Southron Gaard
Event Details

Calendar - Ongoing Event Info

If you are not yet involved with the SCA but would like to attend any of the listed events, we'd be happy to see you. You might want to read the notes for newcomers first. Information on this page is abbreviated; for full event details, contact the person listed or check FTT.

This list includes non-private events of interest to SCA participants in Southron Gaard regardless of whether or not they are officially sponsored by the Barony of Southron Gaard or any other group.

November St Jude's Fair
December Christmas Revel
January Twelfth Night
Far future Canterbury Fair -- Night of Champions


St Jude's Fair

Information from November FTT.

When: Friday-Sunday November 15-17
Where: Omaka Scout Camp
Cost: day $5.00; weekend $15.00 adults/$8.00 children; feast $12.00 adults/$6.00 children
Contact: Geoffrey and Arabella

Themed as the seige of Constantinople, with Turks vs Christians. Bookings close 9 November.


Christmas Revel

Information from November FTT.

When: Saturday 14 December, 6:00-11:00pm
Where: Parish Lounge of St Paul's, Papanui (corner of Harewood and Papanui Roads)
Cost: TBA
Steward: Lord Angus de Sommerville

A pot-luck supper will be held during the evening.

Bookings close Saturday July 27; money required with booking.


Twelfth Night

Information from December FTT.

When: Saturday 11 January, 2003; site opens 5:00pm, feast at 6:00pm
Where: Royal Foundation for the Blind
Cost: $15.00, under 12 $8.00
Steward: THL Terese de la Maunch (Meredith Hart),

The theme is "King Arthur and the Holy Grail". Bookings close 31 December.


Night of Champions

Information from December FTT.

When: Monday 10 February
Where: TBA
Cost: TBA (low)
Contact: Lady Emma of Wolvercote (Nicola Rooney),

Come one, come all, to quest for the Holy Grail, with fine friends and great laughter at the close of the day.

There will be a light supper. Bookings appreciated to help with catering estimates, but not vital.


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Site created and maintained by , known to some as Edward Long-hair or Edward No-shoes.
Last updated: 5 December 2002. Copyright © 1. Permission granted to reprint in non-commercial publications provided credit is given. Please contact me in other cases.

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