Barony of Southron Gaard
Council Minutes: Dec 97

Minutes/News Page

December 1997

Date :  2nd December, 1997.
Present:        Bn Sigurd, Bns Eleonora, Bn Callum, L Tycho, THL
Cristia, Lord Edward, L Angharad, L Ulfrikr, L Alana, Gaius.
Apologies: M Madelein, THL Ulf, L Alys, Alexandra.
Opened: 7.30
Previous minutes: L Ulfrikr's L left off in present list.

* Baron and Baroness: Report given:
  Arts Champion details in FTT: changed 4 items to 3.
  Alexandra query about refund for Michelle and Ian or discount
on next CF.: Ayfra to be asked to find receipt in CF97 accounts
and set amount of discount.
  Query in by Cynethryth re CF 98
  Email from Atenvelter at Pen Gwynne War - passed to Edward for
* Seneschal: Report given.
* Herald: Report given.
  Package in from Crescent Herald.
* Marshal: Report given.
  Third 1/4ly report returned to sender
  Fight practice Thursday evening at Dean's Bush going well.
* Arts and Sciences: Report given.
  Working on Domesday report
  Still seeking successor: one nibble.
 Exchequer: Absent: no report
* Chatelaine: Report given.
  Newcomer meetings being discussed.
  Demo at Cotswold school - poss contact with Polytech Teachers
  Hire garb used, garb donated by L Alexander and Alexandra
  Making up resources for poss sale to schools.
  Various emails in and out re newcomers.
* Lists: Report given.
  Successor found: L Etienne, still needs to sort out his
* Chronicler: Report given.
  Ness to remind autocrats to give info to PR as well as FTT.
  Note CP advertising needs to go out every month.
* Constable: Report given.
  Dieter interested in becoming a deputy, still to confirm.
  Made list of items found at CF97 will send to other branch
* Minister for Children: Absent.
* Chirugeon: vacant.

Steward's Reports
* Middle Eastern potluck: $62 in and $45 out profit of $17. 15
adults, 1 child. Enjoyable event.
* Christmas Revel: Pudding cooked last night by Terés, and
Ulfrikr with help from Sigurd and Eleonora. Need to ring about
keys and locate archery butts.
* 12th Night. Steward absent: Menu done and subtleties organised:
Encourage people to pay in advance.
* St Sebastian Tourney 20th Jan (Sunday). Stewards absent.
* Canterbury Faire IV. Feb 1998.
 Bus organised for Sunday evening: some preference shown for
Monday morning. Problem last time it arrived during closing
 Fighter auction: poss hold apart from event and use money for
royal gifts. E prefers artisans provide gifts.
 Tourneys steward: Sebastian. Pas, having ladies watching?
 Archery steward: none yet
 A&S classes: none yet
 Feast: not having one, but a spit roast pot luck (roast provided
by event). Poss build permanent BBQ up there?
 Gate warden needed.
 War Scenarios: Sigurd
 Display's and competitions: E and Cristia to org people's prize
 One night "period bardic circle" M Madeleine.
 Herald to org heralds roster.
 Booklets: info from photocopying place for booklet.
 Wrestling: L Edward
 Accommodation pre-, post- event: Cristia.
 Site Tokens.
 T - Shirts, Noel and Dieter org plus re-prints of earlier
 Merchant's row.
 Chapel for chirugeons? Not for people to stay in.
 Clock volunteer's hours - may be a prize for most worked.
 Porridge: Ask Fulk?
 Officers all to organise their rosters.
* Baronial Anniversary: vacant

General Business

* Arts Championship - '98 held at B Ann, poss run over two days.
'99 held over three events through the year with 3 diff classes
per event. Scored as 1st, 2nd, entered. End of year all scores
added together with 1 for running a serious class. Poss events:
Coll Ann, 12th night, Bar Ann. Potential Categories discussed:
dress accessories, metal work, wood work, costume, beverages,
performance, needle work, food, research, weapons, jewellery,
furnishings, calligraphy, illumination, carving, heraldic
display, furniture, architecture, textiles, nautical, equestrian,
leather work. Decided for '99 first event: accessories,
performance, beverages; for second event: research, weapons,
food; for third event: calligraphy, costume,
furnishings/furniture. Documentation must always be in one week
* Storage at L Alana's now available: shelving up and ready.
Discussion on damaged tents: to be left to the Bruces to Bruce at
at Alana's.
* FTT: how many extra's needed for newcomer's? About 3. Deadline
earlier in Dec.
* Doomsday reports due in 1st Jan. copies to Sen and B&B.
* Investiture photo's now finally done and finished. Negatives
returned to L Katherine.

Meeting closed 9.25 pm.
Please note the following abbreviations: Sen. = Seneschal, Ex. =
Exchequer, S.G. = Southron Gaard, CF = Canterbury Faire.

Eleonora van den Bogaerde,
Southron Gaard, Caid.
Simone Hindin 


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Last updated: 1 August 1999. Copyright © 1997. Permission granted to reprint in non-commercial publications. Please contact me in other cases.

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