Barony of Southron Gaard
Council Minutes: Apr-Oct 97

April - May - June - July - August - September - October

Eleonora is currently circulating the minutes via email, so I shall take advantage of this and add them to these pages. I shall probably not do any significant markup on them, however.

October, 1997

Date :  7 October, 1997.
Present:Bn Sigurd, Bns Eleonora, Bn Callum, THL Ulf, L Tycho, THL
Cristia, Ms Madelein, Lord Aedward, L Angharad, Richard,
Late: L Gilbert, Gaius.
Apologies: L Alana.
Opened: 7.35
Previous minutes read and accepted.

* Baron and Baroness: Report given:
  Presented Lady Barbary with Order of the Dolphin in Nelson.
  CP Arts entries ready to go - should appear in Jan issue of CP.
  New Prince and Princess are Rorik and Karina, and Bs Cara is
  Gifts to be given at end of reign: still need local input.
  Discussion of Royal court members - role?
* Seneschal: Report given.
  Newsletter in from Palmerston North
  Folia Roani in too. (Rowany newsletter)
* Herald: Report given.
* Marshal: Report given.
  Hasn't heard from Earl Marshal. See lists report.
  Richard running a tourney.
* Arts and Sciences: Report presented: stepping down at 12th
 Exchequer: absentee report given.
* Chatelaine: Absent.
* Lists: Report given. Sigurd talking with deputy (Padraic) re:
* Chronicler: Report given.
* Constable: Absent: Report given.
  Suggested list of stuff found at last C.F. to be sent
* Minister for Children: Report presented.

Autocrat's Reports
Old Events
* The Ball: Autocrat absent: July 26th. Moneys still not given to
exchequer. Callum to chase Alexandra.
* Collegium: September 13-14. Autocrat absent.
 New Events
* Middle eastern potluck revel. Autocrat absent.
* Spring Tourney: Richard: Jelly Park, site fee $2. To rope off
for archery.
* Bealtane: 1st Nov. Chretienne: Quest looking good. Haven't
heard officially from many people about merchanting, about 3
stalls so far. Competitions: leek eating and turnip carving? Need
money for food purchase and site fee. Court early evening. Kids
activities? Timetable with FTT sub form on the back and song
* Christmas Revel. Need autocrat - Ulfrickr? El offers to book
Omaka for Dec 6th.
* Canterbury Faire IV. Feb 1998.
 Needs someone to organise bus.
* 12th Night: TerTs autocrat and Angharad cook. Vincent to run
tourney (?) Italian Ren theme. Need a site - Foundation for the
Blind? ($150), or Cracroft also ($150). Bid must be written up
for seneschal and exchequer and info into FTT by 17/10/97

General Business
* Richard and Jarnulfr both interested in being Captain of
Archers for barony.
* UofC martial arts meetings - Richard attending to apply for
money, better bookings for ballroom and storage space.
* Fighter's practices over summer - Richard to investigate.
* Ross MacKenzie wanting to hire banners for dinner at Great
Hall. El to contact.
* World Proposal committee meeting to be held before fighters
practice at UofC in bar at 7.30 pm.

September, 1997

Date :     2nd September, 1997.
Present:        Bn Sigurd, Bns Eleonora, Bn Callum, THL Ulf, L Alys, L
Tycho, THL Cristia, Ms Madelein, Lord Aedward, L Ayfra, L
Gilbert, L Alana, Jarnulfr, Richard,
Late: L Sinech
Apologies:, L Alexander, L Alexandra, L Angharad, Gaius,
Opened: 7.30
Previous minutes taken as read and accepted.

* Baron and Baroness: Report given:
  Baron Padraic having scroll done for canopy - made to be taken
apart easily.
  Ms Doria, CP arts competition tokens and letter from TRMs.
  Problem plastic boxes - what about wooden ones - more authentic
and adaptable.  Jarnulfr may have some suitable - will bring to
Collegium. Storage impt - must accept responsibility for
goods/insurance. Wood expensive/heavy. Everyone to think about
  Pentathlon entry sent - postage receipt presented.
  L Beatrice still has kitchen tabards and two platters.
  Tents damaged: may be possible to reconstruct into one sunshade
- volunteers?
  New site for Council Meetings - Hindin Communications Building,
94-96 Fitzgerald Ave - door in corner of buildings, up stairs and
to right. Off street parking.
  Ran demo for West Sreydon School.
  L Katherine still to supply negatives for investiture photos.
* Seneschal: Report given.
  Mail In: Photos from Viscountess Catriona - passed around.
  Mail Out: Request for membership numbers from Kingdom.
   Email to Kingdom re chroniclers office changeover.
  Meeting with B+B.
* Herald: Report given.
  Just moved - still a little disorganised.
  Waiting for Chretiennes submission.
  Organising O.P. and Collegium class.
  Started tracking system "what's happening to your submission"
* Marshal: Report given.
  Preparing  for  Border War.
 Arts and Sciences: Absent.
* Exchequer: Report given:
 Dealing with feast budget for Collegium - will talk to L TerTs.
 Finances: General account: In $100, Out $ 301, Balance $1938.03
  FTT Account: Balance $32.
* Chatelaine: Report given:
 Working on 1/4 ly report.
 Spent money on cleaning(?)
 Newcomers workshop on cooking went well. Next  month on camping
  Newcomer's booklet just needs printing 15 copies.
  Calender/flyer about ready.
 Working on Bealtaine - getting hire garb ready.
  Hospitaller:  L Teres has taken role of garb hire: donation of
fabric by Ms Rowena and L Athelind to $100 worth. Two items still
outstanding. All garb to be stencilled to label. Buying
coathangers - Alys suggests trying big hotels, some sell wooden
  Demos: Eleonora no longer able to do during term time: will
pass on to L Alana.
* Lists: Report given. Authorisation card issued to THL
Sebastian. Needs new authorisation list from Kingdom.
* Chronicler: Report given.
  Sinech: $30 subs in $12 stamps out and waiting for copying
bill. Edward and Ulf take over either Collegium or Oct revel. Big
Thank You to Sinech for hard work.
* Constable: Absent: Report given.
  Blurb for FTT for deputies. Auction at Bealtaine of old stock.
Moved: ph 3431686
* Minister for Children: donated crayons for crescents box.
* Chirugeon (Acting). Absent.

Autocrat's Reports
* The Ball: July 26th. Moneys still not given to exchequer.
Alexandra to do so ASAP.
* Collegium: September 13-14. Autocrat absent. Schedule in FTT.
CP Art contest still on - Court will be held as a part of then
heralds class late Sat afternoon.
* Middle eastern potluck revel 11th Oct at Phyllis Zeff. Bardic
circle/dancing. Site fee $4. Site costs $45. Will put map in FTT.
ME dance, bardic, games.
* Bealtaine: 1st Nov. Autocrat absent. $100 deposit been made.
Garage sale, merchants etc.
* Canterbury Faire IV. Feb 1998.
 Blurb for CP, Pegasus, FTT, Ildhafn Raed not yet PR. Booklet
mostly done. Eleonora wants to run persona bower, will do trial
at St Judes? Arts tourney / display? Moot on archery at Collegium
(championship). Discussion followed on Championship  - started
late so rushed: people have to make effort to start on time. Bs E
suggests class on range safety - basic archery. Bs E wants
discussion of Arts Champ too - Collegium around lunch Sat?
* Richard to run tourney for College sometime soon.
* Need autocrat for 12th Night very by next meeting. L TerTs
shown some interest.

General Business
* Stapler: arrived - hooray. THL Cristia has somewhere.
* Arts Championship - not at CF. Angels run as a triathlon from 5
categories like Caid Pentathlon. Lochac do as series of
competitions of various classes over year, 5 pts for best entry,
3 pts second  best, 1 pt for entering, sum at end of year. Want
to decide formal structure so people know what to expect. Do all
championships on one day very busy. Run lunchtime discussion at
* Jarnulfr: Ayeshah wants to make listing of peoples interests -
contact list which she will maintain at small cost (?). Proposed
format shown - phone numbers only.
* Jarnulfr: Fabric donated to hire garb to make Viking/Norman and
pants, larger sizes.
* Grand Council's World Proposal: (please see proposal for
 Discussion: Incorporating here costs $200+ $15 for seal. This
makes us a legal entity. Preference to incorp nationally, have
national council. Constitution must fit both SCA Charters and NZ
law. Submissions to BOD due Jan 5th. Benefits; disconnect
membership from TI may be cheaper (or not), people see better
what they get for $$, poss cheaper membership. Insurance? Will
need to get legal advice, $ to support national body. Don't have
to incorp. Takes control of SCA  to international body, not US
one. Principality would give us voice on World Council. Look at
long term planning now - aiming for Principality. Committee to
work on submission with other NZ SCA groups - Richard, Edward,
Ayfra, Sigurd, Sinech, Callum.

Meeting closed 9.25 pm.
Please note the following abbreviations: Sen. = Seneschal, Ex. =
Exchequer, S.G. = Southron Gaard, CF = Canterbury Faire.

August, 1997

Present:   Bn Sigurd, Bns Eleonora, Bn Callum, L Tycho, L Angharad,
Gaius THL Cristia, Ms Madelein, Lord Aedward, Richard.
Late:   L Ayfra, L Gilbert, L Alana
Apologies:      Lady Sinech, L Alexander.
Opened: 7.39
Minutes read. Correction: L Alana was present last month.

* Baron and Baroness: Report given:
 Mail in: Baron Padraic thanks for canopy - to be rotated around
Caid baronies
  Ms Doria, CP editor: arts competition to be held at Collegium.
 Problem with boxes of stuff - no room. Alana offers shed for
stuff. Need to buy sealable plastic boxes to keep stuff dry.
 Begin to rotate minute taker. Sign-in sheet.
 Pentathlon stuff to be sent soon - will need cheque for postage.
 Investigated price of storage facility - minimum $40 a month
 Trustbank Community trust grants? Maybe new pavilion? Callum to
follow up.

* Seneschal: Report given.
  Mail In: from group in Toronto
  Kingdom Herald - wants money for submissions
  General discussion about possibility of sending all funds for
one year in with exchequer's doomsday report - College too?
  Business: Cristia has ordered new stapler.
* Herald: Report given.
  Mail in: from Kingdom re money
  From Ulfrikr: report
  Mail out: 1/4ly reports to kingdom.
  Event report correcting names.
  Business: Awards: long discussion - investigating gold tower,
silver Canty cross, Silver comet
  Need some boxes.
  Working on submissions
  Problems occur when non-group heralds send in submissions:
local herald's office doesn't get it's share of the money for
  Going to do "your submissions progress" updates for submitters
  Article on choosing SCA name: copy also for Chatelaines.
  Collegium class on practical court heraldry.
  Ulfrickr did great job at College Ann court.
* Marshal: Report given.
  Mail In: 1/4ly report from College marshal
  Mail Out: 1/4ly reports to kingdom
  Business: Newcomers into fencing may go for SCA rapier: given
  Got Loaner armour off Olaf
* Arts and Sciences: Report given.
  Mail In: Letter from Kingdom A+S.
  Contacted Alexander re: Collegium.
* Exchequer: Report given:
  In: Chatelaine inquiry re; budget.
  Chronicler request for stamp money
  To reimburse M Yoshitoshi for CF.
  Money to go to St Michaels
  Framing receipt for $87.
 Finances: General account: In $794.25, Out $ 861.04, Balance
  FTT Account: In $32, Balance $32.
* Chatelaine: Report given:
  No mail in or out. No money in or out.
  Email from other Kingdom (?) want to be part of listing.
 Business: Newcomers group on sewing, 4 newcomers. August
workshop on cooking.
  Newcomer's booklet just needs cover and org printing.
  Printing calendar of upcoming events with membership forms and
FTT subscription forms. Calender should not supplant FTT.
  Demo for Middleton Grange school  - $100
  Talking to Rachel re: Bealtaine.
  Money due from hire garb. Two items still outstanding.
  Hired garb to 4 for Ball and 3 for College Ann.
  Teres to take on garb hire - currently doing repairs.
* Lists: Report given. No Business
* Chronicler: Report given.
  Edward and Ulf to take over from October issue. Ulf to be
official Chronicler as member.
* Constable: Report given.
  Looking for deputies: will do blurb for FTT
  Nothing or out. No finances
* Minister for Children: Nothing to report.
Chirugeon (Acting). Absent.

Autocrat's Reports
* The Ball: July 26th. Autocrat absent. Very good response.
* Collegium: September 13-14. Autocrat present. Provisional
schedule presented.
* Middle eastern potluck revel 11th Oct at Phyllis Zeff (yet to
confirm). Bardic circle/dancing. Site fee $2-$5 depending on site
* Bealtaine: 1st Nov. Autocrat absent. Has booked Rimu Park Hall
$200 - needs $100 deposit.
* Canterbury Faire IV. Feb 1998.
 Blurb for CP sent in. Starting to write booklet: dealing
soonish. Suggestion to invest money in toy box.

General Business
* Stapler: ordered.
* Bs E to price plastic storage boxes.
* Need good serving platters.


July, 1997

Present:        Bn Sigurd, Bns Eleonora, Bn Callum, L Tycho, THL
Sebastian, Rachel, L Angharad, Gaius
Apologies:      Ms Madelein, Alexandra, THL Cristia, L Gilbert, L
Ayfra, L Teres.
Late:   Lady Sinech, Lord Aedward, L Alexander.
Opened: 7.30
Minutes read and accepted.

* Baron and Baroness: Report given:
 Gave out some awards at Yule Feast
 Had coronets valued. Cost $32 to be reimbursed. Will be covered
by our insurance. Copies of valuation for B+B, insurer, Exchequer
and THL Sebastian,
 Working on Baronial Pentathlon entry
* Seneschal: Report given.
 Business: Discussed safety issues with Journey's End
* Herald: Report given.
  Business: Working on awards
  Ceremonies package
* Marshal: Report given.
 Business: Helped at College A+S on combat
 College F.P. off until next term
* Arts and Sciences: Report given.
 Exchequer: Absent: Report not given
* Chatelaine: Report given:
 Business: Chateleine's meeting happened but only current
chatelaines attended. Went through hire garb: need pants,
chemises and belts.
* Lists: Report given.
* Chronicler: Report given.
 Business: Resuming newsletter exchange with Nawth Wold. July
issue late due to computer problems: Sebastian to take to
printer. Needs deputy, wants to step down by Sept
* Constable: Report given. Looking for deputies
* Minister for Children: Report given.
* Chirugeon (Acting). Report given.
  Missed out on 1st Aid course - will have to take August's.
  Still after 1st Aid Kit.

Autocrat's Reports
* Midwinter/Yule: June 21st. Autocrat absent: report given.
  $135.95 profit.
* The Ball: July 26th. Autocrat absent. All on track
* Collegium: September 13-14. Autocrat present. Only five firm
volunteers so far.
* Spring Festival/Beltane: 1st Nov. Autocrat present. Bring a
newbie/friend event. Has booked Rimu Park Hall $200. Potluck
dinner, dessert provided $6 per head so break even at 50.
Emphasis on variety of SCA activities. Needs lots of promotion.
* Need autocrats for Spring events.
* Demo for T-Coll - idea put forward at exec meeting. Perhaps
invite people to Beltane afterwards.
* Canterbury Faire IV. Feb 1998.
 Blurb for CP ready to go.

General Business
* Decision to buy stapler: purchase to go ahead this month.
* Promotion/profile raising of SCA
* Callum to investigate library window display: will try again
* Alana to handle publications including fliers/posters, business
cards, FTT sub forms, membership forms.
* Alana planning middle eastern potluck revel in Oct. Suggested
site Phyllis Zeff which used to be $30 and is central.
* Photos: waiting to hear from Katherine re: price and negatives.
Meeting closed 9.36.

June, 1997

Barony of Southron Gaard Minutes
Date :  8th June, 1997.
Present:        Baron Sigurd, Baroness Eleonora, Baron Callum, Mistress
Madelein THL Cristia, Lord Tycho, Lord Gilbert, Lady Ayfra,
Richard des Alpes, Rachel, Alexandra
Apologies:      Lady Sinech, Lord Aedward
Absent:         Lady Angharad, Gaius.
Opened: 7.34
Minutes read, Madelein incorrectly spelt.

* Baron and Baroness: Report given:
 Consulting on SG awards with Countess Tristana
 Working on Baronial Pentathlon entry
* Seneschal: Report given.
 In: Gyldenholt Press
 CINCH letter asking details
 Photos of Coronation of Direk and Arianna
 Out: blurb for FTT re autocrating
 Business: booked site for CFIV
* Herald: Report given.
  Out: letter to Crescent Principle
  FTT article on recommendations
  Business: created OP
  College A+S class on heraldry
* Marshal: Report given.
 In: 1st quarter report form College marshal
 Business: attending fighters practices
 Marshals' annual reports due
* Arts and Sciences: Absent
* Exchequer: Report given.
  In: Tax return forms
  Income:       $2698.66
  Expenditure: $904.90
  Balance:      $2205.82
  Business: problem cheque for $25
 General discussion about FTT funding: Decisions - FTT needs its
own account, FTT needs ongoing cash injection to cover the costs
of complementaries. Sinech will work out the monthly amounts
which will then be transferred to the account. Complementaries
are about 1/4 of the total published.
  Richard des Alpes is deputy exchequer.
* Chatelaine: Report given:
 In: letter from Kingdom with new handouts.
 Business: costumes still out-standing
 Newcomer's meetings on going
 Teres to take on responsibility for costume hire
  Chatelaine's meeting at 6.00 Sunday 22nd
* Lists: Report given.
 In: letter from Kingdom: new copy of list due soon
 No replacement yet
* Chronicler: Report given.
 In: 3 subscriptions
 Business: needs deputy, wants to step down by Sept
* Constable: Absent.
* Minister for Children: Report given.
   Nothing to report
   Concerns about the play equipment at Journey's End - ask the
site owners to fix, Seneschal to talk to Pete Osborne to get a
list of site problems and ask owners re: maintenance.
* Chirugeon (Acting). Report given.
  1st Aid course this month costs $85. Still searching for first
aid kit. Gwalhyfod and Michelle may also be interested in
becoming Chirugeons. Barony can only pay for 1st course once.

Autocrat's Reports
* Midwinter/Yule: June 21st. Autocrat absent: report given.
Margin considered somewhat slim.
* The Ball: July 26th. Autocrat present. Site confirmed.
* Collegium: September 13-14. Autocrat absent: Sen to chase up.
* Spring Festival/Beltane: 1st Nov. Rachel autocrat: dessert
revel with contests possibly at Omaka. Bring a newbie/friend
* Need autocrats for Spring events.
* Canterbury Faire IV. Feb 1998. In desperation council votes Sen
as Autocrat - accepts. Offers of help include:
 Cristia to run Arts Tourney and heralding
 Madelein will run some children's activities and games (for
 Tycho will run marshalling, friend nearby might supply hay
 Sigurd will run War scenarios
Suggestion to ask the following:
 Alys to repeat hours and associated activities (unofficially of
 A repeat of Boffer Tavern Brawl (Llewellyn?)
 Katherine to run target archery competition

General Business
* Decision to buy stapler: purchase authorised up to $80 to be
done asap.
* Promotion/profile raising of SCA
* Callum to investigate library window display
* Alana to handle publications including fliers/posters, business
cards, FTT sub forms, membership forms.
* An Invite-A-Friend event: see Beltane in autocrats reports.
* Demos at teachers college: idea presented at Exec meeting.
* Demo for Waimakariri Genealogical Society Tuesday 17th, 8.00.
Meeting closed 9.36.

May, 1997

Barony of Southron Gaard Minutes
Date :  6th May, 1997.
Present:        Baron Sigurd, Baroness Eleonora, Baron Callum, THL
Cristia, Lord Tycho, Lord Aedward, Lord Gilbert, Lady Angharad.
Apologies:      Lady Ayfra, Lady Sinech, Mistress Madeleine, Gaius.
Opened: 7.34
Minutes read and accepted.

Officer Reports
* Baron and Baroness: Report given:
 TRM ask for input on GWW date.
 TRH ask for recommendations for court
 Consulting on SG awards with Countess Tristana
 Report in from Master Giles for A+S
 Discussion with L Alis re O Precedence on line: THL Cristia will
pass on the current OP to Alis for mark up when it is available.
 Mail in from OL
 Contacted Kingdom Chirugeon re Alexandra
 Photos list ready, need other set of negatives

* Seneschal: Report given.
 In: Kingdom seneschal
 Changed details in CINCH
 Ph no is 
* Herald: Report given.
 Mail out to Kingdom Herald
 Regnum changes
 Did court at First Feast
 Doing booklet of awards
 Waiting to hear from Cres Prin re SG awards
 Articles on court and awards for FTT
* Marshal: Report given.
 Marshalled demo at Arts Centre.
* Arts and Sciences: Report given.
 Mail in from Kingdom A+S
* Exchequer: Absent. Report not given.
* Chatelaine: Absent. Report not given. Chatelaine at large:
 Lots of demos at the moment $70 in from first two. Another early
* Lists: Report given.
 Sent quarterly reports to Kingdom.
 Stepping down asap.
* Chronicler: Absent. Report given.
 Two issues of FTT returned to sender from US.
* Constable: Report given.
* Minister for Children: Absent. Report given via email.

Autocrat's Reports
* Midwinter: Autocrat absent: Event not official as no details
* The Ball: July 26th. Alexandra absent but dropped in details:
* Collegium: September 13-14. Autocrat absent: no details as yet.
* Need autocrats for Spring events end Aug - Nov.
* Canterbury Faire IV. Feb 1998. No bids.

General Business
* Decision to buy stapler: Callum and Cristia to investigate
* General discussion on promotion/profile raising of SCA in
second half of year. Discussion included:
* Library window display a good idea
* Need new fliers/posters. Generic posters using period pictures
or original art: A4 and reducible.
* Also business cards, FTT sub forms, membership forms.
* An Invite-A-Friend event: get everyone to bring a non-SCA
friend to a revel event. Possibly in October?
* Articles in FTT and PR explaining what is going on.
* Demos: social studies class at teachers college - get to the
teachers first.
* Eventual goal of a public arts fair/medieval fair.

Meeting closed 9.20.
Please note the following abbreviations: Sen. = Seneschal, Ex. =
Exchequer, S.G. = Southron Gaard, CF = Canterbury Faire.

April, 1997

Barony of Southron Gaard Minutes
Date :  8th April, 1997.
Present:        Baron Sigurd, Baroness Eleonora, Baron Callum, Mistress
Madeleine, Lord Tycho, Lord Aedward, Gaius, Richard des Alpes.
Apologies:      Lady Ayfra, Lady Sinech, THL Cristia.
Opened: 7.33
Minutes read and accepted.

* Baron and Baroness: Report given. Idea raised in discussion of
"christening" people in court when they take on a new name or
decide on a final name or have their name passed by the COH.
* Seneschal: Report given. Food donation made. Mailed out address
changes etc.
* Herald: Report given. Mail out re office changeover.
* Marshal: Report given: Quarterly report sent. B+B have copy of
Western rules.
* A+S: Absent: Quarterly report sent.
 Exchequer: Absent. Report given via email. CF autocrats estimate
$600 profit. Anniversary event report almost ready.
* Chatelaine: Absent.
* Lists: Report given.
* Chronicler: Absent. Report given.
* Constable: Report given. We have goods to auction question of
when? Also does Chatelaine get first pick or should she use Chat
funds to bid at auction?
* Minister for Children: Report given.

Autocrat's Reports
* Baronial Anniversary. Report given. This site most available in
summer and needs to be booked 6 months in advance. Too expensive
for a small event.
* Midwinter: Beatrice intending to autocrat - has ask re; St
* The Ball: July. Alexandra to autocrat?
* Canterbury Faire IV. No bids. Seneschal to book Journey's End
for Thurs-Mon inclusive. Aedward to redo web site as soon as info
* Christia suggests a mini-Collegium to deal with bureaucratic
type topics

General Business
* Chat: gifted children demo Sunday 11th May or 2nd Sunday in
June? Contact Dr M Read, Physics dept, University.
* Nth Canty gifted children demo - unable to contact.
* Feast box needs a home.
* Belfast primary school demo in August. Contact = Mistress
* Eleonora has two more demos on.
* Demo sheet for prospective audiences (schools etc) - also pack
with dances that work, songs that work, tapes with relevant music
etc. Demo kit for demo organiser.
* Need Chatelaines meeting soon: Madeleine, Aedward and Richard
all interested.
Meeting closed 8.57.
Please note the following abbreviations: Sen. = Seneschal, Ex. =
Exchequer, S.G. = Southron Gaard, CF = Canterbury Faire.


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Last updated: 1 August 1999. Copyright © 1997. Permission granted to reprint in non-commercial publications. Please contact me in other cases.

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