- Forms
- Tents
(echoes series)
- Cape Bird Images
- Icescapes 1 - Icescapes 2
Coastal Profiles
The Human Imprint
(obsolete structures)
Land Forms
Human Imprint : obsolete structures
Images are below click here
This work is part of a series using utilitarian structures in a coastal setting that I have worked upon over the past 15 years exploring the following ideas and formal issues:
- The eroding and unifying effects of natural forces upon these structures. The idea of the coastline as a marginal zone where elements collide and the fluid erodes the solid.
- The use of diagonals and exaggerated spatial recession contribute to the sense of transience and instability.
- To convey a dimension of present and future by describing ongoing processes rather than just copying surface appearances with no understanding.
- To explore the interaction of the physical nature of paint as embodied in the use of gesture with the illusionistic devices used to create an image
- In this work I was particularly interested in the relationship between the triangular forms of roof, island & mountains. I also found the grid-like structure of niches at the end of the building fascinating & will be exploring this further in future.
- The structures I have used in these paintings are neither grand or significant (often their original function is obscure) thus they provide fertile sites for new imaginings & interpretations.
Click on the images below to view full image - please note larger images may take longer depending on your internet connection.
"A Place To
Change 2"
"A Place To
Change 3"
"A Place To
Change 4"
"A Place
To Change"
"Boys, A Place
To Change"
"Bait Shed"
"Bait Shed 4"
"Bait Shed 5"
"Bait Shed 6"
"Cast Aside"
"Danger Sign"
"Aid To
"Frames On
The Land 2"
"Frames On
The Land 3"
"Frames On
The Land"
"Empty Vessels 1"
"Empty Vessels 2"
"Empty Vessels 3"
"Eroding Defences 2"
"Eroding Defences"
"Eroding Defences"
"Eroding Defences"
"Eroding Defences 3"
"Eroding Defences 6"
Series 1"
Series 2"
"Standing On
The Margin 1"
"Standing On
The Margin"
Space 1"
Space 2"
"Reclamation Blocks
Fragment 1"
"Reclamation Blocks
Fragment 2"
"Reclamation Blocks
Fragment 3"
"Reclamation Blocks