Everyone has different needs, different ideas and different approaches to their online requirements. We understand that and enjoy learning how to best meet your needs to produce a site that does what you want it to do.
Here's a selection of our diverse Web-based client list who have used our skills and services to meet their needs for sites which are responsive and reliable:
came to SPIS for a re-design of their old Web site to give it a clean, professional look. Although the two companies are based in separate cities, quick, responsive communications ensured the job went smoothly without the need for a physical meeting.
A quality result with quick response to questions and issues - very pleased with the outcome
Brent Devlin, Commercial Manager
Canterbury Software Inc.
As a co-founder of the Canterbury Software Cluster, SPIS was pleased to develop a clean, efficient communication-oriented Web site that brings together the region's most innovative software companies, with an searchable members' directory database, email forum and events calendar.
Robert Foyle Books
Robert Foyle Books has a database of over a million UK titles in print, with full ecommerce transaction processing and 100% automated communications with the shipping warehouse. Hosted on our US server, selling UK books worldwide, created and managed right here in New Zealand!
(OOS/RSI software by Niche Software Ltd)
This automated site handles promotion, distribution, support and order processing for software in a range of countries, with fully automated support for multilingual presentation and affiliate recognition and tracking. In May 2003, our contribution to the export success of Niche Software was recognised with a Certificate of Appreciation from Trade New Zealand as part of Niche's Export Award.
We operate SciTechDaily as part of a Caltech-based multimedia science discourse initiative, supported by our own automation designed to allow the editorial people to concentrate on finding the best science and technology stories on the Web. It was listed as one of the top five Science Websites in the world in the Sixth Annual Webby Awards, as judged by the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences.
Edward Tufte is using your web site (SciTechDaily.com) as an example of a great web site in his lectures....You are truly doing a great job!
Anton Skorucak, President & CEO of Science IQ
Tufte is a Professor Emeritus at Yale, famous as the author of The Visual Display of Quantitative Information and a guru on information and interface design.
Arts & Letters Daily
Business Daily Review
Canterbury Software
Fendalton House
Ilam Homestead
Livingstone Real Estate
Louella Foyle
Margaret Elliot
NZ Skeptics
Robert Foyle Books
Royal Society Canterbury
SciTech Daily
The Golf Guide
Windpower Monthly
Environment Canterbury
Te Papa (Museum of New Zealand)
Ministry for the Environment
Knight Ridder
New York Times
British Army
Kodak Eastman
Bank of Montreal
SPIS undertakes sophisticated software development, primarily in the Delphi environment, for clients needing smart solutions to tricky technical issues.
For the past ten years, SPIS software has helped underpin the wholesale operations of Foodstuffs (South Island) Ltd, a billion-dollar-plus part of the country's largest grocery distributor supplying the likes of New World, Four Square and Pak'N Save. This has seen the development of a sophisticated series of Delphi-based systems to handle Web and database systems supporting communications and ordering processes between Foodstuffs and suppliers.
We have worked with SPIS since the early 1990s. Throughout our relationship, SPIS have consistently demonstrated their ability to understand our business and translate user requirements into responsive systems "on time and on budget". SPIS are particularly skilled at eliciting user requirements.
Philip Smith, Development Manager - Retail Systems, Foodstuffs (South Island) Ltd
SPIS software is used to manage the translation and editing process which provides business reports to leading multinationals in Japan, with SPIS co-ordinating on-going software development and editing services in New Zealand, Japan, the UK and the Netherlands. The Tokyo offices of Vodafone, Merrill Lynch, Bridgestone, JP Morgan and others get vital business information in a timely fashion through the smart software we have developed and the editing services we provide daily.
And we have thousands and thousands of customers using our packaged software and development components all around the world, from individuals and developers through to major technology leaders and organisations such as IBM, Nokia, US and British Armies, Lockheed Martin, Credit Lyonnais Bank, Bank of Montreal, American Scandia, Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, Honda Austria, Amex...