Barony of Southron Gaard
Council Minutes: Feb 98

Minutes/News Page

February 1998

Date :  3rd February, 1998.
Present:        Bns Eleonora, Bn Callum, M Madelein, THL Ulf, THL
Cristia, L Tycho, Richard, Eva, Gaius.
Late: Baron Callum
Apologies: Bn Sigurd, L Edward, L Angharad, L Ayfra
Opened: 7.45
Previous minutes: read and accepted.

* Baron and Baroness: Report given:
  Arts Champion: Minimum two categories to be considered for
  Waimakariri Genealogical Soc wants to have demo on weekend of
18th and 19th April. Eleonora to org.
  Banner hire - $100 for banners and later to org creation of
banners esp for hire, poss a competition. Barony to purchase
   In from L Angharad: will be back end of Feb, wants to run Ball
and interested in office of Chirugeon.
* Seneschal: Report given.
  Doomsday report gone.
  Photos received from Countess Catriona of Coronation etc.
* Herald: Report given.
  Doomsday report gone.
  12th Night court done: Event report for 12th Night gone.
  3 submissions made
  Working on SG awards
  Organising heraldry for Canterbury Faire: Field heralds needed.
  Try to aim closing court at CF for 4.00
* Marshal: Report given.
* Arts and Sciences: Report given.
  Introductory correspondence sent.
  Establishing priorities: do to a survey to find out what people
  Needs to get directory off Ayeshah
* Exchequer: Absent, no report.
  Discussion with Richard. Ayfra wants to do doomsday before
stepping down. Richard to try to get day to day running stuff off
Ayfra to make money flow easier. To org change of signatory asap.
  Eleonora wants exchequers article for Stewards handbook.
  FTT editors must get refunds asap: $225 current in account.
Bill for prionting arrived.
  General fund about $3000.
* Chatelaine: Absent.
* Lists: Report given.
  Sigurd stepping down and Etienne stepping up. Sigurd will do
forms for CF.
* Chronicler: Report given.
  Need to get paid for receipts already given to exchequer,
approx $150.00.
  Invoice in for $27.00, $5.00 for printed labels, $110.00 in for
  Need cheque book.
* Constable: Report given.
  Address changing - given to chronicler.
  Doomsday report done. Still to hear from Dieter re: deputy.
Really needs replacement now.
  Silver goblet was lost at 12th Night by THL Cristia.
* Minister for Children: Report given.
  Doomsday report gone.
  Preparing stuff for CF.
  Children's eric - from Baronial eric or new one. Use four poles
from eric plus own rope. Still needs to track down boffer
* Chirugeon: vacant. Still need some commitment from L Athelind.
L Angharad interested. No chirurgeons for CF as none locally are
warranted. Sigud and Eleonora will bring kit. Kit to be kept in

Steward's Reports
* 12th Night. Stewards absent: no report. Callum has money and
will forward to exchequer.
* St Sebastian Tourney 20th Jan (Sunday). Report given.
* Canterbury Faire IV. Feb 1998.
 Some booklets sent.    Spit roast organised.
 Over $1200 in so far, given to Ayfra: 48 people registered so
 River and pool low but still there.
 BYO fire buckets: Valerian to be asked to do daily inspections
of the site.
 Anticipated heavy use of kitchen to cope with fire restrictions.
 T shirts will not be ready: orders to be taken.
 Friday night/ Sat morn meeting for people taking classes.
 Arts display to begin 1 pm. and continue most of afternoon.
 CHTV would like to do some filming.
 Rubbish bags needed in toilets. Toilets must be cleaned daily.
 Will there be fridge space.    Rubbish must be removed from the
 Gate roster and tent or sunshade needed.       Archery to be done on
top field.
* Baronial Anniversary 21st and 22nd March: Stewards absent: no
 St Barnabas confirmed for Saturday feast $100.
 Still looking for tourney/archery site. Poss Jelly Park?
 Details on Kingdom Calender and should make CP

General Business
* Calender:     April: 11th, Colleges First Feast
   May: Family feast? Madeleine and Teres? No date and still need
   June: 20th, Yule Feast. No proposals yet.
   July: 18th, Ball. Angharad has put in tentative proposal.
   August: 1st, College Anniversary
   September: 12th and 13th. Collegium.
   October: 3rd, Spring Tourney,        31st, Beltane
   November: Show Weekend, 13th -15th, St Judes Fair (College)
   December: 5th or 6th , Christmas Revel.
   January 1999: 9th and or 10th , 12th Night.
 As yet there are no firm proposals except for the Ball. Contact
Richard for College events.
* Vernon is fixing the 9x9 tent for the Barony: will be at CF.
* Richard wants to hear from Kingdom exchequer asap. Also having
problems contacting CP regnum editor.
* 3 baronial boxes returned to Eleonora, missing fourth box and
ten of the new platters - possibly still with Angharad?
* Baronial Awards:
 Order of the Tour d'Or or Ordre de la Tour d'Or? May submit in
English with the option t change to French if necessary. Poss do
all awards in French?
 Once settled on some possibilities need to conduct petition from
 For badge maybe a gold tower inside an embattled border
 Canterbury Cross (the order of?). Ideas needed. Cantawaraburg?
 General use badge: a la servers tabards may well work.
 For long distance friends of the Barony? Ideas: sheep, fleece -
something very NZ?

Meeting closed at 9.52 pm.

Please note the following abbreviations: Sen. = Seneschal, Ex. =
Exchequer, S.G. = Southron Gaard, CF = Canterbury Faire.

Eleonora van den Bogaerde,
Southron Gaard, Caid.
Simone Hindin 


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