Barony of Southron Gaard
Council Minutes: Sep 98

Minutes/News Page

September 1998

September 8 1998

Present: Bn Sigurd, Bns Eleonora, THL Cristia, L Tycho, L Richard, L
Edward, L Etienne, Bn Callum, L Therese, THL Ulf, THL Sebastian, THL
Beatrice, L Ceina.

Apologies: Cristia (lateness).

Meeting opened 7.30pm.

Previous minutes: (August 4) OK.

Matters arising: none.


B&B: Spoke to group in Wellington, seem to be doing well. Please give
them your support. Mailing labels for poll turned up. We are lacking in
numbers as required for group status, we need more members. Talked to
Kingdom about Their Majesties visit. They arrive Monday Nov 2 at 2.30
pm, Leave Sunday Nov 8 at 4.30 pm. Monday evening, housewarming at
B&B's. Small party coming, numbers not yet confirmed.

Seneschal (Callum): Sent information about Royal event to Kingdom to get
it on the calendar so you can all get your awards. Vague outline of
planned events also. Stewards will send ad to CP ASAP.

Herald (Cristia): Name of Tour D'Or passed COH, sent to laurel. Same
with general badge for baronial use. Tour D'Or badge bounced, to be
resubmitted. Ideas discussed, like "Per pale, gu and or, a tower and a
bordure embattled, all counterchanged". To passed at Collegium for
populace signatures, along with Order of Coeur Loyal and its badge
(stars and Canterbury Cross). Still looking for final choice of badge
and a name for the distance award. Barony owes US$24 for submission
fees. Other submittors notified. Busy with FTT articles, consulting.
About to work on SG award ceremonies and court for TRMs and another
article for FTT and Collegium classes.

Marshal (Tycho): "Tourney" at winter encampment in a howling gale.
Preparing for Collegium class, better that the video!! And shorter

A&S (Eva): Need new officer, proto- officer to be found.

Exchequer (Richard): $45 from Yaldhurst School demo. Brownies gave $30.
Money from ball? Balances general a/c $3749.14, FTT $529.20. Having
trouble with the domesday report cos in US$. May need better software.
Needs to know everything (no one understands - least of all the typist).
Get the exchequer some valium. Bns suggests "writing purchasing capital
items" policy in policy book. Richard says such items must be checked
with the seneschal.

Chatelaine (Teres): Trouble getting stuff back. Bond suggested - no bond
if stuff not returned in 2 weeks. $10 in. 7 (ish) newcomers to College
Anniversary, 2 to tavern revel. Some coming to Collegium.

Lists (Etienne): nearly had a tourney on Saturday but stodgy ground won
the day. Lists pavilion needs poles, offered to donate, but B&B felt the
barony could afford it. Agreed $50 reasonable for poles. Bns to see
about sun protection, Bn to organise pegs. (What about a lists table

Chronicler (Ulf): received exchange newsletters in. $9.50 on overseas
mailing. Sent five booklets on fealty and homage in period from US. List
of things from autocrat to FTT include wet weather alternative for
outdoor events.

Constable (Gaius): no report.

Minister of Children (Madelein): report given.=20

Chirugeon (Ethelind): liked the chilli bin.

Captain of Archers (Jarnulfr): no report.

Stewards reports

Collegium (Rowena): absent but all is groovy.

Brownie demo: went well, kids liked it., $30 donation.

CF (Bastian et al): Duncan to do repast. Katherine to do St Thomas Faire
day. Going to look at site again soon. Maybe take a camera and put the
pics on the web site. Bastian to talk to Richard about the budget.
Invites emailed to the B&B.

Spring Tourney: (Richard) Suggest 19 September. Comments fly about
Callum's trousers. TO discuss the event with Duncan.

Event proposals

Xmas Revel: Theres tentatively volunteered for the Xmas revel. See Royal
Visit for Beltaine proposal.

12th Night: next council meeting. Ethelind keen to autocrat, looking for
cook. Pot-luck suggested as option.

Bastian know someone who maybe able to supply game......

Royal Visit: Friday 6th November revel after dinner (no food involved).
Arts display, performances, also informal entertainment and dancing just
like last visit. Possibly a short court. Viking holmgang tourney by
torch light. Prob $2. Saturday 7th November, tourney and archery, grand
court and feast. All on site at the music centre Barbadoes Street. Bns
Eleonora to autocrat feast. Feast I Chapel (Spunky wood panelled hall,
mmmm). Therese to cook, Edward to assist. 2 kitchens and also second
hall and Royal withdrawing room and gallery room also booked. $200 to
cover both days. Can seat 100 in chapel for feast, should be able to get
120, but no more as bit small. Will need to hire tables as only chairs
available. Viking / Rus theme to feast, menu described: 3 course - cow /
bambi stew, roast pig, salmon pies, Icelandic chicken, cheesy dumpling
thingies, frumenty, barley, salad, greens, roast veges, cheese, bread,
fruit, sauces, etc., berry nut bake, fruit in booze, sky, fruit bread,
nibbles on tables. Draft budget prepared, $15 a head for feast. Cristia
doing planning and stuff, Alexandra set up and break down. Still looking
for head server and entertainment's person. Planning meetings
regularly,. Will hire only what we can't borrow (arranged to borrow lots
already). Decorations- banners, evergreens, candles, maybe Norse
hangings. Serving to tables, where servers responsible for 1 or 2
tables. Viking tradition of hostess offering mead to every guest (for
toast) will try to get cheap from Mr Havell, in exchange for free
tickeds, maybe be bit expensive. What the hell, just spend baronial
money on it says everyone.

Ethelind suggest parents could get together and provide a baby-sitter,
or take shifts attending children in another room (we have several
available if they preferred not to sit through court with them.

The company of St Sebastian volunteer to run pas on Saturday. Richard to
run archery. St Sebastian will provide lunch to the populace after
tourney and before break to go wash sweaty bodies before court. Asked
for $200 donation to cover food costs. Note that hardware to come form
capital expenditure not food budget. Time scheduling to be discussed at
planing meeting. Sigurd asked for clarification that the household was
autocratting a baronial tounry. Callum gradugingly agrees to give money,
so in return St Sebastian will overwhelm his generosity and ply him with
enough food to make him pop.

Meeting Wednesday 16 September, Ilam Caf=E9 University Students
Association, 7 pm (prior to fighter practice) for all stewards and
anyone wanting to assist or help out. Please be there!!

General Business:

Royal Gift: Her Maj. - bead necklace (Xtia), knife (Tycho), bone comb
(Vitale), hood (Therese), scissors (Tycho). Possibles are buckle
(Bastian), card woven belt (Alys), pouch, smellies (Chretienne), ear
spoon (anyone????). His Maj. - cloak (Cristia and Heloise), knife
(Sigurd), dead cat hat (Eleonora), belt (Callum). Possibles - pouch
(Chretienne), chest? others????? Please give one months notice for
Sinech to do scroll with who did what on it.

WLG group: Edward visited, event went well. Edward suggest that SCA
signs would be a good gift! Good period food to the potluck, lots of
work in garb. 40 people, lots from outside town or SCA. Newcomers there.
Thorfyrd is moving to Wellington.

Meeting closed at some time later that I forgot to write down, but prob
around 9.30pm ish.

Minutes taken by Teres and Cristia and then interpreted Cristia.

Note: Bn=Baron, Bns=Baroness, CF=Canterbury Faire, SG=Southron


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