Barony of Southron Gaard
Council Minutes: Jan 98

Minutes/News Page

January 1998

Date :  6th January, 1998.
Present:        Bn Sigurd, Bns Eleonora, Bn Callum, M Madelein, THL
Beatrice, THL Sebastian Lord Edward, L Angharad, L Ulfrikr, L
Alana, L Terés, Richard, Christina.
Apologies: THL Ulf, L Alys, L Tycho, THL Cristia.
Opened: 7.30
Previous minutes: read and accepted.

* Baron and Baroness: Report given:
  Banners lent out twice, getting difficult but large amount
donated by last borrower. Maybe we should make up some separate
ones for hiring that are less important. Should set a price $150?
Bns: No - too much. Should ask for deposit. Maybe have a
competition later in the year for the best banner for hiring.
  Wrote research/documentation guide first draft for A&S, Cristia
to proof.
   Phone call from couple in Lochac wanting to come to CF.
Emailed details to autocrat.
   Email to CF autocrat re arts display.
   Email to College Sen re 12th Night court, college office
   Email to Bns Cara re: GWW poll.
   Received awards recommendations.
   A&S quarterly report from Kingdom officer received by email.
   Phone call and email: L Alana leaving Chch for job in Auckland
- resigning.
 Discussion of 12th Night court arrangements.
* Seneschal: Report given.
  Various correspondence from Kingdom re: new Kingdom Sen, and
re: Doomsday
 Herald: Absent, no report
 Marshal: Absent, no report.
* Arts and Sciences: Report given.
  Farewell from Master Giles read out.
  Doomsday report done.
  Has talked to L Alys and Christina re; taking office. Christina
to talk to Alys and confirm prior to 12th night.
* Exchequer: Absent, no report.
* Chatelaine: Report given.
  Mail in re: Xmas revel and re: office changes.
  Xmas revel had soime new people.
  No newcomers group as too close to Christmas.
  Stepping down at 12th Night, L Terés to take over. All gear to
be transferred this week.
  Finances: $2.00 in from garb hire, $4.00 out for postage
stamps, $13.45 in purse.
* Lists: Report given.
  New lists officer at Kingdom is Bns Adrianna.
  Sent authorisations to be copied.
  Did lists for Xmas revel.
* Chronicler: Report given.
  Money in, invoice to be paid.
  Correspondence In: an invoice and various articles. Out: Dec
and Jan FTT, reports to Kingdom Chronicler and Sen
 Constable: Absent, no report.
* Minister for Children: Report given.
  Organised children's games at Xmas revel.
  Had chat about role of parents with newcomer.
  Ideas for CF.
  Goal: to get kids at workshops for all, not separate from adult
  Boffer weapons to be transferred from chatelaine to MoC.
  Children's garb hire for CF discussed.
* Chirugeon: vacant. Still need some commitment from L Athelind.

Steward's Reports
* Christmas Revel: $30 to be donated to St Michaels leaves us
with $10.10 profit. Cash given to Ulfrikr as reimbursement for
cost of pudding.
* 12th Night. 59 bookings, about half of which are paid. Money
looks good. Court at 6.30. 3 courses with entertainments being
organised. Need food advance - exchequer proving difficult to
contact. Sigurd offered to fund temporarily if necessary. Tourney
autocrat not present.
* St Sebastian Tourney 20th Jan (Sunday). Stewards absent.
* Canterbury Faire IV. Feb 1998.
 Fulk not available to make porridge.
 Total fire ban in place - spit roast hire may be available.
 Booklets still to be done
 Set up crew will go up the night before.
 T-Shirts done.
 Site Tokens still to be done.
 32 paid, 2o tentatively booked.
 Timetable discussed, esp re: combat.
* Baronial Anniversary: THL BeatricT and THL Sebastian.
Elizabethan feast, archery, heavy and A&S competitions for
champions. 21st, 22nd March. Possible sites discussed. BeatricT
to try to get on Kingdom calender.

General Business
* Sort out calender at next meeting: Advertise in FTT for all
autocrats to attend or submit event proposals.
* THL Sebastian: Company of St Sebastian bought 12 platters to
present to the Barony. Suggest that Barony purchase utensils.
* L Alana: Vernon is remaining at flat so can still manage
storage there. Vernon is fixing the 9x9 tent for Canterbury Faire
and there will be crash space available there for visitors.
* Bns Eleonora: concerned about lack of communication between
officers as different levels of kingdom bureaucracy. Officers to
let us know if they are having any problems so that they can be
attended to.

Meeting closed 9.30 pm.
Please note the following abbreviations: Sen. = Seneschal, Ex. =
Exchequer, S.G. = Southron Gaard, CF = Canterbury Faire.

Eleonora van den Bogaerde,
Southron Gaard, Caid.
Simone Hindin 


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