Barony of Southron Gaard
Council Minutes: Jan 00

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January 2000

Barony of Southron Gaard Council Meeting Minutes

11 Jan 2000

Meeting opened 7.32 pm.

Present: Bn Sigurd, Bns Eleonora, Ms Cristia, THL Tycho, THL Vitale,
Sr Ulf, L Richard, L Heloise, Aaron Tim's Squire.

Apologies: Teres, Ethelind, Chretienne, Etienne, Edward

Minutes: to be circulated

Business arising: none.

Officers' Reports

Baron and Baroness: The library materials will cost about $50, Eleonora to
purchase, lick and stick to follow. Received email re incorporation from Olaf,
have met with him to discuss this, he is seeing what people expect from
incorporation, what problems people have, why they might want to do it. Will
await developments. Performed demo at museum for opening of weapons
exhibition. [S]ome domesday reports in, awaiting the rest! Will hold courts at
the Millennium event and 12th Night.

Seneschal: (Cristia) Domesday out, awaiting copies from some other officers.
Sent off letter of support for new Reannag Fhara seneschal. Heloise is the new
chatelaine as of now. Ethelind standing down as Chirugeon effective
immediately. Stewards are to take first aid kit to events until we replace the
Chirugeon. Exchequer's term up soon, Cristia to review expiring warrants.

Marshal: (Tycho) Domesday off, letter of introduction off to new Earl Marshal -
Duke John. Two tourneys held, both won by Vitale. Eric is now dry after the
millennium event! Additional weapon forms authorisations at Millennium event.
Working on update on authorisations, as people have not heard from kingdom.

Chirugeon: (Ethelind) nothing to report, stepping down from office.

Quartermaster: (Ethelind) Reannag Fhara stuff now in the garage also. Some
hire garb is still missing, recovering some from Teres.

Constable: (Vitale) Report in from RF officer. Very little lost property at
Millennium event. No other issues at this time.

Chronicler: (Ulf) Jan FTT out early. No one rang for the chocolate fish! $105 in
subs in. Now dealing directly with the copier - cheaper. Domesday report out,
handbook in.

Exchequer: (Richard) General a/c $4160, FTT a/c $649.35, plus CF monies
and approximately $180.97 still owing to CST. Cristia needs cheques for site
and food for the millennium event.

Chatelaine: (Heloise) missing hire garb located at Teres' parents. Hire garb will
be handled by Ethelind (i.e. it will stay in the garage) contact either Ethelind or
Heloise to hire some. Intending on setting up a catalogue of hire garb, and
reviewing the loan system.

A&S: (Chretienne) Domesday report out, wishes to discuss A&S championship
format at a future council meeting.

Reannag Fhara: (Richard) Domesday reports in. Finnish exchange student
over here that is interested. Handing over office on first day of term to Aliena,
notified Kingdom. Following up new officer warrants. Room bookings requested
from UCSA, awaiting confirmation. Discussion on A&S format for 2000. Clubs
day is changing day and format, will be very difficult as the University is trying
to discourage people wasting time on non-academic pursuits. Millennium
tourneys went well, thanks for the prizes.

Herald: (Lughaid) No report.

Lists: (Etienne) no report

Captain of Archers: (Yarnulfr) no report.

Event Reports

Yule: (Teres) nothing in.

Millennium: (Cristia) Great event, really fun. Need cheques for site and food,
event report next month

Canterbury Faire: (Ulf) $1965 in, $1492 cash to exchequer. Refunded $32 to
Rowena. Marquee is confirmed, need a cheque for this. Quote for bus is $240,
will probably go with that (same company as last year). Low bus bookings but
same last year and many more turned up on the day. T-shirts are good quality,
will sell for $18 each, $20 for XXXL. Need $50 cheque for the market, and
money for porridge, toilet paper etc. We probably need more flip top rubbish
bins, Eleonora offers to keep an eye on the ladies. Repast will also need a
cheque to start buying 2 weeks prior to the event (41 booked, 31 paid). Cheque
has gone to Amie for the catered meals, still owe some from those who paid by
one cheque. Chapel will store thrones, first aid kit to go with stewards. Hire
garb to be arranged. Booklet will be posted this week. Ball now Saturday night.
Core activities on the weekend days. Prizes and announcements will happen in
B&B's court. Need 8 portable holes for the castle. Zane is doing the archery.

Baronial Anniversary: (Ethelind) Rimu Park or Cracroft, prob Sat 25 or Sun 26
March. Will discuss with B&B format of Championship tourneys. If can organise
a cook there will be a feast ($15), otherwise courses with potluck dessert or
similar ($8 - $10). Entertainment during evening - champions are expected to
perform their piece for the Baroness. Proposal excepted.

Easter: (Eleonora, Chretienne) Rimu Park booked, prob $3 or $4 a head.
Prizes to be confirmed, several offers. Will run Friday to Tuesday, Rene of
Anjou Tourney. Will cry the tourney at CF, looking for Lord Appellant. Friday set
up am, decorate hall, practices etc, "Super armour check". Court about 5 pm,
dinner after, then showing of the helms. And dancing afterwards. Squire of
Honour selected. Saturday market in the morning, tourney with seating for
spectators. Melee tourney after lunch, probably free for all. Competition for
spectators - spot the fighter. Best favour prizes. Battered helms, Best poem.
Feast suggested, possible Monday night. Dancing in the evenings. Sunday
archery tourney, clout and wand shoot. Mixed melee stuff. Tavern boffer brawl.
Tavern bardic thing, with competition for tavern song and story telling. Monday
tourney with different weapons forms, Feast. Poems competition. Tuesday
break down. Prob $5pp pn $25 weekend. Nee judges, captain. King of Arms
Lughaid, burgermeister to run market. Refreshments for spectators. Proposal

Call for more event stewards in next FTT.

General Business

Surcoats: trying to get quote for printing, 2 colour (yellow and white on red), 20,
front and back, 30x30 sq.

Next meeting is 1 Feb. Contact the B&B in seneschal's absence.

Meeting closed at 9.25 p.m.


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