Things you might like to know
First, some basic definitions:
- Killing As Organised Sport, a University of Canterbury social club supposedly dedicated to running around campus shooting each other with water pistols, but really an excuse to gather weirdoes together and party!
- KAOS Agent
- A paid-up member who runs around shooting people with water pistols
- KAOS Associate
- Someone who's not a paid-up member but comes to parties anyway
- Society for Creative Anachronism, an international mediaeval re-enactment group. Sort of an LRP set in the historical middle ages (rather than a fantasy world) with more of the L and less of the RP
- Event
- An SCA feast, tournament, encampment or whatever where you wear garb and go by your persona name
- Garb
- Mediaeval clothing/costume. Not fantasy, no vampires, elves or orcs please. Garb is required for events but not for practices, workshops or meetings
- Persona
- Your SCA name, and any "character' you invent to go with it. You may not give yourself a title, as these are reserved for those who have been given SCA awards
- Awards
- Pats on the back from the King and Queen to say that you have done well, shown great skill, or know the right people...
- King and Queen
- Heads of our Kingdom, chosen every six months by tournament
- Caid (Kingdom of)
- The SCA is divided into sixteen Kingdoms. Our Kingdom is Caid (though some of us would like to change that), which also includes southern California, Las Vegas and Hawaii
- Southron Gaard (Barony of)
- SCA group covering New Zealand south of Cook Strait. Part of the Kingdom of Caid
- College (of Reanng Fhara)
- An SCA sub-group based at the University of Canterbury
- Baron & Baroness (B&B)
- The King and Queen's appointed representatives in the Barony. Ceremonial heads of the group; they get to hold court
- Court
- Part of an event where the B&B conduct business, announcements are made and awards given. Usualy held at the beginning and end of a camping event, or before a feast
- Camping event
- Total-immersion SCA. Living as medievally as we can for as long as we can
- Feast
- Event where the major activity involves food. And very fine food it is. Don't eat to much of anything because the food just keeps coming and coming and coming. You'll need to bring your own feast gear
- Feast gear
- Eating equipment. Usually a plate, bowl, goblet and cutlery. You'll need to bring these to almost any event involving food