Advice and assistance

We bring technical flair and leading edge capabilities and outlook to any task, but work hard to ensure that the bottom line of meeting client expectations, budgets and schedules is always the prime factor in our approach. To that end, we will provide the best advice we can to see that we help you meet your needs. That usually means looking at what you want to do and why, as a prelude to working out how to best go about it.

We want to build sites and software that we can be proud of and, as part of that, we think it is important you understand why we make the recommendations we do. This can mean that sometimes we end up gently discouraging clients from taking up what are "flavour-of-the-month" approaches, seeing this as part of the educational process that should be an aspect of any co-operative, professional development.

We can also provide advice on and operational support for a large range of Web marketing activities, including:

  • integration of Web marketing with any current strategic plan
  • assistance with link exchanges and email-based outreach
  • site traffic analysis
  • support for personal recommendations and suchlike

We are happy to provide a range of Web marketing and maintenance services on a contract basis, including:

  • site updating
  • processing and uploading new content
  • production of new graphics
  • automation development

Many of our clients have been with us for more than a dozen years, reflecting the strong focus we have on long-term strategic planning and establishing good working business relationships. Take a look at some of our work in our portfolio section and you'll see what our clients have said.