Barony of Southron Gaard
Council Minutes: June 00

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June 2000

Barony of Southron Gaard Council Meeting Minutes
6 June 2000

Meeting opens 7.30 pm

Present: Bn Sigurd, Ms Cristia, THL Tycho, L Heloise, THL Vitale, THL
Lughaid, L Richard, Sr Ulf, Mt Del, Aliena, L Alexander
Apologies: Bs Eleonora, THL Ethelind, L Edward, THL Alys
Business arising: the suggestion was made that Baronial largesse would
provide mulled mead for winter council meetings. (Yeah, right..)

Officers' Reports

B&B: held court at the First Feast, discussions with TM Edric and Battista,
sent package off to Coronation. A travel fund contribution was not sent, will
send off later when our dollar is actually worth something.

Seneschal: letter in from Kingdom seneschal - no fireworks will be sold at
SCA events, there is a new BOD policiy on websites which includes
requiring permission to post personal details, and having a warranted officer
responsible for the site (details to follow). New kingdom seneschal as of
Coronation (Cara is stepping down). Quarterly report out. Response from
kingdom re Arts pentathlon, changes have been made that reflect our input.
Correspondence re rostering / warranting Captain of Archers.

Exchequer: picked up some investment information, will bring back the
numbers based on Westpac's offerings. Balances Gen $5384.10, FTT
$695.39, COH $100 (our cheq to ourselves). Still haven't had a statement
from CST, probably a balance of $0.98 owing, but may also be a double
payment and we should get money back. Domesday report progressing.

Marshal: correspondence out recommending Sigurd as a Senior Marshal.
Tourney at First Feast, working on second quarterly report.

Herald: SG submission returned due to conflict with Gareth Nickodemus
Somerset. Sigurd to contact Gareth and get permission to conflict. Email
communication with Kingdom sorted out.

Reannag Fhara: Things are going well. Looking for deputy A&S officer.
Anniversary is coming up on 29 July. Midwinter will be $20 p.n. non
students, $10 students. Ice skating next month. Still looking for bids for St

Chronicler: May and June FTTs out. $105 in $91.98 out. Photo covers well
received. Considering reducing price because larger reserve and costs are
about $1 an issue. Everyone is ok with this, note to go in FTT, current subs
will be pro rata.

Constable: No security issues at first feast. Suggests remote door bell for
use at events (esp. at Music centre) cost $12. Vitale will check this out. Lost
property returned. Quarterly report due.

Chatelaine: Wrote to kingdom requesting stuff. Still trying to get hold of files
from previous officer. Developing a newsletter for newcomers as a mid year
wake up. Doing a demo for the Country Women's' Institute.

Chirurgeon: now rostered on as chirurgeon, all paperwork sorted out.
Looking at re constructing the first aid kit.

Captain of Archers: Contacted kingdom, arranging to become a
rangemaster, awaiting membership renewal. Archery handbook is on the

A&S: reply from Kingdom on Pentathlon - many of our comments have been
taken up, or the suggestions are in line with the new changes.

No other reports.


Winter Ball: (Alys) report submitted. No cost, request for stuff (cloths, bowls
etc) - talk to quartermaster to arrange.

Yule: (Alexandra) no information, Cristia to follow up.

Ball: (Del) Tickets on sale, flyers and ads are out.

Canterbury Faire: (Eleonora and Cristia) Del requests bus leaves his place
cos of parking (no problem). All in progress, ads out soon. Request for
volunteers, esp. classes etc.

General Business

Registry: Del suggests the possibility of having a local NZ registry would
reduce membership costs (by splitting off newsletter sub, and including a
local NZ newsletter). Lochac has the software for this. Del is to look into
what the costs would be for us under a system like this and report back to
the next meeting.

Music Centre: All bookings have been cleared up. Please from now on, if
you are using this site, get all arrangements and changes to arrangements
in writing, as they tend to muck up a lot.

CDs: Del brought back quotes on the dance CDs. Del he will pick up at
Pennsic or purchase and we will reimburse him. Also offered copies of other
music that is free or cost of royalty only. Del also offers a sound system,
Sigurd to investigate speakers.

Lochac: has voted to go kingdom. Ulf suggests we should consider joining
them. Cristia notes that no formal approach has been made by Lochac, and
if they are interested in us, Ulf is requested to direct any inquiries from them
to council.

Meeting closed 8.48 pm.


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