15th Annual NZ Skeptics Conference 2000...or should that be 6004?
August 25-27

Archway Theatre 3, Otago University, Dunedin

Send in your registration form now!

Creationism -- a battle for the mind in our schools

Ian Plimer will be over from Australia to update us on his activities there, and we look forward to a thought-provoking discussion on how New Zealand compares to Kansas in the treatment of creationism in our science classrooms!

Along with this will be all the usual interesting, unusual and mind-boggling presentations we have come to expect from the Skeptics conference each year -- UFOs, popular delusions, mob psychology and more....

Keep an eye on this site, or the NZ Skeptic for further details, and book your flights now!

Conference Convenor

Warwick Don

27 Scarba St., Roslyn, Dunedin


University College will provide comfortable accommodation close to the conference venue. Bookings for accommodation must be in by August 1st.
Send in your registration form now!

General Programme

Opening registration: Friday 25 7:00pm-9:00pm
The Jazz Gallery, University of Otago Staff Club
Social gathering with entertainment featuring Dr David Marks

Conference Sessions: Archway Theatre 3, Otago University


Saturday's sessions will have the theme of Evolution, Creationism and Education. What does the evidence say? What do our teachers tell our children? What's the fuss about it all anyway.
Speakers include Dr Ian Plimer, Professor of Earth Sciences of the University of Melbourne; Barbara Benson, Head of Science at the Dunedin College of Education; Dr Bill Peddie, a science teacher from Mangere College.


Sunday's sessions have the theme Why Do People Believe Such Wierd Things? Speakers include writer Robert Pollock on the meaning of urban myths, retired DSIR physicist Bill Ireland on the Kaikoura UFOs, psychiatrist Dr Richard Mullen on popular delusions and NZSCICOP founder member Dr David Marks on exceptional experiences.

Send in your registration form now!