Barony of Southron Gaard
Council Minutes: Oct 98

Minutes/News Page

October 1998

October 6 1998

Present: Bn Sigurd, Bns Eleonora, THL Cristia, L Tycho, L Richard, L Edward,
Bn Callum, THL Ulf, L Ethelind, L Lughaid, Ms Rowena, Eva, Mt Del.
Apologies: Therese, Etienne, Gaius, Madelein, Bastian, Beatrice.
Meeting opened 7.30pm.
Previous minutes: (September 8) OK.
Matters arising: Madelein's apology was left off the minutes (sorry).


B&B: The poll has been sent out, being returned now.  Receipts for postage
and stationery to exchequer.  Usual stuff to deal with this month, and also
the Royal Visit.  Need to have progress reports and details on Royal gift
NOW, so the scroll is ready.

Seneschal (Callum): Some poll returns.  Sent Royal Visit information to Caid
deputy seneschal for the calendar.  Monthly report sent to Kingdom.  Callum,
send your new address to CP!!!!

Herald (Cristia): Busy with submissions, and preparation for the Royal
Visit, including collegium classes, articles for newsletters, and assigning
heralds.  Will circulate petition for baronial heraldic submissions asap,
since I forgot it tonight.

Marshal (Tycho): Reannag Fhara Ransom tourney, worked well.  Have a number
of requests for combat handbook, looking at copying or buying in copies.
Getting prepared for the Royal Visit.

A&S (Eva): Quarterly report almost out.  No successor for the office yet.

Exchequer (Richard): General account $3753.76 and FTT $494.38 + $60 in new
subs.  Still working on reconstructing accounts.  Has a surprise request for
a tax return, will check to see if we have to submit one.

Chatelaine (Therese): absent, no report.  Another clothes rack purchased for
hire garb.

Lists (Etienne): absent, report read.

Chronicler (Ulf): Five new subs in.  Chasing up other expired subs.
Distributed more booklets on fealty.

Constable (Gaius): absent, no report.  Bastian has expressed interest in the
office, but needs to take out a membership first.  Callum to follow up and
see if Gaius is happy to pass the office on.

Minister of Children (Madelein): absent no report.

Chirugeon (Ethelind): Asked to do chirugeon thing at the Royal Thing.  Asks
for coat hangers for the hire garb - Exchequer offers to acquire some.

Captain of Archers (Jarnulfr): absent, no report.  Richard talked to Kingdom
archer, now a Rangemaster and authorised archer.  Passed on that Jarnulfr
interested in being captain of archers, and is taking out a membership.

Stewards reports

Collegium (Rowena): went well, but turnout not as good as expected (where
were all those newcomers?).  $21 loss.  Site ok, they are happy to have us
back.  Financial report to the exchequer, who is to reimburse Ms Rowena for
various costs.

CF (Bastian et al): Budget provided, and copy of an invitation to visitors.
Discussion of budget ensued.  Concern that the numbers expected are very
high for the repast, suggest budgeting on getting half (45) people to this.
Fair costs need detailing - bunting and banners etc. are capital items and
don't come out of the event budget, need to be separately approved through
council.  No float for food contractors, its part of their own merchanting
responsibilities.  Need details on sundries and consumables.   Note that
Callum has the Barony's cleaning products and brushes etc., so these do not
need to be purchased.  No sundries without detail.  Contingency is very high
at $510, this should be listed separately not as an expenditure.  This is to
show that should the worst happen and the budget over run due to some mind
bogglingly unlikely event, we can still cover costs. This is not a mandate
to spend this much.  Exchequer to format his budget sheet and examine the
costs.  More details are needed, exchequer to talk to stewards.

Christmas Revel: (Therese): no information yet.  Will bring details and
budget to the next council meeting.  Looking at Riccarton Bush Scout Den as

12th Night (Ethelind): Will get the budget to the exchequer next meeting.
Angharad will cook.  Looking at St Barnabas as the site, with a late evening
feast, say first course at 7.30 pm.  Looking for tourney autocrat and
opinions on whether you would prefer a Saturday or Sunday tourney?  Eleonora
expresses interest in doing the tourney.  Someone suggests a late afternoon,
early evening tourney with drinkies to follow.

Royal Thing (Vitale, Rowena, Tycho, Richard, Company of St Sebastian,
Eleonora, etc.): See the details in FTT, PR, and CP.  Laurel's prize tourney
for Laurels and Royals to gift out prizes / tokens.  Court and revel
announcements on Friday heralded by Ulfrikr.  Archers must be authorised,
not on the day.  See Richard to arrange this, probably at the College
archery practices.  Lughaid volunteers as a Rangemaster in training to
assist Richard.  Ulfrikr to herald archery.  Saturday morning court,
holmgang and pas (in conjunction with Alys) to be heralded by Lughaid.
Grand court and entertainments / course in feast to be heralded by Callum.
Marshals and Lists for holmgang and pas to be organised by Tycho and Ulf.
Pas format now as for Beltaine tourney: 8 melees, each winner may put list
shield on the list tree (i.e. 8 finalists).  Each winner may not take part
in the next melee, and if you win subsequently you may nominate a person for
the list tree.  Callum will get his winner.  Fighters please bring your
tokens, ladies keep an eye out for recipients for the garlands.
Waterbearers and marshals are needed.  Feast going to plan, now $17 to
include tourneys and revel costs into ticket (100 only available).  Serving
equipment being pursued.  Eleonora has purchased tea-towels, will donate if
not approved (yes, approved and to buy more).  TO discuss subtleties budget
with Rowena.  Alexandra will make signs for use beyond this event.

Meeting Wednesday 14 October, LCR, University Students Association, 7.30 pm
(prior to fighter practice) for all stewards and anyone wanting to assist or
help out.  Please be there!!

Event  proposals

Anniversary: please????!!

General Business

Royal Visit: Monday night B&B house warming, don't be early.  Tuesday,
Kaikoura and Hanmer; Wednesday, Waipara, horsetrekking between the
vineyards.  Night of Maori magic and fighters practices (and shopping, and
sightseeing etc.) will be in there somewhere, depending on TRMs plans.
Sunday Arts Centre and Dux brewery.  Stay in touch if you want to join in,
you are responsible for your own transport, costs, accommodation etc. where

Photocopier: Tycho has one at $250, reasonably new and goes well.  Suggests
the Barony buy it since its so ridiculously cheap.  Del is interested in
buying, could go halves with Barony and will keep it at his place.  Tycho
and Del to talk and sort his out.

Mirror: Rowena needs a big one for the feast, Cristia offers to loan hers.
Chirugeon's banner: Richard will check the yellow cardboard box with the
College chirugeon's box for the banner.

Baronial stuff: Ethelind offers to keep this in her garage. Please forward
stuff if you have anything.

Assets: Please bring to the next council meeting a complete list of the
baronial assets in your possession, for the exchequer.  Suggest everyone
gets together for a stock - take day (at Ethelind's) some time (maybe after
the Royal Visit?).

Meeting closed at 9.10pm.
Minutes taken by and whipped up by Cristia.
Note: Bn=Baron, Bns= Baroness, CF= Canterbury Faire, SG=Southron Gaard.


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Last updated: 1 August 1999. Copyright © 1997-98. Permission granted to reprint in non-commercial publications. Please contact me in other cases.

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