Barony of Southron Gaard
Council Minutes: Nov 99

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November 1999

Barony of Southron Gaard Council Meeting Minutes

2 Nov 1999

Meeting opened 7.32 pm.

Present: Bn Sigurd, Bns Eleonora, Ms Cristia, THL Tycho, THL Ethelind,
L Richard, L Edward.
Apologies: Sr Ulf
Minutes: circulated.
Business arising: none.

Officers' Reports

Baron and Baroness: Been busy this month goofing off with the visitors.
Demo request for May 2000 received (arts and crafts focus). Donation
organised for the Kingdom Trailer Fund. The Eric embattling is
completed. Open house dates: Nov 28 (sweat shop to do tabards at 1
p.m., bring a machine), Dec 12.

Seneschal: (Cristia) Enquiry from Kingdom re Darchester status. A&S
office transferred over. Pentathlon debrief completed, comments will go
to Kingdom.

Marshal: (Tycho) Article for FTT, roster to Thiens. October Tourney
with 9 fighters, Bn Callum victor. Newcomer Andrew did a god job of the
lists, hope to persuade to take it on as a deputy. Discussion over
loaner armour and gifting of trash armour parts. 4 Handbooks sold,
money to exchequer.

Chirugeon: (Ethelind) panadol for Richards headache (??!!)

Quartermaster: (Ethelind) Lists are in the boxes of the contents.
Tablecloths cost to be examined, $2.50 - $5 for sheets, will check on
tablecloth prices (large rectangular). Eleonora to purchase candles
@$3ea to go with $2 candlesticks.

Exchequer: (Richard) CST invoices and a summary in, one query. Sorting
this out with them. Organising Trailer Fund. Kingdom travel fund now is
local or long-distance (to be specified with donation) and long
distance can accumulate so more money for K&Q to travel here in future.
Finances are in FTT. Still waiting for CF report. Catering for CF - we
will accept the $ for the catering and then pay this to caterers.
Balances Gen $3788.34, FTT $581.42. CF $60.

Reannag Fhara: (Richard) St Jude's underway. See you there.

Chronicler: (Ulf / Edward) FTT out. CF rego forms also (accounting to
be separated out). To keep track of CST printing esp number of pages,
because their figures inaccurate. Richard to organise an order number
for CST. May include a couple of pages for Darchester in FTT till their
newsletter on line, this was greeted with approval - to follow up with
them if they are keen.

A&S: (Chretienne) Introduction to Kingdom A&S and to Reannag Fhara A&S.
Pentathlon entries returned, debrief held. Photo album to be purchased
for A&S pentathlon photos.

Herald: (Lughaid) No report.
Constable: (Vitale) No report.
Lists: (Etienne) no report
Chatelaine: (Teres) no report.
Captain of Archers: (Yarnulfr) no report.

Event Reports

October tourney: Richard to bank proceeds, probably broke even. 9
fighters in tourney.

Beltaine: (Chretienne) $328 in so far, 52 bookings. Timetable out this
week. Can stay later and light the fire if the weather is good.

Millennium: (Cristia) Finalising details. Tiki torches to be donated.
Torch lit tourney to be double elimination best of one and melees. 12th
night to be more formal. Archery - torch lit, IKAC round and
"annihilator" (combat run).

Canterbury Faire: (Ulf) Bookings forms out. Site visited, second
kitchen (may not be on line in time), 2nd barracks being worked on
(prob not ready), hall has been improved.

Easter: Eleonora to do. Suggested archery and combat on everyday.
Workshops, market day. Rene of Anjou tourney, ransoms, feast? Possibly
Rene of Anjou is focus / theme for whole event.

General Business

Library: Borrowing terms suggested: cards, 1 month, renew once,
membership register, no passing on books! Deposit loan on some items,
caution on newcomers. Book of the month club? Eleonora will purchase
some book covers ($1-$2 each), coverseal etc to repair the books. Can
still order books through the CPL, 20% discount?

Trailer Fund: donation so no $ to the travel fund this reign.

Meeting closed at 8.59 p.m.


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