Barony of Southron Gaard
Council Minutes: Feb 00

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February 2000

Barony of Southron Gaard Council Meeting Minutes

1 Feb 2000

Meeting opened 7.32 pm.

Present: Bn Sigurd, Bns Eleonora, Ms Cristia, THL Tycho, THL Vitale, THL
Lughaid, L Heloise, Vct Reynardine

Apologies: Ulf, Ethelind, Richard, Chretienne.

Minutes: on the table

Business arising: need financial report from exchequer when he isn't at

Officers' Reports

Baron and Baroness: Still awaiting domesday reports. Jarnulfr has decided to
step down as Captain of Archers. No progress on surcoats and the library this
month. Written to TRM's re awards. The incorporation matter seems to have

Seneschal: (Cristia) Replied to emailed discussion on incorporation. Request
from Sockburn School for demo (passed to Baroness). Federated Farmers
contacted us about a demo, but not really appropriate. Away at Estrella for the
next month.

Marshal: (Tycho) No events since last month. Introduction to new Earl Marshal
(Duke John). New Eric is finished. Updating files and authorisation database.
Will marshal at CF.

Chatelaine: (Heloise) Hire garb now to be separate with Gold Key (THL
Ethelind) so garb remains in the Baronial storage. Would prefer to operate hire
out and return of garb at events, as too many delays (often of months) before
garb returned, and deposit is not working. Teres is supposed to be chatelaining
for CF, B&B need tokens.

Constable: (Vitale) No events this month. Discussing with kingdom about being
a constable (as opposed to a CIT) as baronial constables need to be
warranted. Will be looking at taking on deputies.

Herald: (Lughaid) Apologies for last month. Following up past submissions, and
flags (from Millennium). Received a reply from Outland's Queen, and a flag from
Calontir. Two courts at Millennium / 12th night, and held heraldic competition.
Ulfrikr and Cristia to do court at CF. Copies of flag photo from millennium for
Kingdom's, Lughaid, B&B. Consulted on further submissions. Many thanks to
Lughaid for organising the whole colour flying at the Millennium event.

Chronicler: (Ulf) No report, as the chronicler is busy with CF.

Exchequer: (Richard) no report.

A&S: (Chretienne) no report.

Quartermaster: (Ethelind) no report.

Lists: (Etienne) no report.

Captain of Archers: (vacant)

Reannag Fhara: (Richard) no report.

Event Reports

Millennium: (Cristia) $113 profit, 42 people attended. Great event, lots of fun.

Canterbury Faire: (Ulf) Eleonora to call Ulf about cleaning equipment. Lots of
people expected.

Baronial Anniversary: (Ethelind) March 25, Rimu Park, see ad in FTT.

Easter: (Eleonora, Chretienne) Callum is appellant. The Mangy Mong will be
there. Swap meet on Sunday morning. Edward is considering cooking for the
Monday feast. $8 feast, $4 pppn. $40 for prizes, $90 additional stuff, $25 a
head for 30 people per day. Increased cost for late registration. Tourney will be
announced at CF. Looking for people to run events at the tourney. Planning on
building candelabras to hang in hall, and create pavilion stalls for seating.

General Business

Local awards: Better Keeps and Baileys award is missing, will track down -
possibly the Mong has it. Also Fleur de Gallant, Steve Hoare has this.

Arrows: Cristia will follow up the war shafts from Lochac. Richard to go to the
bank and cancel the cheque.

Meeting closed at 8.40 pm.


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