Barony of Southron Gaard
Council Minutes: Mar 98

Minutes/News Page

March 1998

Date:   3rd March, 1998.
Present:        Bn Sigurd, Bns Eleonora, Bn Callum, M Madelein, THL
Sebastian, THL Ulf, THL Cristia, L Tycho, L Ulfrikr, L Ayfra, L
Jarnulfr, L Ayeshah, L Ceina, L Edward, Eva, Helen..
Late: L Etienne, L Richard.
Apologies: Gaius, L Teres
Opened: 7.30
Previous minutes: read and accepted.

* Baron and Baroness: Report given:
  Waimakariri Genealogical Soc wants to have demo on weekend of
18th and 19th April still on, need more people
  Bill received via L Alana from Family Planning - handed to
  Shoe making workshop 7/3/98
* Seneschal: Report given.
  Corres in re: exchequer doomsday
  Demo for Caledonian Hall.
* Herald: Report given.
* Marshal: Report given.
* Arts and Sciences: Report given.
  Hire paid for WEA for workshop, keys picked up.
* Exchequer: Report given.
  In $3298.77 plus $92.50 (FTT), Out $1559.58.
  General fund $3375.22.
* Chatelaine: Absent.
  More people needed for April demo, 18th, 19th.
* Lists: Report given.
  Waiting for authorisations.
* Chronicler: Report given.
  $158.19 overdue to printers.
* Constable: Absent: report given.
* Minister for Children: Report given.
* Chirugeon: Vacant.

Steward's Reports
* Canterbury Faire IV. Feb 1998.
 Money all in and banked.
* Baronial Anniversary 21st and 22nd March:
 Cheque for $500 advance requested. Everything in order, Archery
champ to sort out archery rules.
* Yule Feast: Proposal from Lady Ayeshah: St Barnabas Hall:
* Ball: no firm proposals yet.
* Collegium: no proposals yet.
* CF '99: two proposals from M Madeleine and THL Sebastian. As
request for proposals not gone out yet a decision on these was
postponed until next meeting.
* Canterbury Crusaders Demo: Friday March 27th, 6.30 - 7.30.
Dress rehearsal Sat 14th after College Pas d'Armes.

General Business
* Calender:     April: 11th, Colleges First Feast
   May: Family feast? Madeleine and Teres? No date and still need
   June: 20th, Yule Feast. L Ayeshah steward
   July: 18th, Ball. Angharad has put in tentative proposal.
   August: 1st, College Anniversary: First SG Arts Champ
   September: 12th and 13th. Collegium.
   October: 3rd, Spring Tourney,
    31st, Beltane
   November: Show Weekend, 13th -15th, St Judes Fair (College)
   December: 5th or 6th , Christmas Revel.
   January 1999: 9th and or 10th , 12th Night.
   February 1999: 4th to 8th, Canterbury Faire.
 As yet there are no firm proposals except for the Ball. Contact
Richard for College events.
* Bns E wants to buy the fabric for the surcoats that has been
put off for two years - affirmed.
* Bns E wants to buy two more large plastic boxes for the other
feast gear - affirmed.
* THL Cristia wants to buy fabric for a continuous embattled
lists rope - affirmed.

Meeting closed at 9.30 pm.

Please note the following abbreviations: Sen. = Seneschal, Ex. =
Exchequer, S.G. = Southron Gaard, CF = Canterbury Faire.

Eleonora van den Bogaerde,
Southron Gaard, Caid.
Simone Hindin 


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