Barony of Southron Gaard
Council Minutes: October 00

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October 2000

Barony of Southron Gaard Council Meeting Minutes
3 October 2000

Meeting opened 7.30 pm

Present: Bn Sigurd, Ms Cristia, THL Tycho, L Heloise, THL Vitale, THL
Ethelind, THL Lughaid, L Richard, L Edward, L Aliena, L Alexander, L
Duncan, Emma

Apologies: Bs Eleanora

Officers Reports

B&B: Intending to step down, information has / is being circulated.
Discussed this with Their Majesties. Talorc will be moving to
Christchurch. Sent letter to Lochac asking for information, no response.
Received email re Lochac from Ildhafn, but His Majesty's email has since
superceded that. Discussed the Lochac issue with His Majesty. Held court
in Darchester and gave awards.

Seneschal: Discussed the B&B stepping down and the Lochac issue with the
B&B and Kingdom Seneschal. Will need to change signatories now that Ulf
is moving. Need a list officer also. Attended event in Darchester,
assisted with court. Vitale and Sigurd will hold a workshop on making
standards for the eric, and Tycho will assist with this. Investigating
replacing the baronial pavilion with a more permanent and colour fast

Herald: Quarterly report to Kingdom. Our Canterbury Cross badge has been
accepted but the name bounced. Will follow up with Laurel. Email from the
Baroness re the awards. Resignation in FTT, looking for a replacement.

Chatelaine: Information in from Kingdom, quarterly report out. Gave a
Welcome to the SCA class in Darchester and took stuff up for their

Exchequer: Gen a/c $4908.95 FTT a/c $586. Arranging new signatories.
Still waiting for money from Yule. Ball money in. Emma volunteers as a

Quartermaster: Nothing to report at this time. Unable to find any more
candle holders. $2 shop has nice small bowls for a feast, Heloise to
purchase up to 20 and further candleholders if there are any.

Constable: Purchased a large plastic box for the office lost and found.
To be reimbursed the $35.

Captain of Archers: Held a class at Collegium, did a brisk trade in
handbooks. Small practices lately. Last practice had a demo and Andre and
Tim got involved. Continuing to encourage this. Quarterly report out
soon. Took copy of handbook to Darchester.

Chronicler: Chaotic with office changeover, and Their Majesties notice
being late, will be in the mail tomorrow. Subs to the exchequer.

Marshal: Quarterly repot off to Kingdom and a copy to Reannag Fhara.
Hankyu from Kingdom for the report. Chased up loaner armour, especially
Ben Schmidt - he will be returning to practice in November. Held a
Collegium class at Darchester and here. Three new authorisations. Looking
for deputy.

Reannag Fhara: Andre is deputy A&S officer. Quarterly report off to
Kingdom. Email from Kingdom re Lochac. Spring Tourney will be late
October, preparations for St Jude's are underway.

Chirurgeon: Nothing to report this month. Intending to write articles for
FTT on heat, food, water etc.

A&S: general correspondence form Kingdom. Quarterly report to kingdom. 13
entries in the A&S championship round. Thanks to the judges. Advertised
for a deputy to assist with Pentathlon. Waiting for hand book.


Yule: (Alexandra) Exchequer to follow up to retrieve funds.

Ball: (Duncan) $121.03 cheque to Edward for food. $279 in, $150 + $121.03
out, profit of $7.97. 35 people attended, expected more who cancelled on
the day (geez!) but as they weren't booked we can't do anything about
this (maybe sell tickets ahead as in last year). School of Music planning
on upgrading their kitchen so costs will probably rise.

Collegium: (Tycho) 21 people in, 18 classes. Dance classes not held as
Angharad mistook the weekend. 1 surprise class. $156.0 on $210.00 out,
loss of $54.

October Beach Tourney: (Vitale) Woodend is the best of the lot, planning
late November Sat 25. Information to follow.

Spring Tourney: (Heloise) 29th October or weekend before. Thompson Park
suggested as site.

St Judes: (Richard) 10 November, site opens Friday which is not a
holiday. Timetable organised. A&S championship round to be held. $18
including feast.

Xmas Revel: (Ethelind) Sunday 10 December mid afternoon to evening, at
the WEA. $45 for the hall, ticket price is $4-6. Advertising is out.
Baroness will do the pudding.

12th Night: (Chretienne) Middle Eastern theme, at the Music centre.
Booked chapel, gallery, hall. 20 January. $150 hall, $400 for the food,
50 people. Breakdown of food costs will come to the next meeting. 2
courses and dessert and coffee will be offered. Looking for organiser for
the tourney. Remember to make arrangements at the Music Centre with Mary
only, or everything will get mucked up. Kitchen will be redone by then.

Canterbury Faire: (Eleonora and Cristia). Cheque for marquee deposit.
Advertising out, arranging programme for probably Royal Visit. All on

Bids: none at this time.

General Business

B&B Stepping Down: Their Excellencies plan to do this at Canterbury Fair,
Ivan will be out for this. Nominations for B&B will need to be in Oct 15.
Information will come out in the November FTT. Sigurd explained the
process. Candidate information is to go to the B&B before going to FTT,
and is confidential until FTT is issued.

Meeting closed 9.03 pm.


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