Barony of Southron Gaard
Council Minutes: May 98

Minutes/News Page

May 1998

Date:   5th May, 1998.
Present:        Bn Sigurd, Bns Eleonora, M Madelein, M Rowena, L Edward,
L Richard. L Teres, L Lughaid, L Gaius, L Etienne, L Ayeshah, L
Jarnulfr, L Ayfra, Helen.
Apologies: THL Cristia, THL Tycho, Bn Callum, L Angharad, L
Ethlind, Eva.
Opened: 7.30
Previous minutes: read and accepted.

* Baron and Baroness: Report given:
  Out: to Bns Cara re: awards scrolls.
  Finally got OK photo of coronet so sent off to Mde Ghislaine
for Caidan coronets files.
  Waimakariri Genealogical Soc demo happened. Went OK. We would
want downstairs place if we were to do it again.
  Bought fabric for surcoats and lists flags.
  Demo for Yaldhurst school next week - volunteers?
  Award backlog now cleared: will not hold onto awards for any
more than three months in the future.
* Seneschal: Absent: No report.
* Herald: Absent: Report given in absentia by Sigurd.
  Bus Arising: COH enforcing ruling about not announcing
non-combat titles on the field. General opinion locally is that
it is unfair. B&B to speak to TRMs about it.
* Marshal: Absent: Report given in absentia by Sigurd.
 Arts and Sciences: Absent: No report..
* Exchequer: Report given.
  Financial summary presented from Domesday.
  Loose ends being tied up: we seem to have paid for all sites to
this date.
  M Madelein has cheque from Anniversary which was sent to them.
* Chatelaine: Report given.
  Hired costumes for First Feast: having trouble getting it back.
Is going to charge for late returns.
  Sent out two complementary FTTs
  Writing potluck article for FTT.
* Lists: Report given.
  Emailed kingdom office and sent report.
  Reply in from kingdom office.
* Chronicler: Report given.
  Now has FTT chequebook
* Constable: Report given.
  Not much official business.
  Still seeking deputy
* Minister for Children: Report given.
  Now has deputy: Alexandra. She may take over office at 12th
 Working on a badge system for the children. Covering 5yrs to 16
yrs. Will require adults prepared to supervise child doing tasks
and sign-off sheet. Will require small budget to cover ribbon and
favours. Given leave to spend $20 for now.
* Chirugeon: Absent: Report given in absentia by M Rowena.
 Doing refresher course this week. Costs $40 - has an invoice for
the SCA which she will send to the exchequer.

Steward's Reports
* Demo: L Richard: Burnside school, Thursday week, 80 5yr olds.
* Caid Anniversary Potluck Revel: Phyllis Zeff Hall. Note lack of
food heating facilities. Sigurd to bring large gas rings.
* Family Feast: Lady Teres.
  Been ringing people to invite to feast. ST Michaels etc, from
3pm. Various activities for children. Madelein doing simple fare
for feast with L Simon's help. No court. Break even at about 20
adults. $50 advance requested and approved.
* Yule Feast: Lady Ayeshah.
  Advertising finalised. Need to pay for hall $125 in advance.
Have various meat/game. Need advance so can buy goods now.
Tickets go on sale on Thursday. Play going on stage and secret in
side room. $150 advance requested and approved.
* Ball: Proposal from Angharad: Accepted
  Sat July 18th. Hope to use Deerstalkers but having difficulty
contacting people. Alexandra co-steward. To charge $5 for
practice and Ball or $6 for just Ball to encourage people to go
to practice. Hall will be closed between 5pm and 7pm. No court
unless necessary. Possible bring a plate supper. Rowena suggested
asking Vincent to host potluck dinner between 5 - 7. M Del to
publicise in Lochac and expected to visit.
* Collegium: no proposals yet. Angaharad shown some interest.
Proposals to close next month.
* CF '99: THL Sebastian. Absent.

General Business
* Calender:     May: Family feast. Madeleine and Teres.
   June:        6th Caid Anniversary Revel. Lughaid
    20th, Yule Feast. L Ayeshah steward.
   July: 18th, Ball. Angharad.
   August: 1st, College Anniversary: First SG Arts Champ
   September: 12th - 13th. Collegium. Need steward. Bids close
   October: 3rd, Spring Tourney (College),
    31st, Beltane, Need stewards. Bids close?
   November: Show Weekend, 13th -15th, St Jude's Fair (College)
   December: 5th or 6th , Christmas Revel. Need steward. Bids
   January 1999: 9th and or 10th , 12th Night. Need steward. Bids
   February 1999: 4th to 8th, Canterbury Faire. THL Sebastian et
   March 1999: Anniversary.
 Contact Lord Richard des Alpes for College events.
* Clarification re: gifts from Ethelind: were for M Rowena for
Ildhavn arts display.
* Report from M Rowena re: Ildhavn May Day. Excellent site.
Cancelling Border War and replacing with November event: likely
to conflict with St Judes. Keen to have more SG visitors.
* Lughaid: contest info in newsletters.
* Post-mortems to be done of all budgets. Proposal's budgets are
to be filed by the exchequer so that they can be compared with
final event budget. This will be useful for stewards and will
bring in more accountability.
* Need to make up sets of forms that can be handed to stewards
when they propose an event. Should include steward's checklist,
budget, post-event analysis sheet.
* Agenda: Edward happy to post out agenda to a couple of people
that don't have email. Having an agenda should make people think
about issues in advance. All agenda business to be sent to Edward
the weekend before council meeting.
* Need to remind stewards to advertise. Many not giving
sufficient copy to editors: is not editor's job to create the
notices. Stewards need to be more organised about this.
* Second quarterly reports due in kingdom early June. Start doing
them now.
* Bns: is Jarnulfr still interested in becoming Captain of
Archers? Jarnulfr replies yes. Needs to get copy of handbook from
L Richard and contact kingdom about authorising and warranting.

Meeting closed at 9.08pm.

Please note the following abbreviations: Sen. = Seneschal, Ex. =
Exchequer, S.G. = Southron Gaard, CF = Canterbury Faire.

Eleonora van den Bogaerde,
Southron Gaard, Caid.
Simone Hindin 


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