The Modern Middle Ages in NZ

All over the world, people with interests in a wide variety of historical eras are finding that actively participating in re-creations and re-enactments of events and activities from those eras can be both entertaining and educational. In New Zealand, the most common focus for such activities is probably the Middle Ages.

Most parts of New Zealand are home to one or more mediaevalist groups. Some groups concentrate on a narrow time range or specific activities, others have a very broad scope indeed. If you're interested in some aspect of the Middle Ages (or the Dark Ages or early Renaissance), check out the groups listed here.

Do note that the list is probably incomplete -- I'm sure that there exist a number of groups for which I have no information at all, and I always welcome any extra information that you can provide. This page was last updated on 14 September 2001.

, known to some as Edward Long-hair or Edward No-shoes.



Group Location Scope
NAAMA 2001 Major inter-group event NZ mediaevalism
Medievalist Electronic mailing list NZ mediaevalism
The Auckland Sword and Shield Society Auckland 9th-15th century Europe
The Batavians Auckland 50 BC-AD 400
The Cymry Auckland 500 BC - AD 50
Company of the Sacred Sword Napier  
The Darkhaven Sword and Shield Society Wairoa 9th-15th century
Knights Draconis Auckland 1
Medius Auvum Comitatus Auckland 1
Nelson Mediaeval Guild Nelson AD
The Norsemen Auckland  
Order of the Boar Upper Hutt c. 1
Order of the Eagle Auckland c. 1
Otago Medieval Society Inc. Dunedin England "around the time of the Norman Conquest"
The Phoenix Company Palmerston North, Wellington, Taranaki Officially 1
The Red Ravens Palmerston North, Dannevirke  
Second Legion Augustus Auckland 2nd-6th century Rome
Sixth Cohort Praetorian Guard Auckland AD 1-100
Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) Full branches in Christchurch (+ Uni of Canterbury), Auckland; members in Wellington, Palmerston North and Hamilton In theory, "pre-seventeenth century Western civilisation", in practice broader
Taranaki Mediaeval Society New Plymouth AD 1
Waikato Norse Hamilton 1500 BC - AD 1200
The Wandering Mercenaries Auckland AD 0-1700
Wellington Mediaeval Guild Wellington AD
The Wellington Sword and Shield Society (Company of the Dragon) Wellington AD 1
The Whangarei Sword and Shield Society Whangarei 9th-15th century
Historical Times   No longer active (June '01)
Kapiti Medieval Society   No longer active (June '01)
Order of the Black Rose   No longer active as a group (June '01)
Rapturia Tauranga Mix of fantasy and mediaeval

The following site may also be useful:

Group locations in NZ



This is an electronic mailing list for New Zealand mediaevalists. It unfortunately has fairly sparse traffic. Most posters have been from SCA groups and traffic tends to be SCA-related, but it is intended to be for all NZ mediaeval interest groups. To subscribe, send email to with a blank Subject: line and a one-line message SUBSCRIBE MEDIEVALIST


Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA)

The SCA is possibly the world's largest mediaevalist organisation. There are somewhere around 25,000 paid-up members of the SCA Inc. and many others who consider themselves members of the Society but do not support the central body financially. There are hundreds of individual branches world-wide, grouped into 16 kingdoms.

The Society's stated time and place of interest are extremely broad -- "pre-seventeenth century Western civilisation" -- and in practice even broader. Its members' interests cover the gamut of mediaeval activities. Fighting in armour with weapons made of rattan, somewhat analogous to mediaeval tournament combat, is a central activity. A Usenet newsgroup is devoted to the group.

Participation in SCA events is open to anyone prepared to wear a "reasonable attempt" at clothing from within its timespan and to behave politely. It does not enforce any required standard of authenticity -- this may be seen as a good thing or a bad thing...

The New Zealand SCA is part of the Kingdom of Caid, and there are three full branches here with unofficial "households" in a couple of other locations.

New Zealand Branches


Barony of Southron Gaard

Southron Gaard was the first SCA branch in New Zealand. Founded in Christchurch in 1983, as the Shire of Southron Gaard, it theoretically covered the entire country. In 1996 the branch was raised to the status of Barony; at the same time it relinquished its North Island territory due to the establishment of groups there.

It is still the largest New Zealand SCA group, and hosts the annual Canterbury Fair, a four-day camping event held on the nearest weekend to Waitangi Day (Feb 6) which attracts over 100 mediaevalists from around the country and overseas.

Contacts: Seneschal, Peter Grooby (Sir Vitale Michael Giustiniani),
Chateleine, Miriam Bugler (Lady Heloise de Mont St Michel) ,

Data correct as of Jun '01.


Shire of Ildhafn

The name Ildhafn is from early Danish ild = fire/firey and hafn = harbour -- an appropriate name for a branch in Auckland. The group was first established in 1994, and became a full Shire in 1996.

Contacts: Seneschal, Martin Forest (Lord Asbjorn Pedersen Marsvin), or
Chatelaine, Bridget Johnson (Lady Rosalind d'Alban), ,

Data correct as of Jun '01.


Reannag Fhara was originally founded by students at the University of Canterbury in 1990 as an alternative to the then Shire of Southron Gaard. It now works closely with the barony, hosting a wide variety of events under its own name.

Contacts: Seneschal, Jenny McSaveney (Aliena de Savigny), ,

Data correct as of Jun '01.


A someday-to-be-incipient shire has formed in Wellington and is actively engaged in combat and workshop activities. Activities are held and attended with other groups in the region.

Contact: Steward, Theresa Donnelly (Teresa the Traveller),

Data correct as of Jun '01.

Household of the Windy Plains

A small presence exists in Palmerston North, where a warm bed and a warm smile await all medieval travelers.

Contact: Cynthia Cooper (Lady Cynethryth the Dutiful), (home) (work),

Household of Melita

There are also a number of members in the Hamilton region.

Contact: Shane Hill (Heylin Leir), , .


Wellington Mediaeval Guild

The Wellington Mediaeval Guild is a relatively small group (20-30 members) based in Wellington, New Zealand. We are interested in the time from AD. As a group we dance, do displays, hold feasts, put on plays and practice fighting techniques. Individual members are interested in activities such as costuming, sword and armour construction, embroidery, calligraphy, heraldry, weaving and dyeing, music, singing, cooking -- in fact, almost any aspect of life in the middle ages.
We have adopted a merchant guild "image" with a chancellor to lead the group and a sherrif to keep track of the monies. There is a system for recognising the skills of members, including "apprenticeships" for arts and crafts and a graded combat structure. We hold a two-hour dance practice each Sunday at the Aro Valley Community Centre, 48 Aro Street, followed by a combat practice of similar length. Combat is with steel swords.

Chancellor: Adam Fairhall

Correct as at Mar '01.


Nelson Mediaeval Guild

An affiliate of the Wellington Mediaeval Guild, the Nelson Guild at present focusses on dance, costume and feasting and any other craft/art activities that members are interested in. There is a strong emphasis on authenticity in all activities.

Meetings are held regularly - contact Kate or Mike for details.

Contact: Kate Olsen and Mike Hurst, ,

Details correct Jun '01.


Otago Medieval Society Inc.

We're a re-enactment society based in 11th century England. The official line is "around the time of the Norman Conquest", but some of us stretch it to include the reigns of Aethelred through to William II. Our members can pursue careers as Normans, Vikings or Saxons, and we are able to represent a cross section of different social classes from the time, both pre and post-Conquest from the lowest peasant to the minor nobility.
We endeavour to portray this time as accurately as possible in the clothing, weapons and equipment we make or purchase, including footwear and authentic jewellery. What we cannot make ourselves, we are able to acquire through groups we are loosely associated with overseas.
We also perform combat demonstrations with steel weapons of the period and train weekly to maintain skill levels (and also because running through the woods in medieval kit waving swords and so forth is fun!) and civilian craft activities are explored as well.

Contact:Andrew Smith,
Warren McBurney,

Data correct as at Jun '01.


Legio II Augusta

An Auckland group which recreates Roman military and civilian life between the 2nd and 6th centuries.

Contact: Rob Bowden, ,

Data believed current as of Dec '99.


Arms The Wellington Sword and Shield Society

The Wellington Sword and Shield Society Inc. (also referred to as the Company of the Dragon) is a steel weapons combat group based on an infantry/mercenary group that could have existed between 1200 and 1400 AD. Our fighting style, costume and armour are as historically accurate as possible, utilising all the latest available liturature. This is assessed through a standardised grading system to ensure safety and standard of presentation. Our club is currently undergoing many changes to bring us from a sword fighting club to a medieval re-enactment group.

We frequently do displays for the public at various events in the Wellington region sometimes in association with other medieval clubs in Wellington. We also do displays for private functions for a donation and support local schools and community groups.

Training is from 1:00 pm every Sunday at the Wellington Scottish Athletics Asssociation Hall, Prince of Wales Park (near Massey Uni, Wellington.) Banquets and battles as advised.

Contact: Club captain, Wayne Phillips ,

Details supplied June '01


The Auckland Sword and Shield Society Inc.

The Auckland Sword & Shield Society is a legally incorporated society whose members study medieval European weapons training.  The training follows a structured syllabus which covers armed, unarmed & missile combat, from the 9th - 15th Century AD.
In addition, the society's members construct authentic costumes, weapons & armour of the period.

Training is held at the Meola Road Scout Hall, Westmere:
Sundays: Seniors 10:00-12:30; Beginners 12.30-15:00
Wednesdays: Both 19:30-21:30

Contacts: ; Joram van Essen (President) Phone: ; Steve Hodgson (Chief Instructor) Phone:

Data current August 1997.


The Darkhaven Sword and Shield Society (Wairoa)

Formed in 1996. No further data.


The Whangarei Sword and Shield Society

Also known as the Northern Horde. About 25-30 members.

Contact: Dougal List,

Data current August 1998.


Knights Draconis

The Knights Draconis are primarily a display group with a heavy emphasis on knightly virtues, honor, and so on. They cover a period ranging from 1, and believe they are probably the most uniformed group in the country, with 75% of their 20 or so members wearing matching tabards.

They are a fun club whose members learn to entertain crowds (varying in age groups as well), and die extremely well and with conviction. They do not train people how to fight; consequently a lot of their members are current or past members of other clubs.

Training takes place at Meola Road Scout Hall shortly after the departure of the Auckland Sword and Shield group.

Contact: Eamon Zinc,

Information supplied May '98.



Based in Palmerston North, with associates in Wellington and , the Phoenix Company is a display-based group. One of the Company's major aims is to heighten the public awareness of history though public displays.

The official time period for Phoenix club re-enactment troop is 1, however because of the interest shown by the members we allow costumes from other time periods. For example, there are few people interested in the Viking era (c. 900) and also full plate era (c. 1500). The only real requirement is that equipment from different time periods is not mixed.

Contact: Andrew Hartnell, , 59 Kettle Ave, Palmerston North

Information correct as at Jun '99.


The Order of the Boar

We are an Upper Hutt based specialist medieval re-enactment group that practises and promotes mounted skill-at-arms and jousting as a modern equestrian activity. We display these to the public - often as part of an overall medieval style tournament.
Another aspect of our group is a "living history" whereby we portray a 14th century lance on campaign as a historical display for educational purposes.

Activities include:

Contact: Callum Forbes, , Box 39 Kaitoke, Upper Hut

Information correct as at Dec '99.


The Order of the Eagle

The Order of the Eagle (also known as the Knight Order of Greater Auckland) specialises in providing trained personnel to work alongside horses. It places a strong emphasis on historical accuracy and covers the period 1325 - 1375.

Contact: Michael Smith, , 5/60a Lynden Avenue, Hillcrest, Auckland,
Alex Hammond,

Information correct as at Apr '98.


The Red Ravens

Palmerston North/Dannevirke.

Contact: Darryl Thomas (Captain)
Christine Stead (Secretary) ,

Information correct as at Feb '99.


The Norsemen

The Auckland Norsemen are Viking age re-enactors. We go beyond the just weapons, armour and fighting. We care deeply about celebrating the culture of the Norsemen. This extends to poetry, music, fighting, culinary experiences - Surstromming Horseflesh etc, the Sagas, Law, Religion, clothing and general pillaging.
We still put on great feasts ... we are also active militarily, organising and participating in "Battledays" approximately ever second Sunday. We are associated with the Waikato Norse and are firmly allied with The Cymry. Our period is around AD, however this is not a firm and fixed interval as yet.

Contact: Mike Gallagher, ,

Info current Jun 99.


The Cymry

Our focus is 500 BC - AD 50; 50% weapon-based fighting training and 50% social living history events, feasting etc.

Contact: Francis Kraay, Master at Arms,

Information supplied April '98.


Waikato Norse

Generally Norse, but then again.. anything goes...

Contact: 19 Fifth Ave, Hamilton, ,

Information correct June 2001.


Company of the Sacred Sword

Napier group, fights with steel weapons by NAAMA rules, and does combat archery with blunts. Practice day is Sunday 1pm to 5 or 6pm; includes axe, spear throwing, archery and a few breaks. Charges are $2 a lesson and a fee of $15 a year. The group does displays all around Hawkes Bay and participates in parades and special events.

Contact: Michael Webb,

Contact phone correct as of Dec '99.


Sixth Cohort Praetorian Guard

We are a small group recreating the life and equipment of the elite guards of the Roman Princeps, with an emphasis on the first century AD. Although we engage in weapons training and combat, our primary goal is to fully recreate the equipment and life of the Roman soldier both at war and at home, and to perform living history displays for the public and schools.

The Guard has regular training sessions every weekend, which include weapon training, drill in Latin and kit construction. We also study Roman history, especially that of the Guard. The Sixth Cohort was chosen because a number of carvings depict both this unit and the Third, making recreation of Guard symbology that much easier.

Contact: David Harrop (Gaius Flavius) ,

Details correct as of Aug '00.


Taranaki Mediaeval Society

The Taranaki Mediaeval Society aims to recreate the history of the mediaeval period and to promote a greater awareness of that period in the community through displays and a high degree of authenticity in the techniques, equipment, and costume used by its members.

While combat currently takes up a majority of the training time, the TMS also involves itself with archery, feasting, period dance, linguistics and siege engineering, among other things, and looks forward to spending more time on these when there is greater interest.

The TMS meets on Wednesday nights, 6:30-8:30 pm at the Merrilands Domain Hall in New Plymouth.

Contact: Confanonier, Greg Sole, (after hours),

Details supplied May 2001.


The Wandering Mercenaries

The Mercenaries are a heavy infantry group focusing primarily on fighting in the dark ages period.

Contact: Paul Budvietas, , .

Details supplied April 2001.


The Batavians are Germanic Auxiliaries to the Roman armies of the Rhine and Briton.

Contact: Damon Lewis, , .

Details supplied October 2000.


Medius Auvum Comitatus is a military living history club re-enacting a communal army in Flanders between the years 1250 to 1302. It is focussed on the rich middle classes that controlled the towns and cities of Flanders, and how they protected themselves against the Count of Flanders and the French monarch. We're a club that strives for historical accuracy in both costume and fighting style.

Contact: Colin McKinstry, , .

Details supplied Jun '01.


Kingdom of Rapturia

A Tauranga-based group founded in 1996, primarily a fantasy society but with a growing core of medievalists as well and a number of SCA-authorised light and heavy fighters. It is the acting/roleplaying/re-enacting arm of the Medfest Society (a purely administrative body), which was set up to organise and run Medieval Days in and about Tauranga. The society itself was undergoing a bit of a reorganisation at the time of writing.


Info supplied by Roel van Leeuwen (Skali Vidfari), Medfest Society secretary, Apr '98.


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