Barony of Southron Gaard
Council Minutes: May 00

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May 2000

Barony of Southron Gaard Council Meeting Minutes
2 May 2000

Meeting opened 7.30 pm.

Present: Bn Sigurd, Bns Eleonora, Ms Cristia, THL Tycho, THL Vitale,
THL Ethelind, THL Lughaid, L Edward, L Richard, L Heloise.
Apologies: Aliena.
Minutes: circulated
Business arising: none.

Officers Reports

Baron and Baroness: Tabards are done, and have been worn, invoice to
exchequer. Received an invitation to an event in St Gildas (Lochac).
Alexander has volunteered to be the Captain of Archers, seneschal to
contact. Received an email from Caid seneschal inquiring about
incorporation. Spoke with her about this on the phone.

The issue of incorporation was discussed at length. This has been
discussed on numerous occasions in the past. The general feeling of the
meeting was that if we did incorporate it would not be in conjunction with
any North Island group as we did not have any control or say over their
finances or affairs. Other SCA groups are welcome to incorporate
themselves if they wish to. There are few obvious benefits of incorporating
(and we are not experiencing any problems by not being incorporated
currently), and there are potential problems if we did (e.g. such as being
struck off for late financial reports etc). The process of investigating the
issue of incorporation is likely to be a lengthy one, since we need to be
sure we are completely clear on all the legal and financial ramifications.
The council does not wish to pursue this matter at this time. If any member
of the populace wishes us to do so, they can bring a proposal to council.

The library taskforce needs to meet for a lick and stick - Sunday 28th at
the Baronial open home. Big thanks to Lughaid for the donation to the
library of 6 Compleat Anachronists. Newsletters in the library that do not
contain significant content will be disposed of after a year. FTT, PR, CP
etc will be archived. Some folders will need to be replaced soon.

Seneschal: (Cristia) Contacted the Society Equestrian Marshal who said
that equestrian insurance was required at our events (if we wish to have
horses) and that the insurance does cover us. Since there is a cost
associated with this for every event, we would expect that anyone
interested in equestrian activities would put the time and commitment into
establishing the activities before the Barony would support the cost.
Having completed a first aid certificate, Cristia volunteers to be the
chirurgeon. This is accepted.

Marshal: (Tycho) Recommended Sigurd for Senior Marshal status, to do
so also for Eleonora and Callum. Two successful tournaments at Easter.
Located missing eric pieces.

Herald: (Lughaid) COH mins in (copies to RF), letter form Cristia in regard
to the eric standards and article on it to newsletters. Letter out to
Darchester re the mailing list for heralds. Quarterly report off, and request
for back issues of COH mins. Following up subs with Crescent. Not getting
much response.

Quartermaster: (Ethelind) Easter stuff not yet back. We need more
candles. Small bowls for serving are recommended and we may need
more boxes to hold stuff.

Exchequer: (Richard) No report this month (that's a paddling). B/S $623.19
FTT, $5078.52 gen. IRD sent a letter saying we have to file a tax return
and that we don't have a tax exemption certificate (but we do). Domesday
report in process. Should we invest say $2500? Exchequer to investigate

Constable: (Vitale) Report from Valerian in. Auction of lost property by
Valerian at Easter. Roster still has Gaius on it, will have that updated.

Chronicler: (Ulf) Still in Lochac. FTT will be out at the end of the week.

Chatelaine: (Heloise) Still trying to get hold of files from Teres. Has lots of
Welcome to Caid, and Nice Touches. Will give away the Welcome to Caid
to newcomers.

Reannag Fhara: (Aliena) Cristia reported for Aliena - First Feast coming
up, get your bookings in. Plans for 10th Anniversary under way.

A&S: (Chretienne) no report.

Lists: (Etienne) no report.

Captain of Archers: (vacant)

Event Reports

Easter: (Eleonora, Chretienne) Money has gone to the exchequer,
accounts to be presented next month. $1031 in, 40 people through, 26 for
the whole weekend - 156 person nights (budgeted 150), charged $3 a
night (not expected $4), expect a profit. Edward needs a cheque for the food.
3 people did not pay who attended on Monday. Thanks to all the people
who donated prizes. The event was fun. The candelabra were great (need
an extinguisher for them) but need to ensure they aren't left going at night.
Would be nice to have a regular Easter event - next year Club

Ball: (Del / Duncan) no report. No ad for FTT yet, Edward and Cristia to
follow up.

Yule: a dessert revel has been suggested, will follow up to get a confirmed

Collegium: Tycho was leaned on to steward this, possibly to approach
Sinech as well.

Canterbury Faire: (proposal) Eleonora and Cristia presented a proposal for
CF 2001. Journeys End. To run from Friday 2 Feb to Tuesday 6 Feb.
Including 3 tourneys, several archery tourneys / scenarios, one and a half
days of war, LPT, workshops, A&S classes, feast, ball, brunch and more.
Generally same features as last year, also looking at providing waste
services. Similar cost to last year, budget to be presented next meeting.

Proposal was accepted.

General Business


Meeting closed 9.45 pm.


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