Barony of Southron Gaard
Council Minutes: Jan 99

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January 1999

Southron Gaard Minutes for January

Meeting opened at 7.30 pm.

Present: Bn Sigurd, Bns Eleonora, Ms Cristia, THL Tycho, THL Ethelind, L
Iulianna, S Ulf, THL Lughaid, L Jarnulfr, L Ayesha, Eva, THL Vitale, L
Heloise, Ms Madelein, L Ulfrikr, S Sebastian, L Richard.

Madelein for lateness.

Minutes: 1 Dec 1998, as distributed.

Arising: Exchequer received clarification over travel fund (yes we can do
this, and run it through our account) and tax issues (nil return).
Chirugeon has taken out a membership, and working on an article for FTT. 
CF budget – Exchequer and steward to meet tomorrow and circulate.  Callum
will bring gear (incl. Cleaning products) up to Ethelind's at 12th Night. 
The storage garage is arranged and ready to move anything in, call
Ethelind first.  Thanks to Edward for sorting out the issues of
availability of contacts on the web site.  No visitors for Madelein to
pout up, as they were going to Auckland only.

Officers Reports

Baron and Baroness: received a domesday report from the seneschal and
exchequer.  Met with the outgoing and incoming seneschals, meeting with
new officers this week.  Request for a demo for the Round Table (service
org) received, passed to Cristia.  Letter of thanks from Ivan and

Seneschal: (Callum) meet with the B&B and Cristia, domesday to
Cara and Cristia.  Mail in including newsletters.  Establishes a tradition
of a shout of biscuits from each outgoing officer, by offering the meeting
orange choc chip.

Herald: (Cristia) Submission fees out to Crescent for
the 98 year (US$ 55), of which US$15 is the Barony’s (for badge and order
submissions). Chretienne's name registered.  Arranging the office for
handover to Lughaid. Etienne’s and Simon's fees in.  Organising heraldry
for 12th Night. Doomsday out this week.

Marshal: (Tycho) Looking at
experimenting with conduit for swords, hopefully some will arrive from
Kingdom soon.  Domesday report out, Callum and Llewelyn’s marshals test to

A&S: (Eva) Working on domesday report, handing over office at
12th Night.

Chatalaine: (Therese) no report.

Exchequer: (Richard) Kingdom
advises audit requires every second year, but generally not likely unless
something wrong.  Gen a/c approx. $3100, FTT $ no idea.  Working on
domesday report (for kingdom), waiting for Royal Thing accounts from

Lists: (Etienne) no report.  May not be back for 12th night,
Sigurd and Madelein volunteer.

Chronicler: (Ulf / Edward) FTT out early. 
Email from Rowany Festival for the next FTT.  Kingdom Liaison officer to
write a column for FTT about what’ s happening in Caid.  Deadline for
next issue is 15 Jan.

Chirugeon: (Ethelind) Tended a twisted ankle at the
dance picnic. Membership finally off!  Will  be writing to Kingdom asap to
be rostered. Putting together a shopping list to update first aid stuff.

Constable: (Gaius) no report.  Vitale to take over, Cristia to contact
Gaius over this.

Minster of Children: (Madelein) nothing to report.  Will
do domesday.  No superior at Kingdom.  Alexandra to tee over soon when
membership sorted out.

Captain of Archers: (Jarnulfr)  May pass on office
as can afford membership and has little tine with varsity.  Cristia
suggests passing on the office and taking the lesser responsibility of
College Lieutenant of Archers, if you still wish to do officer stuff. 
Jarnulfr to consider what he will do.

Quartermaster: (Ethelind) Garage
filling up, exchequer to supply money for rental.  Please ring to arrange
drop off or pick up.  Located missing servers tabards.  Possibly will need
more plastic boxes, will examine this when everything in.

Reannag Fhara: (Richard) nothing to report.

Stewards Reports

Royal Thing: (Eleonora) awaiting receipts and accounts from Therese,
Eleonora to run her down for them.

Xmas Revel: (Therese) no report.  Don’t move the site, unless you leave
someone to forward on the populace.

12th night: (Ethelind)  Fully booked,
everything is going well.  Needs chequer foe food shopping tomorrow.  B&B
(judges and herald too) to arrive early for business.  Tablecloths and
platters required.  Flyers for tourney and BBQ on night.  8 pm close on
Sunday, please be discreet with alcohol.

Canterbury Faire 99: (Bastian, et
al)  Will met with exchequer tomorrow to adjust the budget and will mail
this to relevant people.  No major changes from those discussed
an5ticpated.  Checking site, including new building (we should be able to
use this) on the weekend.  Callum will bring signs and cleaning stuff to
Ethelind's on the weekend.  Suggest the toilets get hosed out regularly,
and a solid rubbish container with rubbish bag in toilets please.  B&B
will arrange court later, prob. not opening court, prob. only one on Sat
evening.  B&B offer crash space if needed.

Anniversary: (Ayeshah) Budget
will be presented at next meeting. Deerstalkers hall booked.  Waiting to
hear on tourney site.  Hall will open at 1pm, with 3 hours for A&S
competition.  If you want a notice in CP, you’ ll have to get it in by
25th of this month.  Notice to FT from B&B for letters of intent.

Millennial Celebrations: (currently Cristia) We may run into trouble with
the prohibition of seneschals as autocrats, will clarify with Cara. 
Outline of event and suggested activities presented.  B&B keen to start
court at midnight.  Everyone invited to offers suggestions and offer to
take part in arranging activities.  Site to be booked ASAP, and then
advertising off to the entire known world.

Event Proposals: Ethelind keen
to do a ball (May?), and Chretienne keen to do Beltain).  Bids later.

General Business

Pentathlon: Sigurd to organise SG group entry.  Contact him if you are
interested in entering a piece in our group bid.

Freezer: offered by Karen
Dransfield, $150.  Suggests it is very small, and expensive.  We have
plenty of space available anyway should we need it.

SCA events advertised
through non SCA  groups / lists: Richard raised this specifically with
reference to Kaos, but this also applies to all Non SCA groups. 
Discussion ensured.  While we do have a cross over in membership, the SCA
is not officially connected to Kaos, and some members of the public (esp.
at varsity) have made negative associations in the pass.  However, the SCA
only advertises events etc. in SCA forums, regardless of the outside

Library: is on the move, to be discussed at Feb meeting.

UCSA: we
may be able to use this on the weekends, and use the catering facility now
the caters are gone.  However new caters may also have these arrangement. 
Lets keep an eye on this arrangement.

Combat Archery: sites being looked at will keep you posted.

Officers Handbooks: circulated.  Generally FAQ,
please read, and I hope you find this information useful.

Plan for 99: new
seneschal circulates plan that B&B and seneschals have formulated – mostly
these are things we have talked about for a while. Includes areas we need
to work on, as well as projects we would like to do. Suggest you read your
section, and keep this in mind when planning  your years work.  If you
want to undertake any of these projects, please come discuss it at
Council. Remember to use the populace and other officers to help, and to
include them in the Barony’s activities.

Meeting closed at 9.40 pm.

Minutes taken by Cristia, abbreviations should be reasonable obvious, but
ask if you are not sure.


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