Barony of Southron Gaard
Council Minutes: Nov 97

Minutes/News Page

November 1997

Date :     4th November, 1997.
Present:        Bn Sigurd, Bns Eleonora, Bn Callum, THL Ulf, L Alys, L
Tycho, THL Cristia, Lord Aedward, L Ayfra, L Gilbert, L Angharad,
Alexandra, Chretienne, Ulfrikr
Apologies: L TerTs, M Madelein L Alana.
Opened: 7.35
Previous minutes date was incorrect, was Sept 2nd.

* Baron and Baroness: Report given:
  Pentathlon results returned: well done everyone.
  Waimakariri Genealogical Soc want a demo next April at Woodend:
stall at a fair: Yes we are interested. B Eleonora to get back to
  Seeking gift ideas for His Maj for stepping down and assistance
with embroidery for Her Maj gift.
  Made $40 from hiring banners.
  Ethelind spent $66 on goods for Chirurgeons kit and is
considering office.
  Hired Omaka for Christmas Revel.
  Did demo for Sockburn school ($25)
  Getting photos done 80c a copy
  AOAs for Rotte, Serena and Diomedes.
* Seneschal: Report given.
  In: Photos from Crown Tourney from Countess Catriona
* Herald: Report given.
  O.P. online at Phil's website.
  Still not much reply from Crescent Herald.
  Went to Warden Rode (Border War)
  Still to do article for FTT
* Marshal: Report given.
  Did 6 authorisations at Border War
  Still no contact from Earl Marshal
  Sigurd mentioned that authorisation lists now online.
* Arts and Sciences: Report given.
  Still seeking successor: one nibble.
* Exchequer: Report given:
 Finances: General account: In $343.75, Out $ 250, Balance
  FTT Account: Balance $?.
* Chatelaine: Absent.
* Lists: Report given.
  Successor found: Lord Etienne de Brecceaux.
  Kingdom list still out of date.
* Chronicler: Report given.
   Idea approved to give a complementary copy for cover art.
* Constable: Absent: Absent.
  $5 in from sale at Bealtane.
* Minister for Children: Absent.
* Chirugeon: vacant.

Steward's Reports
* The Ball: July 26th. Monies in: made $105.60.
* Middle eastern potluck revel 11th Oct. Made a small amount.
Callum to check if Hall paid for yet.
* Bealtane: 1st Nov. $1.80 profit. Report presented.
* 12th Night Bid from L TerTs as steward, L Angharad as cook, THL
Sebastian in charge of Hall, L Vincent to org tourney. Italian
Ren style. At Foundation for Blind Hall. $15 ? subject to
steward's approval.
* Canterbury Faire IV. Feb 1998.

General Business
* Newcomers/Monthly Chat Problems: Trying to be too many things
to too many people. Need dedicated meeting for newcomers. Poss
after Sunday fight practices?
* General discussion on retaining newcomers: possible actions:
 Autocrat to provide list from bookings of newcomers to
 Run brief "chat sessions" at events
 Baroness to progress with newcomers intro to
 Avoid going to school impression
 Perhaps a buddy system for newcomers at events.
 People need to be talked to.
 Need more people to play role of Chatelaine at events.
 Emphasise that people should play hosts, good hosts.
 Perhaps get autocrats to appoint a chatelaine for each event: NO
it is the chatelaine's job to do this and the autocrat's to check
that a chatelaine will be available.
 Still need formal get togethers (non-garbed) but where? And
 Need to tailor to the individual
 Bealtane seemed to work, shall we do more.
 If an individual isn't your type try to introduce them to
someone who may be.
* Jarnulfr has volunteered to be Baronial Captain of Archers. To
contact Gilbert for info on rangemaster status.
* Grand Council's World Proposal: (please see proposal for
details) - Richard, Edward, Ayfra, Sigurd, Sinech, Callum. Had a
meeting. Proposal is a little wishy washy. Only three points
worth getting qualifications on. WP designed to be
* St Sebastian Tourney 20th Jan (Sunday).

Meeting closed 9.00 pm.
Please note the following abbreviations: Sen. = Seneschal, Ex. =
Exchequer, S.G. = Southron Gaard, CF = Canterbury Faire.


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Last updated: 1 August 1999. Copyright © 1997. Permission granted to reprint in non-commercial publications. Please contact me in other cases.

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