Barony of Southron Gaard
Council Minutes: Jul 98

Minutes/News Page

July 1998

July 7 1998 

Present: Bns Eleonora, Bn Sigurd, L Angharad, THL Cristia, L Tycho, THL
Ulf, L Richard, L Lughaid, Mst Madelein, L Ethelind, Helen, L Jarnulfr, L
Edward, Valerian, Bn Callum.

Apologies: L Etienne, Eva.

Meeting opened 7.30pm.

Previous minutes: Exchequer’s report should read "exchequer and any other"
as account signatories. Marshal clarified that annual report refers to
reports for at-large marshals to stay on the roster. Family Feast money
with Terés, to be handed in.

Matters Arising: Aluminium shields - Marshal to follow up with fighters to
gauge if any interest in bulk purchasing. Exchequer sorting out signature
changes, not yet completed. Cracroft demo, clashes with Mid Winter
encampment, Cristia unable to do this therefore, will pass to Terés to
follow up. Vintage Car Club shelved as possible site as does not seem
currently worth the trouble of gaining their approval for our use.


*B&B: Curia planned for CF instead of baronial poll. Will be agended,
rapporteur suggested. Bns will speak to autocrats re scheduling this.
Wellington household started up "Order of the Black Rose" John Visser,
Teresa of Southern Ildhafn - minutes read, events discussed, please drop
in on them if you can. Kingdom Travel fund - exchequer to follow up past
CF monies for this, discussed with Caid seneschal re spending it here on
TRMs rather than sending it over since exchange rate so bad. Arts Champion
rules tidied up.

*Herald (Cristia): report given.

*Marshal (Tycho): report given. Looking for deputy.

*A&S (Eva): report presented. Looking for deputy as stepping down sooner
than planned. B&B will discuss this with her, and ensure ad in FTT.

*Exchequer (Richard): report given. Has received stuff from last
exchequer. Unable to offer balances as does not yet have last month’s
statements. Events forms available form his web page (Edward will put
these on the Baronial page also, and copies will be available from both
the exchequer and seneschal).

*Chatelaine (Terés): no report.

*Lists (Etienne): report presented.

*Chronicler (Ulf): report given. FTT breaking even at this stage.

*Seneschal (Callum): report given. 2 Gyldenholt Press’s, 2 Folia Rowani.
New minute book, and policy book. US groups unable to buy alcohol to serve
at events in US territory. Does not apply to us.

*Constable (Gaius): no report.

*Minister of Children (Madelein): report given. Donated Globe theatre book
- colouring competition.

*Chirugeon (Ethelind): report given. Presented bill for St John’s course.
Chirugeon to restock first aid kit.

*Captain of Archers (Jarnulfr): report given.

Stewards report:

*Family Feast (Terés): no report (seneschal to chase and spank).

*Caid Anniversary (Lughaid): $67 surplus! Thanks to Lughaid for great

*Yule Feast (Ayeshah): surplus $150.22. Great event. Stewards will chase
up outstanding monies. Concerned some booked and didn’t turn up (and do
this repeatedly). Blue tabards missing (check your stuff!). Feast box
cleaned (thank you) after spill - please ensure you pack carefully and
store everything in water and airtight plastic containers where possible.
Bns notes we don’t pay for petrol for stewards for events, but in the case
of exceptional costs (e.g. transporting poor old goats), please call the
exchequer and clear this first. Reimbursement cheques paid out.

*Ball (Angharad): everything going well. Dance list circulated,
suggestions welcomed. $40 for cordials and float.

*Collegium (Rowena): budget presented.

*CF (Bastian et al): no report.

*Event proposals: none. Note Beltaine proposals due next council meeting
(note Royal Visit date).

General Business:

*Regnum in CP out of date - Callum to send off updates.

*Children’s toybox and mat - Madelein suggests we spend money on a
children’s mat and toys for events, as we have too few and its out of
date. Suggested indoor and outdoor boxes of stuff. Will present a budget.
Madelein to follow up on our legal position in regard to children, esp.
children attending without their parents. We need to take care in this
area in future - informed consent forms.

*Seneschals job up for grabs, Cristia has expressed interest.

*Baronial Arts Champion: rules sorted out by committee. Please contact Bns
for a copy or call your local champion, or A&S officer for information.
Judging will be by consensus commentary.

*SCA Hire Garb name Tape approved in principle - chatelaines to follow up
and get costing on this.

*Eric poles for new eric dagging discussed. Tycho and Sigurd to stand
about in the workshop and mull this one over.

*Wellington Household(s) - one with John Visser and Teresa, another with
Alexander. Everyone very supportive, please attend their events if you are
able, send information or help in other ways if you can. Suggest that the
"Order of the Black Rose" consider using "Household of’, "Company of",
"Brotherhood of’ etc. as "Order" is used only for SCA awards. Really good
news to have a group establishing in Wellington.

*Royal Visit - TRMS are seriously intent (that does not yet mean definite)
on a Royal Visit to NZ, date suggested is 31Oct/1 Nov to 7/8 Nov. No other
details at this time. Suggested we have St Jude’s moved forward as the
event, so that it is more relaxed and there is more opportunity for
everyone to meet with the visitors. Cracroft (the Barn, SG 1st Anniversary
site) suggested, Richard investigating availability. Stand by for details.

Meeting closed at 9.30pm.

Minutes taken by Madelein, and hashed by Cristia.

Note: Bn=Baron, Bns= Baroness, CF= Canterbury Faire, SG=Southron Gaard.


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