Barony of Southron Gaard
Council Minutes: Aug 98

Minutes/News Page

August 1998

August 4 1998

Present: Bn Sigurd, Mst Madelein, THL Cristia, L Tycho, L Richard, L
Angharad, L Edward, L Etienne, Eva.

Apologies: Bns Eleonora, L Jarnulfr, THL Ulf, L Ethelind.

Meeting opened 7.30pm.

Previous minutes: (July 7) OK.

Matters Arising: Regnum changes off to Kingdom, Seneschal chased up L
Teres, who was to be here tonight.


B&B: First A&S Champion tourney went well. TRMs planning to buy tickets
this week, nothing set until They do. They may not visit Ildhafn, if the
stop-over costs too much. They have been encouraged to stay for less
than 24 hours if possible as this might not cost (John and Ceinwen did
this). Alternatively, Ildhafn might like to donate money to Kingdom
travel fund to cover this cost. Looking for events proposals for this
visit (see later). So far seven are coming. Have been talking to Bns
Cara and Bn Callum re baronial poll, Callum will run, look for it coming
to you real soon.

Seneschal (Callum): Coronation photos received from Viscountess
Caitriona. Planning photo album of SG for gift for her generosity and
support through the years, please donate photos! Quarterly report off to
Kingdom. Talked to B&B re poll.

Herald (Cristia): $30 submission fees in to exchequer. Lots of
submissions in process right now. Completed Bokes of Ceremony for B&B
and RF herald. Presented possible Baronial award submission: Order of
the Coeur Loyale (Loyal heart) as the Barony's high service award.
Suggests "Gules, 3 mullets in fess, and a Canterbury Cross argent", i.e.
three white stars in a horizontal line with a (white / silver)
Canterbury Cross below on red. General approval for this. Look for a
submission petition near you soon. Still working on award for those
outside the Barony who have done it great service, looking at bridge,
lighthouse, birds, compass rose etc. as possible charges. Looking for
ideas on names. Looking at maybe making a court tabard with some red
velvets scrapes I have left over. Considering plans for Royal Visit
courts. 2 expressions of interest from people interested in taking over
the office when I step down. Doing Collegium class for budding heralds,
and will cover court stuff of general interest for everyone prior to a
Royal Visit.

Marshal (Tycho): Organised a bulk purchase of rattan from a new source.
If you are interested, contact Tycho about this, we will try and
establish a relationship with this dealer through Tycho, in order to get
a good deal. Fighters practices continuing on Wednesday nights, very
well attending. If you haven't been, get your a into g for the Royal

A&S (Eva): Quarterly report out to Kingdom. Setting up file for A&S
Champion stuff. Will keep in touch with Vitale and vice versa to keep
running tally on A&S marks.

Exchequer (Richard): We can't use SCA funds (from an SCA bank account)
for the Kingdom Travel fund - need to have a whip around. However we can
use SCA funds to hire a car, buy petrol and other expense related to an
event, through the account. Current (approx.) balances: FTT $460,
General account $3145. Website down, so check Baronial website for event
forms. Examining account procedures: if you get a debtor, or receive an
invoice (i.e. if you buy or do something that means the Barony will have
to send out a payment), please notify the Exchequer immediately so he
doesn't get any nasty surprises at council meeting at the accounting is
as accurate as possible. Signatories changed successfully.

Chatelaine (Teres): no report.

Lists (Etienne): report presented.

Chronicler (Edward): Per issue cost (depends on size of issue) is $56.19
for 52 issues (August), so lost $3.69 on this issue. Suggested cutting
the number of complimentary issues to the Chatelaine to break even, and
adding subscription forms to complimentary copies to get people to buy.

Constable (Gaius): no report.

Minister of Children (Madelein): Planning Collegium classes for
children: accessories (Madelein and Katherine), dance / games, heraldry,
cooking. Parents must be there for under 5's, preferred for 5-7yo and
everyone welcome (not just kids and their parents). Prob Sunday
afternoon from 1.30-3.30pm.=20

Chirugeon (Ethelind): no report. Cristia donated a small chilli bin for
carrying the hot / cold packs to events in.

Captain of Archers (Jarnulfr): nothing to report.

Stewards reports

Family Feast (Teres): no report. $50 for hall hire to St Mike's.

Yule Feast (Ayeshah): report presented last meeting.

Ball (Angharad): great ball. Vincent has volunteered to organise one for
next year! $92 surplus ($4 owing).

Collegium (Rowena): no report.

CF (Bastian et al): no report. Callum to lean on the stewards re final
budget, and having a rep at council meeting as promised.

Demo: (Cristia, sorry forgot this on the evening cos Callum had my
agenda) Myself, Tycho, Vitale, Heloise, Aliena and Richard did a demo
for the Girl Guides for 80 little guides, plus their friends,
neighbours, siblings and parents, crushed into a small room. Went very
well, given the numbers, and we were more popular than Neville Barry (no
I don't know either). They loved us and were very keen for us to do

Event proposals: none. See Royal Visit for Beltaine proposal.

General Business

Royal Visit: The B&B suggest that we hold Beltaine as the event for the
first weekend TRMs are here, and St Jude's as the second weekend event.
TRMS have suggested They will leave Thursday (so arrive Saturday).
Suggested have informal (modern) get together to meet and greet,
possibly B&B house warming. Tourney and archery suggested for the
Sunday. Next weekend have revel on Friday night (much like last time)
with maybe A&S display, entertainment; tourney, archery, on Saturday
morning with formal court and feast on Saturday night. Suggested Music
School and Cathedral College lawn, Bn Callum to follow up immediately on
the music hall site (Sat Nov 7). Maybe informal stuff on the Sunday to
say good bye. Looking for event proposals now. Will need to have these
done at the next council meeting cos time is short. Looking for a number
of autocrats (e.g. one or two for each part of the events), in order to
spread the workload. Please talk amongst yourselves - we need volunteers

Gift for TRMs: Cristia suggested a belt set or accessory suite for each
Maj. Looking for items from many (all) artisans, that would be
appropriate to TRMs personas (10thC Rus Vikings). Small items (for
packing) of high value. E.g. knives, belts, jewellery, pouches, toilet
instruments (ear spoons etc.), drink, feast gear, cosmetics etc. etc.
This would enable us to showcase all our talent, and use donated items.
General ad in FTT (don't want TRMs to read what They are getting).
Please spread the word about this. If you would like to make something,
please contact Bns Eleonora or THL Cristia, before you start (we don't
want 6 belts and fifteen pouches), with your idea, or contact them if
you'd like to help and would like suggestions, or more info on
appropriate type of stuff.

(See additional email re Royal Visit coming to you real soon.)

New photo album required: Barony needs new photo album, Bns to buy and
be reimbursed.

Dance Festival: L Angharad investigating possibility of including
ourselves in the Dance Festival at the Arts Centre this September. Will
get more info.

Serving Implements: Suggestion we buy serving implements (spoons, tongs
etc.) and other appropriate stuff (tea towels, cleaning stuff etc.) to
complement the feast trays and stuff, as few people have the necessary
stuff at home. Remember the policy that if you want to spend money, you
need to do your homework and bring itemised lists and costings to
council before it will be approved. Angharad volunteers to do this. Bn
Sigurd suggests checking chef's supplies (esp. 2nd hand) for useful
stuff. Cristia donates 4 big pot holder glove thingies (in SG colours)
to the collection.

Meeting closed at 8.45pm.

Minutes taken and hashed by Cristia.

Note: Bn=Baron, Bns= Baroness, CF= Canterbury Faire, SG=Southron


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