Welcome to SPIS WebQueue

Site Management Utility for WinNT and Win9x

What's New?
What is WebQueue?
What can it do?
Registration Information
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What's New?

July 1 1998: SPIS WebQueue V2.01 released. This fixes a problem whereby the status bar wasn't being updated to reflect what was happening. If you thought WebQueue was doing its own thing without telling you enough about what was going on, this update is for you!

May 16 1998: SPIS WebQueue V2.0 released. Here's what's new:

  • FTP Proxy Server support -- essential if your business uses a Proxy Server for outgoing Internet connections.
  • A new WebDeploy application has been provided. It is designed to run as a standalone application on your Web Server, to manage the server side of the WebQueue process. With WebDeploy, you now have the resources to manage both halves of the site management equation. Of course, developers wanting to roll their own site solutions (e.g. built-in to other Web applications) can still make use of our TWebCompress component to make the job easy.

Download v2.0 from right here.


SPIS WebQueue is a Web site management utility for remote site maintenance. It is designed to create and transfer LHA-compatible archives to and from your remote sites via FTP. The standard WebDeploy application, also provided, handles the Web site end of the same process.

This makes it a handy tool for keeping your site up to date with changes made locally, fetching log or other files from the site, and even automatically creating and fetching a backup of your entire site's contents.

Although it has special functions which allow it to work closely with our TWebCompress Component for Borland Delphi, it can be used for general purpose archive creation and transfer operations as well, and even for one-step backups of local files and directories.

Key Features

  • Creation of LHA-compatible archives containing all files which have altered since the last upload
  • FTP uploading of the resulting archive to the site, and optional communication with WebDeploy or TWebCompress to deploy the upload on the site
  • Optional communication with WebDeploy or TWebCompress to "gather" specified files from the site, download them via FTP and decompress them locally
  • Management of multiple independent sites
  • Batch execution, optionally specifying the site and a choice of compress/upload/gather operations
  • Can be used for backup operations on your local systems, as well as for site maintenance
  • Can run external applications before and after upload operations, e.g. for database table management operations
  • Full path control for files stored in or expanded from archives
  • Online help included

Download a copy now -- and, if you are a Web developer yourself, be sure to check out TWebCompress as well!


The downloaded version of SPIS WebQueue is fully functional except that it will queue no more than ten files at a time for compressing and/or uploading to the site.

To register your copy, use the handy form in the Registration section of the help file.

On registering, you will receive:

  • A personal registration key
  • The latest version, if updated, downloadable from our Web site
  • The right to use one copy of WebQueue from one PC to administer as many Web sites as you wish (please contact us for quantity discounts if you want to register or on-sell multiple copies)
  • Notice of free updates and major upgrades
  • Rapid email assistance with any conundrums you encounter
  • Our thanks for supporting quality Web products

Registration can be done via credit card, and costs $NZ99 (approx. $US55) per copy, with discounts for multiple copies.

Registered users of our TCompLHA Compression Component can register for a special discounted price of $NZ79 (approx. $US44).

Download SPIS WebQueue Today!

Download via HTTP or FTP links, as you prefer. Those on the left are HTTP, those on the right are FTP -- take your choice.

HTTP FTP Description
SPIS Webqueue (530K) SPIS WebQueue Offline site management utility -- program and help file
TWebCompress (40K) TWebCompress TWebCompress component -- only get this if you are a Web developer wishing to use TWebCompress to automate the site side of your operations
TCompLHA Shareware version of our LHA-compatible compression component -- required if you want to use TWebCompress, not required for SPIS WebQueue or WebDeploy

We Highly Recommend:

Webhub Site Automation Components. If you're making interactive or database-driven sites, look no further. Webhub has unmatched power, performance and scalability in the site development world. As used in our TurboPress site automation software for publishers.