Barony of Southron Gaard
Council Minutes: Apr 98

Minutes/News Page

April 1998

Date:   7th April, 1998.
Present:        Bn Sigurd, Bns Eleonora, Bn Callum, THL Sebastian, THL
Ulf, L Tycho, L Edward, L Richard. L Terés, L Lughaid, L
Ethelind, Eva,.
Apologies: M Madelein, THL Cristia, Gaius, L Etienne.
Opened: 7.32
Previous minutes: read and accepted.

* Baron and Baroness: Report given:
  Waimakariri Genealogical Soc demo still on.
  Drill from Kutwell, $6.90. Will calculate yardage and purchase
this month.
* Seneschal: Report given.
  Demo for Caledonian Hall off.
* Herald: Report given.
  Out: Device submissions.
  In: Money for submissions.
  Good response to poll on awards at anniversary
  Projects: awards, researching options for C cross - can not use
with name.
  Will be a court for first feast.
* Marshal: Report given.
  Out: 1/4ly report .
  College Pas and Anniversary
  Sword and shield weight restrictions off and 1 1/4 swords now
* Arts and Sciences: Report given.
  Out: 1/4ly report. Letters to people re workshops.
  Shoe workshop went well.
  Away for next two months.
* Exchequer: Report given.
  In: encouraging note from Kingdom Ex but no Domesday forms:
going ahead without them. Default notice from bank: a mistake on
their part.
  Out: payment to chroniclers.
  General fund $2858.93 FTT: $378.43
  Still needed: Terés needs cheque for 12th night Site. St
Barnabas cheque $125, Omaka also needs to be paid for Christmas
* Chatelaine: Report given.
  Out: Information sent to newcomers.
  Hired costumes and chatelained at Anniversary.
  Received boxes of stuff from Vernon but not all chatelaine
  Three newcomers coming to College First Feast.
* Lists: Absent: No Report given.
* Chronicler: Report given.
  In: invoice for Feb FTT - previous invoice paid twice so bill
very small. Email from Kingdom Chr listing warrants. 4 1/2 new
FTT subscriptions $67.50
  Out: Email to Exc re: FTT and funny cheque. Reply to kingdom.
April FTT.
* Constable: Absent.
* Minister for Children: Absent: Report given.
* Chirugeon: Vacant. See general business.

Steward's Reports
* 12th Night. 56 adult feast ticket sold - income $840, $420
spent on food and $38.55 on sundries. Made approx $280.
* Baronial Anniversary 21st and 22nd March: Site owners were well
pleased with the state of the Hall and we are welcome back. Hall
will fit a few more, possibly up to 70. Had 47 1/2 for the Feast.
Banners and decor cost approx $86. Tickets sold $713 and
expenditure $701 so profit $11.40. One outstanding cheque -
probably in the mail box.
* Yule Feast: Lady Ayeshah: Absent..
* Ball: no firm proposals yet.
* Collegium: no proposals yet.
* CF '99: two proposals from M Madeleine and THL Sebastian.
 Long and detailed discussion. Concern that increased cost of S
proposal not necessary, concern that event followed proposal
without excessive last minute changes. Concern that M proposal
limited in scope and detail - comment that people want lots going
on at a CF. Final consensus to accept Sebastian's bid with some
requirements: one person to act as financial officer and exercise
tight control on expenditure. Price to be dropped if $500
pavilion unable to be found. Separation of food provision and
other sub-event budgets from event general budget
* Canterbury Crusaders Demo: Cancelled.

General Business
* Calender:     April: 11th, Colleges First Feast
   May: Family feast? Madeleine and Terés? No date and still need
   June: 20th, Yule Feast. L Ayeshah steward.
   July: 18th, Ball. Angharad has put in tentative proposal.
   August: 1st, College Anniversary: First SG Arts Champ
   September: 12th and 13th. Collegium. Need steward
   October: 3rd, Spring Tourney,
    31st, Beltane, Need Stewards
   November: Show Weekend, 13th -15th, St Jude's Fair (College)
   December: 5th or 6th , Christmas Revel. Need Steward.
   January 1999: 9th and or 10th , 12th Night.
   February 1999: 4th to 8th, Canterbury Faire. THL Sebastian et
 As yet there are no firm proposals except for the Ball. Contact
Richard for College events.
* Boxes purchased: two were sufficient.
* L Lughaid to sponsor a competition for best original cover art
for FTT.
* L Ethelind presented gifts from competition (?) to Bns: will
contact Philippe to confirm which competition they were from.
* L Ethelind has met with Kingdom Chirurgeon and wishes to take
up this post as soon as membership is confirmed. Will need to
re-do First Aid course quite soon: Bn suggests Barony may cover
costs. Ethelind accepted as Acting Baronial Chirurgeon - brief
discussion of duties.

Meeting closed at 10.10 pm.

Please note the following abbreviations: Sen. = Seneschal, Ex. =
Exchequer, S.G. = Southron Gaard, CF = Canterbury Faire.

Eleonora van den Bogaerde,
Southron Gaard, Caid.
Simone Hindin 


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