Barony of Southron Gaard
Council Minutes: Mar 00

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March 2000

Barony of Southron Gaard Council Meeting Minutes

7 Mar 2000

Meeting opened 7.35 pm.

Present: Bn Sigurd, Bns Eleonora, Ms Cristia, Sr Ulf, Ms Del, THL Tycho, THL
Vitale, THL Ethelind, THL Lughaid, Bn Callum, L Chretienne, L Richard, L
Heloise, L Etienne.
Apologies: Etienne
Minutes: to be circulated
Business arising: none.

Officers' Reports

Baron and Baroness: Thank you from the K&Q for the donation to the trailer
fund. Several quotes for screen-printing of tabards, these vary in price and some
include the screen or free screen in future (so we can do more). Free Screen
seems to be best deal. RF 1st meeting and college council meeting went well.

Seneschal: (Cristia) CINCH information updated. Been to Estrella. Letter from
Seneschal re filming on the mainland.

A&S: (Chretienne) tabled a new proposal for judging criteria in the A&S
Championship. This was discussed at length. Will keep current feedback system
with one overall mark that rates the item (no 1st, 2nd, 3rd). Will bring on line for
new year's competition. Suggest better timing for events: Yule (June / July), St
Jude's (Nov), Anniversary (March). Topics are:
Yule 2000: hats, dance, desserts
St Jude's 2000: archery equipment, camping equipment, story telling
Anniversary 2001: heraldic display, research paper, and cosmetics
A&S officer to check over rules to make sure all the changes will work.

Exchequer: (Richard) Balances Gen $4608.90 FTT $527.00 $100 COH.
Checking to see that the CST account is wrapped up, and awaiting money from
Stormhold for arrows. Richard to investigate possibility of our own baronial post
box. Lughaid offers use of his post-box.

Chronicler: (Ulf) Costs of $43.88t his month. 2 issues of FTT printed through
Ricoh, cheaper. $125 in subs in this month. Behind in overseas comps. Thinking
about stepping down as chronicler, Edward still happy to be technical editor.
Richard gave money to Ulf for stamps, where is the seneschal's FTT?

Herald: (Lughaid) submission in, correspondence from Crescent. PE rank is now
dropped, now Pursuivant, joined mailing list for heralds.

Constable: (Vitale) Lost and found for perusal. Did gate duty at Estrella (huh!).
College will have auction of lost stuff at Easter.

Marshal: (Tycho) Talked to Earl Marshal at Estrella. CF worked out ok. Updating
authorisation. Evaluating standard hockey legs.

Chatelaine: (Heloise) Still acquiring office materials from Teres. Working out the
Gold Key functioning, and producing flyers etc for newcomers.

Quartermaster: (Ethelind) Still to audit stuff from CF. We have lots of interesting
and useful stuff in the storage so stewards please contact the quartermaster for
your event. Sigurd looking into a small fire extinguisher. Most stuff back,
including some of the missing stuff.

Reannag Fhara: (Richard) no report this month, changing seneschals

Lists: (Etienne) no report

Captain of Archers: (vacant)

Event Reports

Canterbury Faire: (Ulf) Bills are all paid, made $80 on feast and $80 on t-shirts.
$100 profit, 100 people there Saturday night, 25 day trippers, 26 1 day 1 night
trippers, so prob 120 people there. 77 at repast. Bus profit $60. Market receipts
still to come. $15 to go out in refunds. Site is very happy with us. Will finish
report and get to exchequer next week.

Baronial Anniversary: (Ethelind) 25 March, Rimu Park, 10-10, $3 day, $8
including dinner (plus one dish to feed 8). Will provide soup, bread, cheese,
sheep (Jarnulfr to cook) etc. The steward will unfortunately have to be out of
town (family thing) but Richard and Cristia to organise things in her place. Need
a deposit for site, will send one for Easter at the same time.

Tourney: this weekend at Riccarton Bush, BBQ after at B&B's. Tycho will be
MIC, bring a picnic.

Easter: (Eleonora, Chretienne) Edward will cook the feast ($8). Arranging pellets
for pavilions. Will use various pavilions for seating, ages with cordial for
spectators. Burgermeister is Ethelind, Herald Lughaid (and one other), marshals
needed esp MITs, Lists Etienne, Del to run dancing, entertainers for Monday

Event proposals

Ball: (Del / Duncan) 10 June. Del suggests buying some dance CDs - please
supply quotes and we'll buy out of asset not event money.

Also, 22 Sept - 1 Oct Del is running a ball for the Christchurch Dance festival
prob at the Music Centre. Not an SCA event. Possibly PR value for the SCA.

Call for more event stewards in next FTT: Yule, Collegium, Beltaine, Xmas
(Ethelind), 12th Night, CF, and Anniversary 2001.

General Business

Dance CD's: Del to get a list and prices to Richard who will arrange a cheque.

Demo: Sockburn School Monday morning, 95 kids aged 7-10. 27 March, 3 April.
Heloise, Richard, Ulfrikr, Madelein, Eleonora. Dancing, fighting, talking.

Meeting closed 9.35 pm.


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