Barony of Southron Gaard
Council Minutes: Sep 99

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September 1999

Barony of Southron Gaard Council Meeting Minutes 7 Sept 1999

Meeting opened 7.30 pm. Present: Bn Sigurd, Bns Eleonora, Ms Cristia, THL Tycho, THL Vitale,
THL Lughaid, L Richard, L Etienne. Apologies: Sr Ulf, L Edward, THL Ethelind, L Chretienne, THL

Minutes: next month!

Officers Reports

Baron and Baroness: baronial surcoats have been cut out. Attended great event in Darcester
(Wellington). Library books have begun to be catalogued. Master Damales and Countess Ascelyn
will be here in October (sometime between 15th and 30th), Sigurd will organise an event - e.g.
tourney and revel - for their visit.

Seneschal: (Cristia) seneschals' handbook received from Kingdom, and territorial listing (Flag
Swamp!). Received an enquiry re a Celtic Festival in Invercargill. We have received a video with
some of Arts pentathlon on it, photos to come. Lady Chretienne has volunteered to become our
new A&S officer. Quarterly reports due end of this month.

Exchequer: (Richard) Warshafts purchased. Canterbury Faire event information in at last.
Balances - general $4201.52 FTT $563.93.

Marshal: (Tycho) there are new archery rules for the mainland. Fighter's handbook copied and
bound, copy to Darcester. Attended Reannag Fhara Spring Tourney, octagonal eric worked well,
Michael to do the paperwork. Third quarterly report on its way.

Lists: (Etienne) nothing to report.

Constable: (Vitale) no events, nothing lost or gained. Went to Wellington and won the tourney.

Herald: (Lughaid) court at Reannag Fhara Anniversary, research for subs, submissions to
Kingdom for Duncan. Duncan's fees in and to exchequer. Exchequer to organise the change for

Quartermaster: (Ethelind) nothing further to report, chasing down missing stuff.

Chirugeon: (Ethelind) nothing to report.

Chronicler: (Ulf / Edward) working on FTT tonight, late due to work commitments.

Reannag Fhara: (Richard) Anniversary, Winter Weekend and Spring Tourney in the last month or
so. Making preparations for next year.

Chatelaine: (Teres) no report.

Captain of Archers: (Yarnulfr) no report.

Event Reports

Collegium: (Sigurd and Eleonora) Final timetable out, in FTT. Exchequer to organise a float.

Beltaine: (Chretienne) budget in, run through of the event, food begun to be cooked.

Millennium: (Cristia) debate on the Friday night "Is the end of the world nigh?" Ball, maybe dessert
course. Ad to CP. Ensure you have water containers in your Y2K kit - ver popular at the moment.

Canterbury Faire: (Ulf) invitations to Lochac, cheque to the CF site, and ad to CP. Concern over
the use of the kitchen (timetabling, use of resources, equity), stewards will put this to the caterers
to make a proposal.

General Business

Subscriptions: B&B membership due soon, suggest subscription to Complete Anachronist
attached to this - approved. No rush to purchase books from Stock Clerk for library, will consider
stock of KWH and back issues of CA's. Postage is a concern.

Reannag Fhara libretto to be integrated.

Pie tins: Sigurd enquired as the number of pie tins the Barony owns - none. Will purchase during
feast preparations, also will purchase a cheap knife set.

Meeting closed at 8.25 pm.


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