Web design & development

Edward Tufte is using your web site (SciTechDaily.com) as an example of a great web site in his lectures....You are truly doing a great job!
Anton Skorucak, President & CEO of Science IQ

(Tufte is a Professor Emeritus at Yale, famous as the author of The Visual Display of Quantitative Information and a highly regarded expert on information and interface design. SciTechdaily.com is a science portal operated by SPIS.)

Some Web sites look great, but the links are broken and the forms fail these are the designer-heavy sites.

Some sites function brilliantly, but are really ugly and full of typos these are the techno-heavy sites.

And some sites combine the best of professional design and technical expertise - these are the kind we design and develop.

Any site we produce has:

  • good site structure with straightforward, reliable navigation features, well-defined to cope with future expansion and development
  • valid, browser-independent HTML
  • sensible use of graphics with optimal loading speeds
  • built-in technical efficiencies to relieve download congestion
  • smart use of support software such as database handling, forms and administration
  • sophisticated site automation and maintenance using advanced tools that are proven

Top Websites such as our SciTech Daily Review get thousands of visits each day and they achieve that popularity for very good reasons -- they're well designed, interesting, interactive.

We can make your Website elegant in form and function, matching your needs and desires with our ability to translate those aims into action. Just tell us what you want.

Look at our Website portfolio to get a good idea of the possibilities!