TWebCompress Component V2.0

Site Management Component for Delphi/C++Builder/Kylix and WebHub

What is TWebCompress?
What can it do?
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What's New?

TWebCompress V2.0 released. Here's what's new:

  • TWebCompress itself has been rewritten to be a generic Delphi component, i.e. can be used for remote site/compression management in any Web site application, not just WebHub ones.
  • TWHCompress has been created as a WebHub-specific version of TWebCompress -- in effect, it carries on the original TWebCompress specification, together with the WCPANEL drop-in panel for WebHub
  • Source code of a WebDeploy application has been provided. It turns TWebCompress 2.0 into a standalone application on the Web server for managing compression/archive deploying tasks for multiple independent sites. A compiled version of WebDeploy now forms part of the SPIS WebQueue suite.
  • A new UserSignal property and event hook have been added to allow for developer-defined remote signalling. In the WebDeploy application, this has been implemented as a way to have the server run a defined application on the EXE under remote control (use with care!)
  • A "refresh" signal has also been defined, which forces TWebCompress to re-read its INI file -- handy if you've just uploaded a new copy containing support for additional sites.

Download v2.0 from right here.


TWebCompress is a full-source Webaction component designed for the WebHub Web site application development framework for Delphi.

Using TWebCompress, you can automate the deploying of uploaded archives of changes to one or more Web sites managed by your Web application. It can also be used to "gather" (compress) one or more files into an archive, ready for FTP downloading.

During these processes, event hooks are provided for suspend/refresh requirements -- such as closing tables or other files which might be updated or gathered by TWebCompress.

In effect, TWebCompress (and it's optional offline companion, SPIS WebQueue) provides a simple but efficient and controlled way of maintaining remote Web sites -- whether you do it yourself, or set it up for your Web site hosting clients to use.

TWebCompress comes with a fully-developed user interface in the form of a WebDeploy sample application (and a WebHub "drop in" panel as well), and also full source code and extensive documentation of its major features and properties.

TWebCompress itself may be freely downloaded for your own testing requirements. However, operational use requires a registered version of our TCompLHA component (a shareware version of TCompLHA can be used for development and testing).

Key Features

  • Supports multiple sites, both WebHub and non-WebHub
  • Can be remotely controlled via FTP using "signal" and report files (our SPIS WebQueue application makes use of this feature) or via HTML if you are using the WebHub version
  • Optional automatic renaming of EXE/DLL/OCX files on upload so that they don't clash with running versions of the same applications
  • Each uploaded archive is fully verified for safe expansion (i.e. no transmission errors, no file access problems) BEFORE any files are overwritten. Vital for maintaining site integrity!
  • Fully configurable (by site) for location of uploads, signal/report files, "gather" archive, encryption passwords etc. This configuration can be changed from HTML (optionally), from FTP control files, or via the panel user interface
  • The Gather function can be completely data-driven (e.g. from your Web application or an offline application like SPIS WebQueue) if desired. Thus it can be used to build ad-hoc LHA/WinZip-compatible archives of particular files or sets of files
  • Security is implemented at a per-site level, so that each site is permitted to access its (and only its) directory tree
  • Key-based encryption of archives going in either direction is supported
  • Event hooks are provided for detailed control or monitoring of operations by your application
  • Full source provided -- and it's free!

Download a copy now -- and be sure to check out SPIS WebQueue as well!


The full source and documentation of TWebCompress (and its WebDeploy sample application and WCPANEL drop-in WebHub panel) are provided in the download files. You are free to use and adapt this provided:

  • It is not on-sold in source, DLL or object form to other developers without explicit permission from SPIS Ltd.
  • It is only deployed for operational use with a registered version of our TCompLHA component.
  • If you choose to use our SPIS WebQueue application for off-site operations (e.g. providing it to your clients), you or your client(s) register each copy of WebQueue which is used for such purposes.

Download TWebCompress Today!

Here are the download links. Those on the left are HTTP, those on the right are FTP -- take your choice.

HTTP FTP Description
TWebCompress (40K) TWebCompress Component source, drop-in panel and documentation
TCompLHA Shareware version of our LHA-compatible compression component -- required
SPIS WebQueue (530K) SPIS WebQueue Offline site management utility -- highly recommended

We Highly Recommend:

Webhub Site Automation Components.Webhub Site Automation Components. If you're making interactive or database-driven sites, look no further. Webhub has unmatched power, performance and scalability in the site development world.

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