Barony of Southron Gaard
Council Minutes: Apr 00

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April 2000

Barony of Southron Gaard
Council Meeting Minutes
4 April 2000

Meeting opened 7.30 pm.

Present: Bn Sigurd, Bns Eleonora, Ms Cristia, Sr Ulf, Ms Del (dropped off event
report), THL Tycho, THL Vitale, THL Ethelind, THL Lughaid, L Edward, L
Richard, L Heloise.
Apologies: Aliena, Ulf (for early departure).
Minutes: February and March minutes circulated
Business arising: none.

Officers' Reports

Baron and Baroness: Baroness helped with school demo (and we laughed
ourselves silly over the thank you letters). Anniversary went well. Talked to
TRMs re awards, seems that recent recommendations have been lost in the
system. Please re-send any that you have, by email, NOW!

Seneschal: (Cristia) Marshals, Reannag Fhara and Constable's quarterly report
in, my quarterly report out. Reminder to other officers that quarterly reports are
due 1 April, I'd like copies please. Sent seneschal's handbook to Reannag
Fhara and Darchester, talking to their seneschals, offering support and advice.
Reannag Fhara are planning a big 10th birthday celebration this year, suggest
a gift. Suggestions included a standard (or a herald's tabard). Seneschal to co-ordinate this project. Cost estimated $100 maximum, this was approved.

Marshal: (Tycho) Quarterly report out. Sold remaining fighters handbooks, will
need to reprint it (Cristia offers to bind it). Eric is now completed, thanks to
Eleonora and Cristia for sewing it, Heloise and Sigurd for stringing and roping
the last pieces. Marshal to check if all 12 pieces of the eric are together!
Looking for more poles to support the eric, possibly some with the "children's
eric". Following up on loaner armour, checking authorisation database up to
date. We need poles for the eric gate now, one inch diameter, twice the length
of the bag (pieced I presume). Sigurd will supply holes. Suggested that we
replace the poles with wooden poles bearing standards of our fighters. Heavy
Weapons Champion and Herald to co-ordinate this project. The (NATO)
standard size for the standards is to be (same as gate standards) 1 metre long
by approx. 38.3 cm wide at the hoist. Suggest a workshop, e.g. at University in
the holidays, on this.

Quartermaster: (Ethelind) Anniversary stuff to be returned. CF stuff came back
with additional materials that had been missing for some time.

Exchequer: (Richard) Received handbook, copy to Reannag Fhara. Kingdom
ok with a three-year term. We are ok with this, but request a deputy found and
trained in the art of money handling! (In fact, everyone please consider finding
deputies to assist with the office and possibly replace you, esp. officers who
"work" at events - herald, marshal, chatelaine.) Cancelled arrow shaft cheque,
waiting for money to appear in account. Need $10 cheque for the transaction
fee (and will need to refund Andrew Hartnell's contribution). Still chasing Teres
for Xmas Revel accounts. Balances: Gen. $4299.27, FTT $667, COH $100.
Helped RF exchequer with the domesday report, need to have SG seneschal
look over SG report before sending off to Kingdom.

Chronicler: (Ulf) $85 in subs in, $49.30 out on stamps. This month's FTT is
delayed, should be printed this Thursday or Friday. International copies sent.

Constable: (Vitale) Quarterly report out and copies to seneschal and B&B.
Some few pieces of lost and found in and out, will check to see if anything
needs to be auctioned at Easter.

Chatelaine: (Heloise) Demo report (Sockburn School) and thank you letters in.
Chatelained at Anniversary, the March tourney and the demo. Held very
succesful garb workshops and shopping trips at Uni. for newcomers - actually
got newcomers in garb! Lord Ilar has volunteered as a Chatelaine at large esp.
to assist with Reannag Fhara events, looking for at least two more at large
chatelaines over the next couple of months. Everyone is encouraged to direct
newcomers at events to the chatelaine. Will be writing an article probably for
PR esp., directed at newcomers.

Herald: (Lughaid) Response to Ildhafn herald on submission process.
Subscribed to heralds list, contacted Crescent re non-response. Mailing out
Kingdom flags. Probably not at Easter, Lady Chretienne, Lord Richard to assist
with heralding.

Reannag Fhara: (Aliena) Mailing list at . Seneschal
read the highlights of the RF report. New officers, including Lord Ilar who is
returning as chronicler. Uni. bookings continue during holidays, security access
being arranged. Suggestion that security guard ahs been very helpful to us,
fighters and dancers might like to have a whip around to give him a small gift.
Successful start to year, newcomers getting into the swing of things. First Feast
ads in FTT and PR. Big 10th Anniversary planned, including projects that will
work on in the holidays at uni. Mid winter encampment will be running again.
Looking for bids for other events.

A&S: (Chretienne) no report.

Lists: (Etienne) no report.

Captain of Archers: (vacant)

Event Reports

Canterbury Faire: (Ulf) $50 from market in. Event all wrapped up now.

Baronial Anniversary: (Ethelind) Went well. Thanks to Cristia for doing the food,
Sigurd for chopping it all up, Jarnulfr and Feran for the sheep. Turnout low (39
people). $2.22 profit. Cheques for lamb, food and hall needed. Richard is
looking at making some new archery buts and tripods.

Easter: (Eleonora, Chretienne) Finally have two judges for the fighting, working
on acquiring pellets etc. Book damn you all! Making candelabra this weekend.
Will have "green" outside hall in high wind zone for purpose of outdoor activities
(which will be inside if wet). Everything going well, looking for gate people,
clean up crew etc. Please bring all your weapons for the matched weapons
tourney (Vitale volunteers 2 hammers). Making daggers also. Barrier prob. in
Edward's shed, should be available, Ulf / Edward to check. Menu to go to
Eleonora for booklet. Will need cheques soon. Please bring wall hangings for
hall - banners, fabric etc. Pay and book separately for Gypsy Revel.

Ball: (Del / Duncan) Now 17th June as cooks unavailable on 10th. Budget
presented and approved.

Xmas Revel: (Ethelind) will be revamp. Will keep pudding but revamp
everything else, including the gift exchange. Looking at period and traditional
ideas. Prob. on a Sunday to avoid "word-do's".

Call and proposal deadlines for events in next FTT: Yule, Collegium, Beltaine,
12th Night, CF, and Anniversary 2001.

General Business

Library: Need cheques for catalogue cards (approx. $49.62) and stationery $
34.28. Library needs to come under someone's jurisdiction in order that we
keep it maintained - A&S officer suggested: occasional reports etc.

Tabards: to be printed soon.

Meeting closed 8.50 pm.


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