanting to come and videoing fighting at CF), and changeovers of officers.  Received
A&S domesday.  Kingdom notified of all officer changeovers.  Discussed plan for 99 with
Reannag Fhara - the three R's: research, re-creation and revelry.  Will in particular provide
service to all Barony via new and improved Thursday A&S workshops and fighter practices. 
Working on Welcome to SCA booklet with Heloise, autocrats pack and planning to get feast
gear expenditure finalised.
Herald: (Lughaid)  invested 12th night, send introduction to Crescent.  One AoA presented at
12th Night.  Sent submission information to Thorfyd.    Cristia to do court at CF as Lughaid
prob won't make it.  Heraldic display competition later in year poss. Beltaine. Cristia will
sponsor a heraldic garb section.
Marshal: (Tycho)  metal weapons demo to be held at CF by one of visiting groups.  This is fine
as long as it is clearly announced as a demo.  Copies of the Mixed Rules are available. 
Marshals must be members to take the files.  Authorisation cards and membership cards as
appropriate will be checked.
Arts and Sciences: (Iulianna) Letter of introduction to kingdom tomorrow.  A&S
championship stuff organised for 12th Night.  Pentathlon stuff received.
Exchequer: (Richard) domesday forms not yet in.  Changing signatories on accounts. Forms
off to IRD for tax, and a request for the tax requirements in writing.  Gen account $3233.78,
FTT account $444.20.
Chirugeon: (Ethelind) first aid kit restocked, receipts and reimbursement to exchequer.

Materials donated from Nigel ad Steve.  Discussed CF with Steve, have agreed level of
involvement.  Trying to get either of them signed on as a chirugeon.
Chatelaine: (Therese) no report.
Chronicler: (Ulf and Edward) absent, report read.  Bank called re exchequers signature on a
cheque.  Four and a third subs in this month $65. $9.50 on international postage this month. 
Lots of subscriptions run out this month, renew!
Constable: (Vitale)  Warrant confirmed from Kingdom.  Introduction to Kingdom.  Article to
FTT on CF and constables matters.  50c in for lost property, more acquired at 12th Night -
problem with people moving others belongings and these becoming lost - Do not touch
anything that is not yours - leave lost property for the autocrat and constable to deal with.  Got
quotes for a fire extinguisher - 30 sec $160, 60 sec $240.  Vitale to buy the $240
extinguisher tomorrow.  Fire blanket and aerosol extinguisher suggested for kitchen feast
gear, constable to investigate.  Will also purchase buckets for CF.  TO follow up with the fire
service re training for using extinguishers etc.
Minster of Children: (Madelein) absent, report read.  Will bring children's box to CF, and
Alexandra will help look after it.  Also will bring the children's list rope.  Will send domesday
ASAP, Alexandra hopes to take over in April.
Reannag Fhara: (Richard) Changing meetings to last Thursday in the month (starting this
month on 25 Feb at 7.30 at Richards house) to ease reporting to Barony.  During the year will
hold them on Thursday afternoons ate 5.30 pm before A&S.  First Feast ad is to PR and FTT.

Stewards Reports.
Royal Thing: receipts in finally for the feast.
12th Night: (Ethelind) 55 attended, $690 in, $521 out, $168 profit.  Problems with people
booking tickets and not turning up.  Booking and increased fee at the door worked well. 
Baronial Policy agreed on: if tickets are booked for an event, and not cancelled before the
event, then the person who booked them is liable to pay for the tickets. 

Anniversary: (Ayeshah) Richard to follow up as budget was to be presented today.
Ball: (Ethelind) tentative plan, suggested School of Music as site.  Masks may be possible.

Proposal to next meeting.

General Business.
Business Cards: Bns suggested some DIY cards that we can print through a colour printer - to
cost.  Other quotes to be sought.  Please think about how you would use theses, and what
should be on them, as this will determine number and content.  To be discussed next meeting.
Tracking event #: would be useful for future planning.  Also ticket costs, expenditure etc.

Richard to compile this information from the event report forms.  Cristia to draw up a site
report form for autocrats for we have a site file for future.
Library: should we move it.  Needs to be catalogued, needs to be where there is room, where it
is kept in good conditions and people can access it.  Del suggested as possible host for the
library.  To be discussed next meeting.

Meeting closed at 9.30 pm.


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