Barony of Southron Gaard
Council Minutes: Jun 99

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June 1999

Barony of Southron Gaard
June Council Minutes
1 June 1999

Present: Bns Eleonora, Bn Sigurd, Ms Cristia, THL Tycho, THL Ethelind, THL
Lughaid, THL Vitale, L Iulianna, L Richard, L Adele Mt Del.
Apologies: Ulf, Teres.
Previous Minutes: 4 May 1999
Business arising: none.

Officers Reports
Baron and Baroness: The Monarchist league would like us to advertise them in
our newsletter - we will ask them to do the same.  Shopped for TRM's gifts as no
offers received.  Kingdom Chatelaine contacted Eleonora re the differences
between the US and NZ, and suggested a deputy kingdom chatelaine - this idea
was strongly discouraged.  Following up with L Theresa re a court in
Wellington.  This month have library taskforce and chatelaines tea party.  Open
home on the 20th from 4 pm on, will work on tabards in July, volunteers
Constable: (Vitale) Some lost and found in from recent events, especially the
Seneschal: (Cristia).  Two expressions of interest in the Master of Revels
position.  Very busy with stewards and events this month.  Received request for
our participation in a newsletter for NZ medieval groups, will reply shortly.  Del
presented information about his intention to bid for the Known World Dance
Symposium in 2005.  This was discussed, suggestions were made and Del will
keep us posted.
Exchequer: (Richard) Domesday almost finished, clearing up a last few
problems.  FTT a/c $506.00  General $5232.00  COH $75.  Some cheques are
still outstanding, and there are no receipts from CF (with possibly some of the
food advance to come back).
Arts and Sciences: (Iulianna) Emailed for clarification on some pentathlon
details.   Will be doing the pre-entry form this month.  Entries are: Sinech 
(calligraphy), Lughaid (weaving shuttle), Ethelind (embroidery), Eleonora
(shoes), Tycho (weapon), Alys (song) - 7 people, 6 entries, in 4 classes.  Fee is
US$6, will scrounge for US cash.  Arranging return of entries.
Marshal: (Tycho) New fighter's handbook finished, hopefully Tycho will get an
electronic copy to distribute here (if it's not on the website).  Fighters practice
still on, but few newcomers.  Off to Nelson and Ildhafn this month.  Marshals
warrant letters are due now.
Herald: (Lughaid) No events, working on three submissions.
Chirugeon: (Ethelind) Nothing much to do this month.
Quartermaster: (Ethelind) Tablecloths not back, missing all the plain cloth ones
(have not seen them in a long time), trying to track this down.  Remember to give
a list of the items your office holds to the quartermaster.
Reannag Fhara: (Richard) New A&S Officer - Robyn (the new Robyn).  TV3
demo cancelled, we've asked for a firm commitment next time.  Looking for a
herald.  No bid yet for Anniversary, St Jude's going well.  Looking at venue for
winter weekend.  Closing extraneous bank accounts.
Chronicler: (Ulf) CST copying bills being sorted out by exchequer.  FTTs out,
including to overseas, $31.50 in subs in this month.  Still owed money from last
month, exchequer to reimburse.
Captain of Archers: (Jarnulfr) absent, no report.
Lists: (Etienne) absent, no report.

Event Reports
Ball: (Ethelind) Cash to the exchequer, receipts and report to be done.  66
people booked, a couple pulled out.  [Name deleted] didn't come and didn't
cancel so will send a bill.  One refund.  Hall invoice to come.  The site now
requires that the building is locked at all times when we are inside, they have had
problems with burglars.  $590 in, $630 expected in total.  Richard to draft a
polite request for payment on those who do not turn up and do not cancel.  Lots of
lost belongings!  Hire garb not back yet, will look at having pick up and return on
the night. 

ME mid-winter: (Adele) At Foundation for the Blind.  Menu and budget
presented and accepted.  ME theme and stewards organised (still looking for a
Master of Revels). Costs is $15.
Collegium: (Eleonora and Sigurd) forms are coming in.  Letters to other groups
inviting them.  Master Del would like to hold a ball on the Saturday night (at the
end of the event or after dinner break).  7.30 - 9 pm is best.  This will cost an
extra $15 for hall hire, so tickets are $10.  Richard to provide receipt book and
exchequers forms.  Cristia will do the Laurels Prize Tourney if Sigurd away.
Millennium: (Cristia) Waipara not available so Rimu Park is the site.  Booked
and they also have a small marquee what we will book also. Cristia ran though
the plan.  Budget presented: Site is $4pp pn, $30 for the kitchen, $120 for the
marquee and $2 for the tables with a maximum of $250 in any one day.  With 60
people this makes the event cost $15.50 a head, $20 was suggested as the price
for the three nights camping.  Feasts or dinners may be offered at an additional
cost.  Day rates and children's prices apply.  Poggo might be supplied if anyone
would like to make it (or otherwise insists).  See the ads!
Fine Foods Feast: (Chretienne) cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances.

General Business
Boffers: Caid has introduced boffer fighting standards - how does this affect us?

This is not a required standard, but the rules for a new activity.  Boffers do not
have to follow these rules, but you have to follow these rules if you want to enter
this particular buffer competition. Besides which, this would be expensive and
we probably have too few children of the right age to get involved in this yet. 
Boffer use and safety is a parental responsibility.
TRM's gift: receipt present for postage.

Meeting closed at 9.30 pm


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