Barony of Southron Gaard
Council Minutes: Dec 98

Minutes/News Page

December 1998

December 1 1998

Present: Bn Sigurd, Bns Eleonora, Bn Callum, 
Ms Cristia, THL Tycho, Sir Ulf, L Edward, L Ayeshah, Sir Sebastian, 
L Iulianna, L Richard, HL Ethelind, L Etienne, L Adele

Meeting opened 7.30 pm, December 1 1998

Apologies: Ms Madelein, L Jarnulfr, HL 
Therese, Eva, Etienne (lateness)

Previous minutes: (10 November)

Officers' Reports

Baron and Baroness: poll results came 
back, everything ok. Lots of people left St Jude's after the 
tourney (you missed out on a good evening), please stay for the event. 
Fielded information requests from Kingdom. New Royal Guards and Ladies 
in Waiting appointed -- congratulations to Vitale, Richard, 
Heloise and Chretienne. Did an interview for CHTV (hope to get a copy), 
they're keen to do something more, Bns suggests we do a demo 
event for them to film (if they get back to us). Bns did the stocktake.

Seneschal (Callum): report sent to Cara. 
Clearing mail box on Monday.

Herald (Cristia): submissions and event 
reports out, and articles in local newsletters. Getting office sorted 
to hand over (doing Domesday). Needs exchequer to get money order 
for submission fees (including Baronial submissions); will arrange 
with Richard. Please get your fees in now if you haven't paid 
them already.

Marshal (Tycho): tourney at St Jude's. 
Sebastian and Llewelyn interested in being deputies. Finally heard 
from Kingdom, but still waiting to hear on various questions.

A&S (Eva): bringing her deputy up to speed.

Chatelaine: (Terese) Hired garb to newcomers 
at Royal event, and spoke to lots of the public. Nigel, a newcomer, 
worked really hard at the event. Sent info to Cynethryth and Ildhafn. 
Preparing flyers etc for future events.

Exchequer (Richard): talked to Kingdom 
exchequer re the travel fund donation, but awaiting clarification. 
Discussed CF budget with stewards. Balances: gen a/c $2916.94, and 
FTT $591.30. $50 and thank you letter gone to Cathedral College 
for Royal Event. Computerised accounts for the year. Working on Domesday. 
Presented statistics on our accounts for the year to date. Following 
up officers and stewards with specific questions.

Lists (Etienne): St Jude's tourney, 
10 fighters, Sebastian the winner.

Chronicler (Ulf): Printers screwed up 
last issue, but it was out on time. The deadline for the next FTT 
is next Friday!!

Chirugeon (Ethelind): nothing to report. 
Should have membership sorted by the end of the week (ish). Cristia 
suggests an article on health hazards at CF for FTT -- heat 
stroke, sun burn, hypothermia, insect bites, hygiene, safe sex (thank 
you Tycho) etc. Ethelind working on such.

Constable (Gaius): no report, Vitale interested 
in the job)

Minister of Children (Madelein): no report

Captain of Archers (Jarnulfr): nothing 
doing cos of workload. Looking for a combat archery site.

Stewards' Reports

Royal Thing (Eleonora): Haven't got 
all the receipts yet from Terese, so haven't finished the accounts. 
Prob made a small loss due to the unexpectedly low turnout. Waiting 
for site bill.

Xmas Revel (Terese): Needs $100, $50 for 
site and $50 for cleaning bond. Also $20 for the pudding -- it's 
cost $30 in the past, so we suggest you give her $30. Callum donates 
brandy. Ulf running the tourney. Food to go to the Mission. Gift exchange. 
Needs transport for stuff on the day, from her place. We have the 
Scout Den all day if the weather is inclement, so bring games and 
dance music.

12th Night (Ethelind): Needs $125 for 
site. Looking for volunteers and bookings! The site is not happy for 
archery (Riccarton Bush), but ok for BBQ afterwards.

CF 99 (Sebastian et al): a few registrations 
in, some overseas, Auckland interest. Pushing sub stewards for more 
details for arrangements and budget. Discussion of budget ensued. 
Will need cheque soon for printing booklet. Chirugeon space in tent 
(if repaired), in chapel -- steward's point. Sub autocrats 
and officers getting their bits organised. Callum to get the cleaning 
products (and tent poles and signs) and equipment to Ethelind's 
place, autocrats to use this before buying more.

Event Proposals

Baronial Anniversary III (Ayeshah): Theme 
is early France. Feast and arts competition Sat 27 March Deerstalkers' 
Hall. Tourney and archery site to be determined (Homestead Green?). 
$15 ticket (under 12 half price, under 5 free). Reduced cost for newcomers 
($10?). Ayeshah is steward, Edward 1st cook, Helen is 2nd cook. Subtleties 
Ceina. Head server Ayeshah - recommend someone else as this is a big 
event. Zane will do the archery in conjunction with the B&B. Arts 
competition -- A&S officer. Will need to organise space and 
time for the A&S. Haven't booked site yet, but $100. Subtleties 
$60, misc (please itemise) printing, tokens $20, food $550. Budget 
for (no cap) 50 income $750. Will present budget and details later. 
All stewards need to meet with the B&B to decide on the format for 
the championship. Good bid, accepted.

General Business

Coloured candles (Eleonora): these have 
ruined the tablecloths. Please take some responsibility: please use 
ensure that your candle holder does not drip wax on the table clothes 
or (preferably and) use white candles.

Storage Garage (Eleonora/Ethelind): Ethelind 
no longer has space in her garage for everything, but has another 
garage available at $10, which Terese is willing to pay for half (to 
store her gear). Would the barony be willing to pay $5 a week (about 
$250 a year) to hire this for storage. Answer is yes, will pay in 
lump sum in advance, lease to go with Ethelind's (6 monthly). 
Please get the stuff there when this is arranged. When everything 
is together we will assess whether we need insurance. Richard and 
Ethelind to arrange lease and payment.

Privacy Issues (Ethelind): concerned her 
address on Web site without her knowledge. Ok for phone number. Please 
in future if publishing addresses and contacts in newsletters, flyers, 
event notices, on the Web, etc, make sure that people are aware of 
what you are doing with their info, and they are ok for that to be 

Purchase list (Edward/Ethelind): Pricing 
items, will bring to council when prices everything.

Servers Tabards and Tablecloths are missing. 
Please see if you have these!!!! Return to Donna's. Please always 
return to Donna's; don't pass to the next autocrat (need 
check in/out system).

1999 Dates:

Jan 9   12th Night
Feb 4-8 Canterbury Fair
Mar 27-28       Southron Gaard Anniversary
April 10        First Feast
May ?   Ball
June 26-27      Yule
July ?  Winter Weekend
Aug 7/8 Reannag Fhara Anniversary
Sept 11/12 or 18/19   Collegium
Oct 30-31       Beltane
Nov 13-14       St Jude's Fair
Dec 4/5 Xmas Revel

2000 dates:
31 Dec - 3 Jan   Millennial Event / 12th Night
Feb 4-6 Canterbury Fair
Mar 25  SG Anniversary

Cristia suggests a Millennial celebration. Site 
opens Friday 31 Dec 1999 (Omaka), you can stay for the celebrations 
or car pool to the Hagley park thingy). Sat 1 2000, up to see the 
dawn of the new Millennium, potluck breakfast opening court, Millennial 
Champion tourneys. Sunday 12th Night, Monday holiday, site closed 
5 pm. Richard says this "kicks ass". Invite overseas people 
to be the first to see the light right here. For the want of anyone 
more sensible, Cristia is nominated as the steward.

A&S topics: Cristia suggests: 1) RF Anniversary: 
leather, original composition, fibre arts 2) 12th night (2000): jewellery, 
research, domestic arts 3) SG Anniversary: fine arts (including illumination), 
armour, embroidery Future topics: heraldic display, technology, domestic 
crafts. This is ok.

Visitors: Madelein is putting up some 
US visitors from Dec 9. Ulf will try and organise them into an informal 

Signs: Iulianna presented different signs 
for our perusal. Will price an a frame, with SCA and white board.

Other: B&B and new / old seneschals to 
meet and sort out office, then B&B and seneschal to meet with new 
officers some time in the next month. Will contact you.

Meeting closed 9.35 pm. Cristia took the very 
long minutes, and if you can't work out the abbreviations, its 
prob a spelling mistake.


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Site created and maintained by , known to some as Edward Long-hair or Edward No-shoes.
Last updated: 1 August 1999. Copyright © 1997-98. Permission granted to reprint in non-commercial publications. Please contact me in other cases.

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