Barony of Southron Gaard
Council Minutes: September 00

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September 2000

Barony of Southron Gaard Council Meeting Minutes
6 September 2000

Meeting opened 7.30 pm

Present: Bn Sigurd, Bs Eleanora, Ms Cristia, THL Tycho, L Heloise, THL
Vitale, THL Ethelind, THL Lughaid, L Edward, L Aliena, L Alexander, Sr
Ulf, Emma

Apologies:  L Richard

Officers Reports

B&B: Went to the ball and Midwinter weekend.  Spoke to Their Majesties,
and are talking to Darchester about attending their event.

Seneschal: Discussions with Kingdom seneschal, and also with Darchester
in regard to their upcoming event.  Working on quarterly report, reminder
to everyone about this.

Herald: No activity.  Minutes in from COH, introduction in from Ildhafn
herald and send out a response.  Submission sent to Kingdom.

Captain of Archers: There have been a lot of practice cancellations due
to wet weather and attendance has been low.  Richard donated 18 arrows,
and these have been crested.  Routine correspondence with Master of
Archers.  3 new archers authorised, Tim Allen is a new RIT.  Making
arrangements for taking bow and arrows to Darchester.

Quartermaster: One food box is outstanding.  Purchased some flat candle
holders and candles for the feast box.

Reannag Fhara: Spring Tourney postponed until dry weather.  Looking for a
cook for St Judes feast.

Chatelaine: Received the Chatterbox from Kingdom.  Einar has agreed to be
the RF chatelain, and will be training for the rest of the year.  All the
hire garb will be merged and the details are being sorted out.  Working
on the next issue of The Lantern.  Will be holding a class at Darchester,
will be taking materials for their chatelaine.

Constable: Attended 2 events, sent off quarterly report.  No money.

Still getting Gaius removed from list of constables.  Still looking for
plastic containers.  Will constable at Darchester.

Marshal: replied to questions from Inigo.  Still following up loaner
armour with Ben Schmidt.  Sold two copies of the combat handbook, $8 to
the exchequer.  Working on a collegium class and a class for Darchester.

Chirurgeon: reminder that Can O'Beer does not have the chirurgeon's tick
of approval for events

Chronicler: Email from Richard about reprinting his ad.  2 FTTs out.

Printing invoice in and stamps out.  Quitting immediately as moving to
Wellington.  Mattucio will take up Ulf's position in the office.

Exchequer: no report

A&S: no report

No other reports.


Yule: (Alexandra) no report yet

Ball: (Del) Report prob. due next month, can pick up photos from Nicola
from next Thursday.

Collegium: (Tycho) timetable finalised, 18 classes.  Please offer junk
for the siege engine challenge.

October Beach Tourney: (Vitale) Vitale to organise a tourney for 29th-ish
of October.  Spring Tourney will be earlier in October.

Xmas Revel: (Ethelind) probably 2/3 December, or perhaps 9/10 depending
on site.

12th Night: (Chretienne) Middle Eastern, suggested Royal Foundation for
the Blind, possibly second weekend in January.  Gethsemane gardens
suggested as possible site.

Canterbury Faire: (Eleonora and Cristia).  Volunteers requested.  All
plans coming along.

Bids: Ethelind might be interested in doing Baronial Anniversary next
year, and / or the ball.  There was a suggestion to hold a Leonardo da
Vinci A&S contest (unfinished pieces) and a pandy bat tourney (weapons
more dangerous to the wielder than their opponent).

General Business

Darchester: discussion of preparations for trip to Darchester.

Awards Heraldry: Will be discussed next time as everyone forgot to bring
an idea!

Meeting closed 8.25 pm.


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