November 10 1998 Present: Bn Sigurd, Bns Eleonora, Ms Cristia, THL Tycho, L Richard, L Edward, Bn Callum, THL Ethelind, Eva, L Iulianna, L Etienne. Apologies: No apologies were recorded, but I'm sure there were some. Meeting opened 7.30pm. Previous minutes: (October 6) did anyone look at these? Matters arising: I'm guessing not. Officers' Reports B&B: Their Excellencies (and everyone else) are very tired from "liaising". The baronial poll is with Their Majesties, for Their perusal and comment. There was discussion about officers at Kingdom, complaints in writing. Seneschal (Callum): The poll was sent to Kingdom, also event info to CP and calendar info to seneschal. Callum to send event info for 12th Night to Kingdom so we can give out awards at 12th Night. Herald (Cristia): Mostly busy with preparing for the Royal Visit in the last month. Will be contacting everyone soon to check their details for the OoP. Submitting remaining Baronial awards (and circulating petition). Those who have submitted to the COH should be getting their submission fees in now. Planning a new armigers article for FTT. A&S (Eva):Iulianna is interested in taking over the office, and will act as the deputy for a while. Note that Baronial Arts Champion competition is at 12th Night. Marshal (Tycho): Two tourneys over the weekend, sending off quarterly report now that has something to report. Exchequer (Richard): Approx. Account balances: General account $3400 and FTT $500. Inland Revenue still after a tax return, Richard following this up to see if we have to and do so if necessary. Donations to the Kingdom travel fund were discussed - on a regular basis, perhaps Canterbury Faire activities, as presentation to incoming Crown. The exchequer will follow up on our SCA position as far as donations are concerned and will discuss this in the future. Chatelaine (Teres): absent, no report. Chronicler (Edward): 6 new subs in, FTT out. Please get FTT stuff in this week. Constable (Gaius): absent, no report. Branch constables need to re-warrant. Minister of Children (Madelein): nothing to report. Chirugeon (Ethelind): 5 people needed attention for minor reasons at the Royal Thing, nothing serious. Captain of Archers (Jarnulfr): absent, no report. Lists (Etienne): Two tourneies at the Royal thing, 7 fighters on Friday, 20 on Saturday. Went well. Stewards' reports Royal Thing (Eleonora): Smaller turnout than expected (88), so budget will be tighter than expected. Finalising income and expenditure now, will be at next meeting. Hire place (Hyde Park) very good, highly recommended. The roaster was a great asset. Letter of appreciation suggested. The event went well, we had a couple of little breakdowns in communication but no great problems. Multiple sub-autocrats worked well, although the kitchen could have done with someone not cooking to supervise, troubleshot and co-ordinate. Please don't arrive early at an event unless you have prearranged this with the autocrat. Please don't remove gear from the site if it isn't yours, leave this for the autocrat and those last out. Please ask the autocrats for information, and please don't give information about the event unless you are the autocrat. Christmas Revel: (Therese): no report, see FTT for details. 12th Night (Ethelind): St Barnabas, 6pm, 6.30 for court, 7.30 for feast. Budget presented. Callum to acquire cider for the event (a glass each at the door). Looking for CD player, someone to assist Ethelind with transportation, and berry pickers. $12 prepaid, $15 pre booked but paid on the night. A&S entries may not use the kitchen. Suggest water containers filled and outside the kitchen to avoid people disturbing the cooks for water. Discussion on dancing - doesn't really work at the end of the feast, everyone tired, full and ready to go home. Suggest organising dancing for future events for the beginning of the event, not end. Eleonora will run the tourney at Riccarton Park, Sunday 3pm on Chess tournament style. Followed by BBQ and drinkies post revel. CF (Bastian et al): no report. Event proposals Anniversary: please????!! December meeting will set the 1999 dates, and A&S topics for the next year. General Business: FTT January Issue: Please ensure submissions are in well in advance to avoid printing problems over Christmas. Baronial stuff: Edward and Ethelind to price cooking equipment. Seamsters guild will be creating a tower stencil for marking stuff. There will be a shakedown at Ethelind's house 28 November 11 am onwards. We will go through everything in her garage, catalogue, rationalise and re pack it. Please bring anything you have of the baronies so we can do a complete job, even if you take it home again. This means all you officers, autocrats, champions, and anyone else who has something of the barony's stored away. If you can't make it, please send a list to the Seneschal, Exchequer, B&B. Meeting closed at 9.37pm. Minutes taken by and whipped up by Cristia. Note: Bn=Baron, Bns= Baroness, CF= Canterbury Faire, SG=Southron Gaard. Barony of Southron Gaard Council Meeting Minutes November 10 1998
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Last updated: 1 August 1999. Copyright © 1997-98. Permission granted to reprint in non-commercial publications. Please contact me in other cases.
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