Welcome to SPIS Webview!

An offline Web Page Browser for
Windows, Win95/98/ME, WinNT

Last Updated: December 2000

Webview V4.0 was released in October 1998. See below for new features.


Related SPIS Information


What is SPIS Webview?

SPIS Webview is an offline web page browser. That means you can use it any time you like, on any computer you like without having a connection to the Internet!

Here are four excellent reasons to use Webview:

  1. It's small -- just on 900K -- so Webview plus pages can all fit on a single floppy disk!
  2. It's highly versatile -- including features like text searching, scripting, in-built editor, page compression and a self-extracting compressed version.
  3. It's capable. Currently, Webview supports most of the HTML 3.2 specifications, including frames, and many of the more popular HTML 3.0 features, as well as having some useful extensions for Windows, such as being able to play Windows sound files directly, or run external programs. For a full rundown of its HTML support, see support.htm in the downloaded zip file.
  4. It's adaptable. In addition to using Webview's standard and optional features, you can have SPIS Ltd make you personalised, custom versions of Webview for purposes such as:

We encourage you to try SPIS Webview out by downloading a copy, looking at the sample pages that come with it and, of course, at your own favourite web pages.

Download a copy.
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What can Webview do?

Basically, you can expect Webview to display anything another web browser could do when offline, plus a few useful additions of its own. Here's a quick smorgasbord:

Tables (like this one) -- including tables within tables like the form at right. Forms -- like this one:
Font variations like colors, sizes,effects and typefaces, including fancy fonts:ρΈ(6

(what you see right now depends on your current browser)

Display of embedded images and backgrounds
Also supports client side image maps.
Special extensions such as display of Windows BMP images, playing of WAV files and directly executing Windows programs.

Download a copy.
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Custom Extensions to Webview

SPIS Ltd are very happy to assist you with custom versions of Webview. Customisation might include:

With any customisation options, we're happy to negotiate terms which allow you to redistribute your special version of Webview (see the registration information).

Download a copy.
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Registration and Licensing Information

New Zealand residents: please add 12.5% GST to all prices given here

Registration entitles you to:

Single-user registration for the standard version of SPIS Webview is only $NZ20 (about $US9). We have generous quantity discounts for multiple licenses, and special prices for a "runtime only" version (no File|Open) -- very useful for those considering Webview to support their own presentations and Web site demonstrations...

To place an order, download your own version, run it and fill out the form on the Webview home page which it automatically loads. This will create a file called "ORDER.TXT" on your disk. If placing a credit card order, you can print and fax that file to or email it to . If paying by cheque, print and mail the file, with payment enclosed, to:

Pricing information:

Note: the above "Options" prices are for one copy of Webview. If you want quantity pricing for the options, pleased and specify the numbers you'll be needing.

Download a copy.
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What's New in V4.0

Additions in earlier versions: