Barony of Southron Gaard
Council Minutes: Jul 99

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July 1999

Barony of Southron Gaard
July Council Minutes
6 July 1999

Present: Bns Eleonora, Bn Sigurd, Ms Cristia, Sr Ulf, THL Tycho, THL Ethelind,
THL Lughaid, THL Vitale, THL Teres, L Iulianna, L Richard, L Etienne.
Apologies: Adele, Jarnulfr, Chretienne.
Previous Minutes: 1 June 1999
Business arising: Sigurd plans to purchase the fire extinguisher on Saturday.

Stewards to contact the exchequer (with details) if they would like a letter sent to
those who default on event tickets.

Officers Reports

Baron and Baroness: Correspondence file probably left behind at Yule, tracking
it down. Replied to the monarchist league.  Will work on tabards at the open
home this month - Cristia to assist.  Design discussed and to be finalised next
month.  Still looking for photos for Catriona, please see if you have any!  Iulianna
volunteers reprints from Canterbury Faire, Cristia to take some at Collegium. 
Eleonora planning a gift for Wellington group - heraldic tabard, will make it if
the Barony pays for the cost of the materials (under $30).

Constable: (Vitale) Quarterly report off.  More lost and found in.  Been reading
the on line handbook - can't carry a weapon or drink alcohol while on duty.

Seneschal: (Cristia) Letter in from contact through Call to Arms.  Eleonora has
finished the stewards' handbook and copies will go in the library and to the
seneschal for loan to stewards.  Busy month assisting autocrats, working on
library etc.

Exchequer: (Richard) New Kingdom exchequer, introductory letter away.  The
issue of finances and alcohol was raised again but this is under US law and does
not affect us. A/c balances: FTT $614.08, General $4467.18, COH $58.  In
process of checking the FTT printing statement, then Domesday will be

Arts and Sciences: (Iulianna) Pre-entry form and fees for pentathlon sent to
Kingdom, and a correction to this.  Received introduction and quarterly report
from Reannag Fhara, will forward to kingdom.  Suggests buying additional
copies of KWH since the Barony copies have gone missing.  Making
arrangements to send off pentathlon entries.  Needs cheque to Del for $11.30 to
cover US$6 entry fees.

Herald: (Lughaid) One sub off.  Follow up in FTT for heraldic display

Chirugeon: (Ethelind) Not even a band aid this month.

Quartermaster: (Ethelind) Tablecloths are definitely missing.  Some buckets
maybe with Ayesha.  Would officers kindly please take notice of the request for
an assets list to the quartermaster!  Second rental on garage due soon.

Chatelaine: (Teres) 3 sets of garb out and in.  Received chatelaine handbook.

Held a newcomers mask competition at the ball.  Difficulty getting garb back so
now garb with be loaned out and returned on the evening of the event.  Quarterly
report out.  Chatelaines' brunch at 11 am before open home at Eleonora's.

Marshal: (Tycho) Quarterly report out, college report in.  Earl Marshal will
accept electronic tourney reports.  Copy of mixed combat rules forward to
kingdom, and recommendation for Inigo to become a senior marshal. Visited
Idlhafn and completed authorisations and additional weapons forms.  Money for
sale of fighters handbook and printing invoice to exchequer.  Will print further
and Teres promises to bind them.

Chronicler: (Ulf) $35 subs in, $10.50 stamps out.  Sorting reimbursement for
stamps out with exchequer.

Lists: (Etienne) Quarterly report to go soon.  Nothing happening this month.

Captain of Archers: (Jarnulfr) absent.  Archery is all go, see Jarnulfr.

Reannag Fhara: (Richard)  Website being updated, new URL.  Please send in
links, photos etc.  Winter weekend going well.  Bring a toboggan or plastic bag
and chains and a shovel! Anniversary also happening, Teres is cooking, Vitale
will do the Celtic games - bookings by 2 Aug.  Spring Tourney may be run. Will
bid for Millennium Tourney.  Fighters' practice are on during the holidays. 
Quarterly reports done, looking for a herald. Affiliation soon to be complete.

Event Reports

Ball: (Ethelind) Final report done and submitted.  A list of thank yous are to go
in the next FTT.

ME mid-winter: (Adele) to come.

Collegium: (Eleonora and Sigurd) Lots more classes.  Ball on Saturday evening,
new budget due to this.  See next FTT and PR.

Millennium: (Cristia) see the RF website and newsletters.


Canterbury Faire: (Ulf) Submitted a proposal.  Much like 1999.  Site price going
up, but same ticket cost cos of profit.  Family and children rates to be set. 
Bastian will be duty steward.  Suggested that booklet available in full and lighter
versions (for those familiar with the event).  Scheduled fighters practice and
authorisations on Friday to replace tourney.  No fighter auction tourney as some
uncomfortable with this and we don't need the money.  Suggestion of a
"tournament of armies". Chapel will continue as the gate.  The catering will be
run as a private venture.  Concern that the catering need to fit better with the
schedule.  Repast on one evening.  Bus again (no Bruce's this year), and t-shirts. 
Hopefully new showers and the sweat lodge will be on line.  Cabin / dorm space
maybe at a premium.  Sigurd will be running a LPT.  More MIT's need (i.e. need
memberships) for mixed.  Progress and introduction sessions suggested for
visitors (Eleonora). Ulf to make list of official invitees for B&B to contact. 
Interesting plans for courts.  Proposal accepted.

General Business

Library: Library has been gone through and rubbish weeded out.  Sorted into
subject areas.  Lots of stuff is missing, and about half is not in the catalogue. 
Will go trough by subject, cataloguing and repairing.  A list will go to FTT and
completed material returned for loan.  There will be significant costs for
stationary and binding.  Magazines with no A&S content will be disposed of
after a year.  Issuing system needs work.  Purchases need to be planned.

Meeting closed at 9.50 pm


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Last updated: 28 October 1999. Copyright © 1997-98. Permission granted to reprint in non-commercial publications. Please contact me in other cases.

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