Barony of Southron Gaard
Council Minutes: May 99

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May 1999

Barony of Southron Gaard
May Council Minutes
4 May 1999

Present: Bns Eleonora, Bn Sigurd, Ms Cristia, THL Tycho, THL Ethelind, THL
Lughaid, L Iulianna, L Richard, L Adele.
Apologies: Vitale, Ulf, Edward.
Previous Minutes: 6 April 1999
Business arising: Fire extinguisher not yet purchased.  Travel fund money ready.

Business cards draft not yet done.

Officers Reports
Baron and Baroness: Some letters in this month.  Much discussion with John
Sellwood - the segment on Holmes was great, thanks to everyone.  Hope to make
the video available with other intro videos for newcomers and recruiting.  Held
court at First Feast and invested 3 new officers.  Quarterly seneschals report in.
Seneschal: (Cristia).  The library taskforce has / is meeting to discuss the library
overhaul.  Met with the ball and Mid Winter stewards to discuss their events. 
Two newcomers have contacted us after seeing the Holmes show.  Very positive
response all round from this segment.  Worked on a "quest" for the first feast to
involve newcomers in the event and conversation - this was very successful and
very popular.  Great idea we should use in future.  Further problems with people
second-guessing and bypassing event stewards - don't do this again!
Marshal: (Tycho) Will be doing marshals workshops, practices and
authorisations in Ildhafn later this month.  Fighters' practices are continuing at
varsity.  Re-taped the marshals' poles.  Fighters A&S classes going well.  Loaner
armour in - 4 helmets, body armour, etc.  One set out on loan last week.

Arts and Sciences: (Iulianna) No correspondence in this month.  Emailed for
clarification on some pentathlon details.  Tycho volunteers to do a drum class (at
A&S or Collegium).
Lists: nothing to report.
Exchequer: (Richard) Reply from Kingdom, travel fund id. Domesday finished
this week hopefully.  Balances - General a/c $4854.50  FTT a/c $506.28.  A few
old cheques have bounced.  Purchase travel fund cheque tomorrow.  $58.05
COH.  Event report for Canterbury Faire to be chased up.
Chirugeon: (Ethelind) Nothing much to do this month.
Quartermaster: (Ethelind)  Stuff to come in from the First Feast.  Some items
missing from further back, trying to track these down.
Herald: (Lughaid) Nothing to report at this time.
Chronicler: (Ulf) $75 in subs in this month.  Copy of domesday to seneschal.

$89 in stamps out this month.
Reannag Fhara: (Richard) Ballroom cost is $15 an hour out of term - too
expensive for hire for fighters' practice.  Richard to check on kitchen availability
for a feast.  Problems with Cass for winter weekend, investigating an alternative
site.  A&S meetings continuing, offers for next term welcome.  3 new officers,
herald resigned.  Affiliations and domesday under way.
Constable: (Vitale) no report
Captain of Archers: (Jarnulfr) no report.

Event Reports
Ball: (Ethelind) Still haven't confirmed the hall hire cost, hope to have that in
writing soon.  Looking at $200 for hall, $250 for food, and $10 for assorted
photocopying and so on.  Expect about 60 people to attend. Expecting visitors
from Wellington, Auckland and Lochac.
ME mid-winter: (Adele) 3 July, Middle Eastern theme.  Looking for site.  1001
Nights is the entertainment theme.  Looking for "Master of Revels".
Collegium: (Eleonora and Sigurd) forms are in the newsletters.
Millennium: (Cristia) event plans outlined, Omaka unavailable have booked
Rimu Park.  Sigurd suggests alternate site at Waipara, among the vineyards. 
Sigurd to check if the site is viable before we finalise plans.
Fine Foods Feast: (Chretienne) bid presented.  40 people at $21 each (with
charity sponsorship scheme!).  Bid discussed and accepted.

General Business
Baronial Cellphone: Suggested that Barony could buy a cheap cellphone on a
cheap deal for use at events - cost would be about $150 with $20 per 2 (or 6)
months running costs.  It was felt that this was very expensive and likely to be
abused or go missing.  There are other options (including not ringing the autocrat
at the last moment) and plenty of people with cell phones at events.

Meeting closed at 9.10 pm


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