Barony of Southron Gaard
SG Arms

The Barony of Southron Gaard was New Zealand's first branch of the Society for Creative Anachronism, a recreational organisation for people with an interest in mediaeval history. Southron Gaard is based primarily (though not solely) in Christchurch, where there are around 100 participants.


  • The Crown of Caid has recommended to the Board of Directors of the SCA that New Zealand should become part of the Kingdom of Lochac. The BoD is scheduled to determine this matter at its conference-call meeting in December. Any comments from the populace should reach the by noon, November 29, US Central Time.
  • The Crown of Caid has awarded Southron Gaard an augmentation to its arms
  • Dance evenings at the university are still going, but will be on Wednesdays rather than Thursdays over the summer holidays, and there will be a break over Christmas/New Year


Calendar & Events
Last updated 5 December 2002
About Southron Gaard Southron Gaard Pictures
Regnum (list of officers) Canterbury Fair
Order of Precedence and Arms Guilds & Groups
Links of Interest Notes for Newcomers
Council Minutes About Event Sites

These pages concentrate specifically on Southron Gaard. Other sites exist which can provide you with more general information on the SCA or other mediaevalist groups in New Zealand.

Site created and maintained by , known to some as Edward Long-hair or Edward No-shoes. This site is not an official appendage of any organisation, but a personal project of Phil. Southron Gaard is not responsible for the contents.
Last updated: 5 December 2002. Copyright © 1. Permission granted to reprint in non-commercial publications provided credit is given. Please contact me in other cases.

Thanks to SPIS Ltd for hosting this page.