About us

We bring a number of important business philosophies to our work, including:

  • the desire to exceed expectations
  • a focus on your needs, now and in the future
  • a recognition of the importance of practical, professional advice
  • an insistence on meeting deadlines and budgets

Here's the quick run-down on the company:

Established 1989
Primary focus Website design, development and automation
Custom software development (specialty: Delphi)
Electronic publishing
Design and multimedia
Major clients/users IBM (US) and its Gold clients: Kodak, Xerox, Amex etc
Knight Ridder/New York Times (US)
MIR (Japan) and its clients: Vodafone, Merrill Lynch etc
Fulton Hogan (NZ)
Foodstuffs (SI) Ltd (NZ)

Our highly skilled, well educated, cheerful staff are really what makes the difference to our clients. Here is some of the feedback we've had: "rapid friendly response", "impressed by the personal nature of the contact", "friendly instantaneous help", "efficient, experienced and very understanding of our needs".

If you'd like to know about our talented staff, check out Our People page.

When necessary, SPIS draws on a range of regular, reliable sub-contractors in specialist fields, many of whom have worked alongside the company for the past decade. In addition, the company has strong ties with leading Web automation and content management developers internationally.