TCompLHA component set V8.1

LHArc/LHA Archive Management for Delphi, C++ Builder & Kylix

What is TCompLHA?
What can it do?
Registration Information
New in V8.1
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Borland Technology Partner

What's New?

February 2005: TCompLHA v8.1 and TCompress v8.1 released, fixing a small bug affecting backwards-compatibility with password-protected archives.

Download it here.

December 2004: TCompLHA v8.0 and TCompress V8.0 released, incorporating added support for Delphi 8 and Delphi 2005, including .NET operation, and also significant enhancements to handle files and archives up to 8 exabytes in size (subject to OS capabilities). Files for all supported versions of Delphi, Kylix and C++ Builder are provided, including GNU public license support for CLX versions of the TCDBMemo and TCDBImage components.

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And don't forget: TWebCompress V2.0 our full-source freeware web compression component which uses TCompLHA.

Note: If you are looking for general purpose compression capabilities, including compression of database blobs, strings or data in memory, single files and stream-to-stream compression, see our TCompress component set.


TCompLHA helps you create and manage archives compatible with the popular freeware LHArc and LHA utilities (these archives can also be processed by the popular WinZip program if you have LHA). Simple one-step methods such as Scan, Compress, Expand, Delete and Verify make archive management very easy. In addition it includes the TSegLHA component which allows for the creation of segmented (e.g. multi-disk) archives.

Key properties such as ArchiveName, CompressionMethod, Confirm, and FilesToProcess provide easy control over how files are processed, including a fully customizable user interface.

TCompLHA comes with an extensive demonstration, source examples and comprehensive help and keyword files. Component source is optionally available for registered users.

Included in the TCompLHA set are:

* TCompLHA component -- LHArc/LHA multi-file archive manager component
* TSegLHA component -- Segmented archive and backup manager component
* TCompLHAStream component -- Full-source TStream derivative for automatic compression to/from any stream
* LHADEMO -- extensive full-source drag-and-drop archive manager demonstration
* SFX and MAKEEXE -- example projects for making self-extracting/self-installing archives
* SEGDEMO and ADDRESS -- full source applications showing how to create segmented archives, and how to add easy backup/restore functions to any database application

Key Features

  • Standard support for Delphi 6, 7, 8 and 2005, Kylix 3 and C++ Builder 6
  • Create and manage multi-file compressed archives
  • Simple one-step methods for most operations, including backup/restore
  • Read/write compatible with archives made with LHArc and LHA for Windows, DOS or Unix
  • Archives can also be processed by shell utilities such as WinZip
  • Read compatible with TCompress archives
  • Compress any stream (e.g. memory, database blobs) directly to/from archives
  • Wild card processing, encryption, self-extracting archives
  • Automatic stream compression with TCompLHAStream
  • Thread-safe compression for multi-threaded applications
  • Automatic creation of segmented archives (e.g. for disk-spanning)
  • Standard user interface provided, fully customizable
  • Built-in verify and "safe" modes -- ideal for Internet and communications applications
  • NATIVE compression -- no mucking about with DLLs, OCXes etc.
  • Full component source code available

TCompLHA can be used to easily compress or expand data in archives compatible with the DOS/UNIX LHArc and LHA utilities. Many other utilities, such as WinZip, can also be configured to process archives created by this component. (Note: LHArc/LHA cannot read or write archives or files over 2GB in size; TCompLHA does so by using with an extended header format only when required.)

The Confirm property allows you to turn on "standard" user interaction for archive processing operations -- the messages used can be readily customised by changing the ConfirmMessages property.

Most developers might only need to drop a TCompLHA component on a form, set a couple of properties and call its Scan, Compress or Expand methods in order to create and work with their own multi-file archives. Others might use the advanced handling provided by the OnCheckFile and OnAfterProcessed events to provide advanced user interface handling and file management.

Those requiring segmented archives or dedicated backup features in their applications might use the TSegLHA component instead.

Download TCompLHA

(800KB) (this link will do it)

Come back soon to find about about new TCompLHA developments.


TCompLHA Registration and License fee: $US79

Full source code of the CompLHA unit is also available for an additional $US59, and the SegLHA unit for $US59.

On registering, you will receive:

  • Your personal Registration Number, which will eliminate the reminder dialog
  • The latest version downloadable from this Web site
  • Rapid email assistance with any conundrums you encounter when using TCompLHA
  • Our thanks for supporting quality products for Delphi, C++ Builder and Kylix developers

We accept registration via Mastercard, Visa or bank draft/electronic transfer. You can register online using our secure server or our regular server. Alternatively, just print and fax or email the handy form in the Registration section of the CompLHA.hlp file.

New in TCompLHA V8.1

v8.1 has been released to fix a problem in v8.0 where an archive password, if used, was no longer backwards-compatible with TCompress v7.0 and earlier. Note: because it has been changed to conform to pre-v8.0 logic, v8.1 will not be able to unlock a password-protected archive created using v8.0.

New in V8.0:

  • Delphi 2005 support (.NET and Win32)
  • Delphi 8 support
  • Support for disk files and archives up to 8 exabytes in size, breaking the 2GB limit which prevailed in earlier versions (NB: the 2GB limit still applies if you work with TMemoryStream or its derivatives)
  • From this release, object files for Delphi 3-5, C++ Builder 2-5 and Kylix 1-2 are no longer provided, due to limitations in their internal TStream class implementations. If you need support for these earlier compilers, please to obtain a special TCompLHA v7.0 registration.

TCompLHA v8.1 is a FREE upgrade for Registered Users of TCompLHA v8.0 or later -- just download the new files and use your existing registration code.

Upgrade price for Registered Users of earlier versions: $US59

If you bought source units for these versions, the upgrade fee above includes a source upgrade for any units you own.

For proof of registration, please supply your existing RegName and RegNumber. For proof of source code ownership, please supply the first four source lines of each unit you own.

Special crossgrade price for registered users of TCompress: $US59

To order your upgrade or to take advantage of these special offers, use our online registration form (above) or simply print and fax or email the handy form in the Registration section of the CompLHA.hlp file.

News and Reviews: What others have said about our compression products

"...we were extremely impressed with TCompLHA's performance -- even on files that are considered difficult to compress, such as EXE files... we would highly recommend it to anyone who requires a highly efficient and cost effective data compression solution for your programs."
Extract from the TCompress and TCompLHA review by The Think Tank.

"I found both sets of components to be very easy to use and would recommend them to anyone who needs this functionality."
Extract from the TCompress and TCompLHA review at

"'TCompLHA is a very intuitive tool, and incredibly simple to use. And the online help file is excellent. As a developer, I need tools that work as I expect them to, with intelligent defaults, and don't take hours to figure out. TCompLHA just drops into the program and painlessly does its job."
Al Brouillette ()

"First let me thank you for one of the most well crafted shareware Delphi components I have seen. I greatly appreciate those who have gone the extra step to turn a "program" into a "product....."
Integral Scientific Software, USA.

"It works absolutely great, even beyond my expectations. Please place me on your notification list for any enhancements to your compression components. You have a very pleased customer, and a superb product here -- the world needs to know about it."
Dave Culbertson, Custom Computers Inc ()

"This is good. This is very good . One very happy camper!"
Adam M. Commander, maker of ()

"I was, and am still, impressed with the level of service you provided. You went out of your way, even before we bought the product, to work with me (by sending code, examples, etc)... and I really appreciate it! Your level of service is extraordinary. I wish that all of the people we dealt with were as accomodating as you."
Tom Bowden ()

"I must tell you that without your component our backup feature would simply not have been done in time."
Frank Conradie ()

"Classy stuff! Well-designed, intuitive. I was able to use it without a glance at any help or instructions."
Lou Garner ()

"Thank you for an exceptional component."
Graham Colwell ()

"BTW, thanks for a GREAT component! It seems to find its way into almost everything I do, (hence the need to purchase another license for my day job)."
David M Trump ()

"I was silly enough to try and rescue my schedule by picking up your compression component last week, and guess what... IT WORKED WONDERFULLY!
"Thank you, I absolutely love your component, it saved me a ton of time and helped me get that app out on time."
Phillip D. Clark ()

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